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Everything posted by FarNorthernD

  1. Yes it’s an absolute ripper. https://www.afl.com.au/news/679286/the-gawn-interview-we-had-selfish-tendencies-what-jim-stynes-said-about-max
  2. That’s the best ever!
  3. A female deer
  4. I’m starting to care which is annoying
  5. Yes that would be the cherry on the 83 point prelim final cake
  6. Jeepers! “The hard conversations that followed as he contemplated what life might be like at another club late last season led to him buying in totally to the selfless approach Goodwin knew was essential for team success.”
  7. My two favourite lines from Titus’s Knee Jerk Reaction Max Gawn looks like a Viking, and he treated Geelong like it was a small medieval monastery on the coast of England. This pressure showed when Joe Selwood complained about a fifty-metre penalty given against him, which was like watching an arsonist complaining that they got burnt. https://www.titusoreily.com/afl/the-monday-knee-jerk-reaction-preliminary-finals2021
  8. I actually have more trust in Brown than Weideman to perform a role but still would like Sam to get a contract with us next year
  9. Check you dm sd
  10. Huge fun fact Dazzle, great get.
  11. Oh crap, you can see where this is heading. At half time in the GF Max is going to to find out that Daisy has been abducted in Footscray and that Bevo is his father
  12. Also Cats are paying Cameron $900,000 a year. I don’t know how much we are paying Big Ben but I doubt it is anywhere near that
  13. I totally agree with you re Jordan, I thought he was good in the limited time he was on. However those ranking points also had Petty as the 38th best player on the ground which is just plain silly.
  14. 12.40am and 94 people still on here!
  15. Lid’s off
  16. It’s pretty simple Melbourne receives: Cerra Freo receives: Our rolled gold assurance not to come back and raid their cupboard again during our next 5 powerhouse years
  17. Vintage Titus https://www.titusoreily.com/afl/carlton-announces-winner-of-the-voice-will-coach-club
  18. To be fair even the experts at the Club were happy for both TMc and ANB to go this time last year.
  19. Happy to share with with Timothy. Can meet up Rnd 1 at the G for the flag unfurling if that suits? edit: so that doesn’t sound quite right. I was trying to say that we are going to win the grand final
  20. Never seen a Valvoline tat WCW but each to their own. What’s the prize?
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