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Everything posted by binman

  1. We should give up our entire leadership group
  2. yes that exactly what i thought. in fact i reckon that was the most telling part of Dean's press conference (along with the fact he chose to do it by himself - funny not to see him in a bright red polo shirt).
  3. Spot on, was going to post something very similar but didn't have the energy. Was just saying the other day to a mate that we don't have any A graders in that crucial age bracket 24-27. In fact we don't have one, full stop - Frawley perhsp but just, maybe Jamar?. When was the last time we did? Perhaps as far back as Lyon before he went bung, perhaps Viney also? We are not likely to be able to draft any and yes we just have to be patient. We also have to help like hell that are youngsters do develop into real a graders. If they don't we're in trouble. There's no gaurentees. Morton was talked about early as top liner but looks along way off A grade atm. However i would like to see us go after a big forward as i reckon we need one for the next couple of years while we wait for Cook, Watts etc to fill out. We need one to help our structure i reckon. On sunday too many high balls to just inside 50. I'm sorry to say, having been a fan, Bate should have played his last game for the dees on the w/e. To slow, not big enough. Sorry Bater The margins against top sides? Yep a worry, but i reckon the sub rule really disadvatages the younger sides and conversely is a big advantage to the older more mature bodied sides, partic. late in quarters and games. Haven't seen any stats but i reckon all Melbourne's real peers (north, rich, essendon, - sad to say but Gold Coast, in terms of their age anyway) all have been touched up by the top sides
  4. I think his knee issue is a really intersting one. I agree, surely GWS would baulk at a long term contract for a fellow with a potentialy chronic injury, the same one apparently that Cooney is struggling with (and that has really curtailed his running in particular) and has said he will just have to "manage" for the rest of his career. As a mid this would be a schocker for Skull to carry
  5. Is it time for a Demonland poll? ie will skull go or stay? might end this thread finally. Thoughts? (a poll on a poll?)
  6. I can't begin to say what trashy journalism both the Sheean and Clark artilces were (Herald Sun can reveal... - oh come on), i mean journalism is pretty weak in footy these days but surely things couldn't be this bad? Could they? Yes unfortunately. Check this link (from the online HUN Sheean article about sculls to GWS mind you). Same article more or less but on Foxtel, but check the headline! But of more interest is the video grab. Hilarious how the drivel in the article is stated as complete and utter fact by the news reader, without there being a shred of evidence. Crazy how the media is feeding of itself these days with the constant 24/7 need for content - now matter how spurious - and how if rubbish is repeated more than once it becomes media fact. Just shocking journalism. Anyway view and weep: http://www.foxsports.com.au/afl/afl-premiership/melbourne-demons-should-concede-the-race-for-tom-scully-because-hes-off-to-greater-western-sydney/story-e6frf3e3-1226098763049
  7. What i like most about Jones is that he has really worked on his deficiencies. He isn't getting caught near as much, not barging through packs to the same extent, does not cough it up as much (though still could work on this), has added distance to his kicks, makes better decisions and is now kicking some goals (and is a good set shot). To me that sort of improvement refelcts lots of hard work and a great attitude. It also means at 22 there might still be upside.
  8. binman

    Game Day

    Saturday: Partly cloudy. Light winds in Darwin. Darwin Current Conditions (at 8:26pm)Current temp: 26.0°C Recorded min: 22°C Recorded max: 32°C Feels like: 27.4°C Humidity: 72% Rainfall since 9am: 0.0mm Wind: NNE 13km/h Wind gusts: 17km/h Pressure: 1011.5hPa (lots up forward for the dees) Moon: Waning gibbous (my new hippie album)
  9. I wonder if there's any correlation between global warming sceptics and Scully sceptics.
  10. But has the sub rule caused more blow outs in the last q? I don't have any stats but my feeling is that there has been a lot more blow outs this year and i suspect it is because the older clubs with more mature, strong bodies are able to absorb the impact of the sub rule more effectively, whilst the young clubs like the dees, north , rich and gc tire more easily. Blowouts should be a concern for the AFL (and channel 7 and Foxtel) as it makes for alot of crappy games whih don't hold the interst of neutrals.
  11. I have to say i'm with Wolfmother on this one. There seems to be an extraordianary amount of character assasination on this thread of a young fella who is hailed as a rock solid citizen by by anyone who actually knows him. Q: why on earth should he sign or decide now? to placate a bunch of nervous demons fans and to fall into line with a media who seems to have worked itself into a frenzy whilst he has remained streadfast? (one amazing example is John Ralp writing an article yesterday claiming a third party deal will help him stay and another today saying the rule change spells doom to our chances of keeping him- what crap, particularly on top of his traitor bs) He has said he hasn't signed anything. Good enough for me. Will he stay? Who knows, but if he leaves i for one won't be baying for his blood. What does he owe Melbourne? Loyalty comes with time and shared expereince. Just beacuase we drafted him two years ago doesn't mean he has to swear undying loyalty to the dees or that he does not have a right to make a potentially life defining decision at a time of his choosing. The suggestion he is holding the club to ransom is complete rubbish and an unfair slur on the young man. Good on him for not bowing to pressure. I respect that. Hope he stays but come on. The sort of anger being hurled at him on this site by his own fans is out of kilter and a bit bizarre quite frankly. Let the media froth and swing about in the wind. They just can't handle not having a resolution to their self propelled saga. I for one will focus on supporting Tom when i watch him and avoid buying into all the other palaver (apart from the odd post here i suppose!)
  12. Have read most posts on the Scully saga, the tweets, the links, the articles etc etc. Like someone posted it's a sick addiction, like a very slo mo car accident. Anyway for what its worth i thought, having weighed and considered all the data and info, i'd post what i reckon might happen from here (nb i have no inside sources and this is purely my speculation). My strong feeling is that whilst the money is a big factor (obviously) the issue of which environment will help Tom reach his potential is the biggest driver for him. I suspect he is hell bent on being the best he can be and that is his priority. The player he most reminds me of in this respect is Nathan Buckley. Which football environment is seemingly universally regarded as the most professional? Which FD has the biggest budget? Which club will have a a driven coach, great assistants and a gun head of fitness next year? Which club can give him success, both short and long term - and allow him to remain in Melbourne where he has such strong family support? Collingwood. Consequently I reckon there is a very good chance he may end up there. How? Well he could go into the draft and advise GWS he wants to go Collingwood. Collingwood could then deal directly with GWS and trade for pick number 1. Lets say Thomas and another lower ranked player. Thomas would be exactly the sort of player GWS would love - flashy, talented, media friendly. He could get the big, big pay cheque and the Maggies would have a ten year gun. The maggies could then also afford to pay TS a pretty fair wack, whilst still helping resolve what will become a pretty serious salary cap issue from next year. Alternatively they could trade some of their mid range 23 -26 year players like Beams et al. This would help GWS as they will absolutely look for older more seasoned player than GC as the AFL cannot afford the sort of losses GC have had. A win win for both clubs. In this scenario, i'm not sure but i don't think Melbourne would get any compensation. If that's the case this would be a pretty handy bargaining chip for TS, one that he could play and perhaps "force" Melbourne to deal directly with Collingwood. Not sure what they could/would give us. Perhaps some draft picks and some players? Far fetched? Perhaps. But whilst there would have to be some pretty serious wheeling and dealing and there are lots of pieces to the puzzle, if Tom advised his management to make it happen (ie get him to Collingwood), i don't see why it couldn't. I think the dees are still in with a chance however. I believe Tom is a straight up guy and believe him when he says no deal has been struck with GWS. Even without a commitment lots of people supposedly in the know might believe he will go (which becomes a self propelling rumour windmall where every shake of the head has deep meaning) and therefore it becomes some sort of fact. Buts let's say it's true he has been thinking about leaving he may still change his mind. The rumours about TS returning from China because he was uncomfortable with the drinking culture ring true for me for some reason and may well have caused him to reconsider his future at the dees. However since then i wonder if perhaps the dees have made some ground up in the club culture and professional stakes. I reckon the club handled his injury really well, have been super supportive of him and fierce in their resposne to suggestions he a liar (and traitor - the dees should ban talking to John Ralph). Shwabby has lately emphasised the improved professionalism, infrastructure, facilities etc etc. The dees have handled all this with real class i reckon, which will also help. Finaly another year playing with his young team mates will make it harder and harder to leave and might be enough to sway him our way. I would be gutted if Tom goes (god forbid to Collingwood!) but in the end i don't suscribe to the theory it will derail our march towards success (can you derail a march?). Huge blow, sure but not a disaster. As i said the dees have handled this with class and not having to pay a huge wack to Tom will in the long run help us keep other player over the next few years. I would be more worried about losing Watts as i reckon he will be the most important player for the dees over the next decade. Now for the many who won't have bothered to read the above palaver (which would be totally understandable) i will give my probabaility of where i reckon Tom will go (drum roll): 45% chance of remaining at Melbourne Football Club 40% chance of going to Collingwood 15% chance of going to GWS
  13. Cannot agree with that all. Why would his intertity be questioned. If he goes it will be because at the end of the season he has considered the GWS offer (assuming they actually make one) a better deal for him than the one the dees put to him. Simple as that. He has every right to take this course of action. I actually think his integrity would be enhanced as he would be following the course of action he (and his management) have been steadfast about since the beginning of the season, despite the inane pressure from the media (and many demons fans if this board is any indication) to make his decision (and the associated disruptive negotiations) now because they can't stand the self imposed tension. Good on him for staying firm and focusing on his footy. The only way his integrity might be "shot" would be if he has, contrary to his public denials, already agreed to terms with GWS
  14. Was just about to post exactly the same quote. The article suggests it is a "direct and seemingly illegal approach" so where does his confidence come from. In fact if nothing has come "across" his desk about this how on earth could be have an opinion at all about it? He also says: “I think (AFL football operations manager) Adrian Anderson is obliged to make inquiries. I think the media likes using the word investigation, he will probably make some inquiries.” Hardly fills you with confidence the matter will be seriously looked at when the boss is basically saying "nothing to see here, move on" to the fans and the silly old media. His complete dismissal of concerns about a high draft pick going off to GWS after only 2 years (sculls) was similarly contemptuos and his argument that the CEO's signed off on it disengenous at best given the punishment he would mete out if they objected (fixturing, TV exposure, bail out money etc etc) Geez he has done an ok job but he can come off as a supercillious [censored] can't he?
  15. I was just saying yesterday to a mate how exciting we are when we get going. Our ability to score in bursts and move the ball so quickly end to end is fantastic to watch. Imagine following the saints - it would be akin to watching a bloke push a big rock up a hill. Funny how earlier in the season our "game plan" was getting a hammering. A few win shuts that talk up pretty quickly,that and 35 tackles inside 50 - which by the by is the sort of pressure Bailey has pointed out all season we are aiming for and that a failure to do so is not related to game plan but execution. Oh, also intersting how now there is the talk about the Hawks "slice and dice" game plan based around clinical kicking. If they win the flag will that become the new tactical orthodoxy?
  16. Yes good point. I agree it won't happen but hypothtically if he wanted to play hardball he has "the going to GWS card" and if played we would get 2 draft picks. But as we would have just found out the draft is a gamble and besides we don't want to have to wait for another 2 youngsters to come on, the ones we've got are taking long enough. As noted above GWS, if they finish bottom could also do a deal with Richmond as could Port or Brisbance if they get the spoon, so forcing him into the draft might mean we get nothing if another club could get a deal done with the tiges (giving him another ace up his sleeve). So in a scenario he was adamant he wanted out a deal with Richmond might be a better bet for the dees, depending on who they put up. Any way crazy talk and again i agree won't happen. Perhaps i should give myself a two week demonland ban for trade related craziness. I claim sudafed as a defence!
  17. The talk of Skull going to Richmond is an intersting one and in some ways perhaps not as crazy at it might appear at first blush. Why? First, he's out of contract at the end of this year so therefore any team can sign him, so talk of GWS signing him and then on trading is a little strange (or am i missing something?). What if it isn't all about money? Whilst Richmond could not afford to match a GWS offer they could match any any offer we might make i assume Second, as i have said in other posts about Skull he strikes me as someone who is focused on achieving team success, is clearly a family man, wants to be at a club with a strong healthy culture, wants to remain in Melbourne (by some accounts), is perhaps not motivated by short term financial gain and there is potentially great long term financial incentives staying in a footy mad town. I have used these as reasons why he would stay at Melbourne, but they would all equally apply if he played at Richmond. And at this point in time who is more likely to win a flag first (or even experience medium term success) - Richmond or Melbourne? Of couse i would love to say the dees but to be honest am less sure about that than i was six months ago. And what if the whispers about his unease with elements of the demon culture have some merit? Thirdly, perhaps the reluctance he's had to commit to the dees and the unease some feel he has shown relates not to a decision to head to GWS but to another club. Certainly if it were true it would mean there have been no lies about commitments being made to GWS. Where there's smoke there's fire - maybe something other than the obvious is burning. Perhaps Mike Sheean should ask him about the tiges Lastly losing him to a cross town rival (and not getting any player in return) would be the right level of pathos for our long suffering supporters. Watching him run around with Martin every week would be a shocker. Can you imagine the media storm? Little Johhny Ralph and the rest of gossip hounds at the Hun would go into melt down and Demonland would implode. Of course this is all a strange twisted nightmare. I have had the flu so perhaps i'm delusional. Nah of course it won't happen. Please Tom , say it 'aint so! Sign soon and put us out of our misery
  18. up 'till this point i felt sure you were going to say "bring in Fev!"
  19. yep. i like bater, always have. But that was one of the worst games i have seen from him. Forget the crapola about him making a contest, he was woeful. Actually think it is another example of bailey making a tough call. Last game for MFC?
  20. binman

    Addam Maric

    Good call. Quite a coincedence actually, was just looking at the stats from the game and a few jumped out at me. One was that Maric had 15 score involvements, the most of any player in the team (Davey and Sylvia next on 12). Also he had 10 inside 50's, equal most with Maloney. I like him in the side, smart thinker, good user, looks to set players up and is creative. In our best 22
  21. Beautiful kick. I was sitting at the top of the ponsford right behind the goals and initially it looked like missing but the ball curved in flight.He sure can kick it. There was another kick where he transfered it across the ground and off two steps it must have gone 60 metres easy. Not sure about favourite but Baters goal was sort of funny.He had such a shocker that i had to think he was better of trying not to use his hands.
  22. Spot on by a factor of ten. What an absolutely ridiculous conclusion to reach (ie sack Bailey). I was joking with my (rabid demon fan) mate after todays result what ways demonland and big footy posters could find a negative about todays result - who have they beaten? why do we need a crisis to respond, etc etc. Didn't see the result "as evidence Bailey should be sacked" line though. Pure comedy gold Prey tell what would be the response if we had been, beaten, just won, won by 4 goals (but should have been 6)? Bailey got the boys up, repsonded as he should on the track, responded in the match when we lost Grimes, was brave enough to go with one ruck, was as calm after this win as he was after the loss and he's still done the wrong thing? Pleeease. Results such as last week happen to a young side.Jeez a worst result just happened to a similarly young Crows side - sack Craig? Does any one really believe Richmond won't get a touch up at some stage. When they do, sack Hardwick? What about sacking Scott and Voss whilst we're at it One final thing. We are in the 8. We are not a top 4 side (obviously). Our "peers" in terms of development stage etc are West Coast, Richmond, North and the Crows. We are above those sides on the ladder and if history is any guide are a good chance to remain so (ie the final 8 is often set about this stage of the year)
  23. Good article, spot on really. Selection this week will be fascinating. They have the option of going hard with the axe with some okay games at Casey (Bate in?) but would also be loathe to make too many changes as teams with mutiple changes rarely win. Also its pretty easy to blame and then punish the players - [censored] 'em on the track seems to be the message - but what reponsibility do the coaches have and what should be their punishment?
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