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Everything posted by binman

  1. He said this twice for emphasis i don't think he was joking (even though after the second time he had a small smile, albeit one that looked a tad menacing)
  2. And more to the point Wines was not rated as the best number 4 as evidenced by the fact he was taken at number 7!
  3. Does it always have to be about the toump v Wines
  4. I thought the Toump to be honest as Salem looks to be tiring. That said Salem could be damaging as a small half forward. Any thoughts on whether he'll start a sub and if not who might?
  5. This is exactly right. He is in his second year of AFL football (having in his first year played at a dysfunctional club with poor development and recovering from hip surgery). He is tracking just fine. It is a relatively modern phenomenon to expect young players to come in and be AFL ready straight away (and get all hand wringingly nervous when they don't). Some can't and some can. But look at how the good clubs develop their young players - the swans, cats, hawks. All get the grounding and development they need. And if this means lots of games in the twos then so be it. In short all are properly developed according to their own needs and where they are at. Roos has made it clear that this is precisely his philosophy. Heck you can see his approach writ large in the current Swans team - a team whose list and culture has been shaped by Roos and Longmire has continued to build on. I have said before but the Wines comparisons are a furpphy (not to mention a complete waste of time given we can't go back). Why compare the Toump to only Wines - or indeed to Wines at all. Whose to say it was a case of either the Toump or Wines for the dees? The bulldogs rejected Wines and took Jake Stringer and Jackson MCrae with picks 5 and 6 - as we might have - before Port picked Wines at 7. Why not compare the Toump's to how they are going. Hell why not compare his progress to any of the other say picks 4-15 we might have taken if we had wanted - or for that matter picks 1,2 and 3 that GWS had (who don't seem to be copping any criticism for not taking Wines). When you do look at it with some balance and not with the i love Wines goggles you can see the Toump is tracking fine when compared with his peers. Interesting that when you do so you there are players like: Vlasutin who was awesome last year but slowed a bit, Daniher who was dropped this week and Troy Menzel who only played 8 games last year and has only been ok thus far in his 8 games this year (averging 44 dt points). Here's the list
  6. Good read. Could well be a response to DL posters, such as myself, who called for Watts to be dropped after Sydney. Interesting quote re the discussion about Welsh's recent ill considered comments in the press: 'Expectations have stayed high behind closed doors, while much of the discussions about standards expected of players have been private, not public. And the Demons' players have responded. '
  7. Yep i reckon the Casey Demons would work. Of course the scorps may not be keen (or KC for that matter) but there seems to be some doubt about their viability even with money from MFC so one wonders what would happen to them if we pulled out. The Casey Demons based in that region would ensure the work we have done in that area can continued to be built on.
  8. Herein lies the rub. They are not a development squad for the MFC - they are a stand alone football team that has an affiliation with the MFC. I assume their board, fans and coach want to win as many games as possible and ultimately flag. And fair enough. I doubt that lot would be prepared to lose every game if it meant an improved MFC. It is why we need a stand alone team.
  9. Both points are accurate. Bolton bought into the Clarkson game plan and apparently has very similar coaching philosophies. According to one article i read today about Bolton steeping up he really helped forge a better working connection between the two sides, implying it wasn't great beforehand. So its's possible for an affiliated club situation to work but as you note it has to be managed effectively. However i suspect that is easier said than done given there are two separate boards, staff, coaching teams etc. Having our own team would be far better IMO.
  10. .. meaning Cook was twice as good
  11. I'm with you Grapeviney. I reckon Carlton would have smashed us. We played our GF
  12. Fair dinkum Satry you must be joking. Your posts on this matter are so hypocritical that i can only conclude you are deliberately baiting other posters ie trolling. I simply do not believe you really think it is ok for Welsh to publicly slag of players, particularly given your hyper sensitivity to any criticism of players on this site. I can only conclude you are trying to wind people up (ie trolling), something you have repeatedly admitted to enjoying. It makes it hard to take your views seriously, which is a shame because some of your posts can be quite insightful and your training reports are mostly enjoyable (though at times grating in a look at me kind of a way). I have previously said i was going to put you on ignore but have not done so. I'm going to rectify that now as your bad is outweighing your good and i dislike trolls. I think i'll just choose to view your training reports and save myself the angst of reading posts like the ones littered through this tread. Ciao baby
  13. I'm staggered with posters who don't see a problem with Welsh's comments (as opposed to his opinion). Again perhaps he was misquoted but he seems to have form. It is simply not on a coach publicly singling out a a player for such direct criticism as he has done in that article with Gergiou. Not on. Did the posters who think his comments are ok learn nothing from Neeld or in indeed from how Roos goes about things. Look at how Roos reacted to the WC loss. He too was seething - but did he single out any players? Of course not. What senior coach in this day and age (as opposed to the hoary 70's) would? They would be rightfully lambasted in the media if they did. Coincidence that our form has improved since the WC game? No. Casey are a separate side so it is not the MFC call on who caoches them. However no doubt we exert an influence and despite what Arrow has said about the players liking him such stupid public comments mean that it is unlikely he will coach Casey next season.
  14. I agree titan. Now that gws is in the league footy needs them to be successful
  15. I was travelling and across in Perth and came back for this game (and the chance of finals). How could i not? The doggies game was awesome. In my recollection the Hawks - Cats game (which was at Kardina Park - a fortress even then) finished after our game and there were thousands of dees fans still standing in groups after we won waiting for the Hawks game to finish. I was in a clump at the railway end. Lets not talk about the prelim.
  16. I think the thing in kirks favour is he has done time as an assistant (2 years). Two more under roos would give him a good grounding, whereas someone like long would very light on for experience - a fact, to his credit, he has acknowledged. Won't hurt kirk's chances that he has an existing relationship with roos and no doubt is a firm believer in the game plan.
  17. not sure about Crawley up forward but howe has to stay back. Roos has found a perfect role for him
  18. dunny is french for impassable. Pronounced dooonee
  19. Only the true seer denies their insight and vision. He is a seer, he is a seer! Hogan is gone!
  20. Yep good point. I wonder if this is also an opportunity to reinforce to the fans what the club expects of its players and what its game plan is.
  21. Yes Roos and other coaches have said that or a variation of it (eg need to bang the door down, string 5-6 top games together, need to be consistent etc etc) a number of times.I suppose its not rocket science but is a really interesting philosophy and no doubt has a big impact on the culture. The more usual approach i would have thought is drop players from the seniors when their form is poor, even if there isn't a player in the maggos who's form demands a spot. One key outcome is that the team is very settled. I think i read we have used the least number of players of any club. It also means that players coming for injuries are generally going to be in form. Another tick for the culture Roos is trying to build.
  22. Very ambient. A bit annoying actually
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