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Everything posted by binman

  1. Yes i thought exactly the same thing. As i said quite pointed.
  2. Didn't know where to put this and didn't want to start a new thread but i thought this quote from Jamar gives a fascinating insight into how Neeld went about things and by contrast how Roos goes about things. Not wanting to rake over old coals nor bag Neeld but these are the most pointed comments from a senior player i have heard about the previous regime (not much need to read between the lines): Its been good to be back in the team, especially playing under Roosy Ive really been enjoying it. To be able to contribute to the team has been really good, he told melbournefc.com.au. The confidence you get from the current coaching group its outstanding and they back you in and they give you responsibility. They treat us like men and theyve been fantastic and Ive really enjoyed it. I hope I can continue to be a part of this team for a long time to come, because Im really enjoying the environment at the club. Im really enjoying our new game plan and I think its reignited the fire in the belly. Link
  3. maybe. He said in his first article that he is a senior player with more than 10 years experience. Hasn't mentioned a gf win but said had seen success. Was the saints ever right down the bottom in his time there?
  4. I'll preface this post by saying that i really. really, really wanted us to win Saturday night. I also believe contrary to some others we should have won - we were the better side but our inside 50s really let us down and when we pushed we gave up some easy/lucky goals that meant we couldn't get a 2 goal buufer. But i'm not gutted we didn't win. Why? One, as Roos has said whilst wins are important this year they are not the main thing. Development, building a successful, strong culture, competitiveness and learning the Roos game are the the main things. The game would have helped those things and were certainly evidence of them. Second , it will help us next time we are in a similar position. It would have stung the players and they will perhaps learn more from the loss that a win, particularly how to deal with the Dogs niggle. Lastly (and i'm preparing for the attacks) whilst wins are always best we will be battling with 2-3 teams for the bottom rungs of the ladder, including Dogs. A loss might mean we end up with the 2 or 3rd pick in in the draft not 5th or 6th. That has double meaning if Frawley goes as if we get say pick 2 we would also get pick 3 as compo. No i'm not advocating tanking and wins are what build culture but higher picks won't hurt.
  5. Good point old dee. The list is missing my condition - Pollyanna Syndrome: an irrational belief that the dees will radically improve. The last 2-3 weeks i have felt the symptoms come back. God forbid if we win this week.
  6. Perhaps we can play pop psychologist and diagnose personality disorders of DL posters based on their posts - paranoid, schizoid, dissocial, emotionally unstable (borderline type and impulsive type), histrionic, anankastic, anxious (avoidant) and dependent, haltlose, immature, narcissistic, passive-aggressive or psychoneurotic. Take your pick. Some peopel are natural medical experts so why not?
  7. Yep, good call. Roos has made it super clear that players in the twos have to make a compelling case for senior selection with consistency strong performance (that no doubt have to include specific KPI's eg pressure acts, tackles). Top 10 players returning from injury like Garland and Jamar probably don't have to but for the rest i suspect they are going to have to work super hard to get a spot in the ones. Smart.
  8. Classy response DO. I was trying a little gentle trolling on and didn't get rise from you. Well played sir
  9. Nah, i'm really glad we went the Toump not Wines. Wines is just a Viney wannbee - why get an imiation when you have the real deal? Wines would be surplus to requirements as you only need one Viney. Good call on that selection as the Toump will be a gun and Wines has peaked and found his level.
  10. Byrnes is in the team until the Toump, Riley, Blease or Tappy force the issue. My tip? Byrnes to make way sooner rather than later for the Toump who no doubt has been asked to improve defensively (as has Blease). I'm not sure it will be this week though, certainly not Blease as this is the first really top game he has played. Remember Roos has said 5-6 top games in the magoos is the benchmark to go up. Has the Toump put enough together yet? Unfortunately the scorps have a bye the week after next so no chance for the players noted above (or Gawn for that matter) to press their case when during the dees week off.
  11. Surely GNF we would only trade with Freo if they could come up with the right deal (which you reckon they would try hard to do given their need for a forward). Yes the dees get nothing if they force him into the PSD but still we would want to get a decent return. Is your confidence we would trade him to Freo if that's what he wants based on a feeling they would come to the table with a decent offer? I can't see them giving up Fyfe but jeez there's not much point us taking say a pick 20 and a b grader and being a push over. If he did want to return to WA - even if he is fixed on getting to Freo - we could offer him to WC and create some sort of leverage. Edit: blimey talking about this makes me feel ill in retrospect. Surely we are due some luck with a forward gun. Imagine Ben Hur's reaction to this discussion!
  12. I mostly agree. The only point of difference is that i reckon he was great for us last year and even the year before was pretty good, so in my view he has been delivering for some time now. As i have said before i reckon he has long been our most underrated player and over the last 3 years is our most consistent player outside of Jones. Also must manage his body well as has hardly missed a game through injury.
  13. Show cause notices not infraction notices. If served the players respond to argue why they should not be charged. Have option of appeals board and supreme Court. Will gone for monrgscand months
  14. spot on. We were poor going inside 50, particularly in the first half when we were the better side. Cost us the game.
  15. Parking at the ground is a pain i reckon - takes ages to get out. But if that's not a problem i guess its ok. Coming from the wet i reckon a good option is somewhere on the road that circles around the Myer Music bowl parallel to St Kilda road and then walk from there. Down by the river is tricky at night as you don't get much movement. Up round st kilda road people are coming and going from the arts centre. Its also free
  16. But surely you were moving forward WJ as opposed to our boy Jack who slammed the brakes on
  17. wj I'm interested in your opinion. Given the complexities of this case should we have used grace at the first hearing?
  18. Hilarious. The poll on afl.com is should viney be set free? Who is he, Rubin Carter?
  19. Nope, he challenged the MRP decision at the trubunal (and won). He didn't appeal a tribunal decision
  20. across all the online footy forums salty is the best poster
  21. Me too. And credit where credit is due. Neeld done good getting Dawes on board
  22. What's with DL posters suggesting dropping players who are no chance of getting dropped. First terlich and now Salem!
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