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Everything posted by binman

  1. As I have said loved roos as coach of the dees. Did a terrific job. Easy to forget how bleak things were right before he signed on. But my knock on him is tbat he recognised the skill issue but chose to go after bulls at the expense of skill. Our current lack of elite ball users and our ridiculous turnover numbers is in part down to him.
  2. MB must be loving that this thread got off the ground. Strange way of interacting with the world if you ask me. Fingers crossed may and lever have terrific pre seasons and play all of 2020 together.
  3. Our season was a write off before it began red. The preseason was the coffin and the injuries the nail. The pies only had the nails. I actually think our game plan coveted over the cracks of our poor skill last year. We need some more skilled kicks in our team thi draft and trade period.
  4. My thoughts exactly. We got Lever on spec, so to speak. It was a gamble in so far as we were betting he based on one terrific season that he would be star of the competition. The comparison to rance was being made. I really hope this proves to be that case. May was a much better bet in terms of exposed form. I love how he has played for us thus far and assuming he can stay fit i am much more confident we have pulled the right lever (pardon the pun) with him
  5. Three that i can remember: One: allowed Mihocek an easy run and jump at a marking contest and didn't even get body on him Two: lever gave away a holding free kick (though to be fair it was very soft). Three: he got completely lost, slipped and allowed Mihocek and uncontested mark 10 meters out from goal.
  6. You often make some good points STMJ. But your inability to resist resorting to personal abuse in your posts makes it all but impossible to respect those views. But each to their own. On your point, did i say Jack was an angel? No. But you can't seriously compare the two in terms of off field indiscretions and value to a team. Jack is a choir boy next Harley Bennell, who has squandered his immense talent and played only 80 games of AFL, likely to play no more, whilst jack will be a 200 plus game AFL player, an exclusive club that Harley will get nowhere near. I just googled the word 'Harley Bennell drugs' and this was the first article: https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/too-loose-how-dusty-s-report-helped-tigers-dodge-the-bennell-bullet-20180505-p4zdlk.html The guy is a disaster zone. Your comment 'only one has produced far more on a football field' is in of itself a very confusing one. I assume you mean he has more talent (in which case why not say that) and in the games he has played he has produced more than Jack. If that is what you mean then i agree. As i have noted on this thread when i first saw him live i thought i was watching a generational player. Brilliant. And he played some terrific games for the Suns. But Jack Watts has produced far, far more in his career. Simply because he he has played nearly 100 games more. And yes Harley has had a shocking run with injury but how much is that down to his inability to prepare and rehab like an elite athlete needs to?
  7. Agree. Telling that Lever got moved off Mihocek (who is a pretty handy rookie pick up by the pies it must be said) after gifting him a mark and his fourth goal and onto Roughead, a novice forward Still confident it will be a good decision to trade him in but as you say needs a big 2020 for that to be the case, given 2020 will be his third season at the club.
  8. Two redeeming things for mine. Fritter looks god up forward and has such good hands. Petty also has good hands and loved the fact he supported fritter after he got knee dropped
  9. Not sure about gloating but gee I loved him snagging his first goal. My only (positive) cheer for the day. I thought his effort was first class all day. His kicking was excellent, as it usually is and his attack on the ball and tackling put some other players to shame. Played like he cared. I really hope Burgess work on his speed over the first 10 meters because it is a big issue for him
  10. Yes he has done sone good tgings. As he should given his ability and paycheck. But a very, very good game? We must have different metrics for a defender. Has cost us 4 goals in s low scoring game we are down by 3 goals.
  11. His kicking turnovers have nothing to do with up field turnovers. For exame hs kick to Grundy came after he had marked the ball. Had all the time in the world and still miskicked. Poor technique. Maybe I am being a bit tough on him. But Lever is our highest paid player and he is being killed by mioeck and his kicking is a real issue.
  12. Lever has cost us 3 goals. Can't kick or play one on one.
  13. I totally agree with the first two sentences rjay and those points are a big factor in why i argued we should have kept Watts. But not the last. There is no way the only reason we traded him was because he didn't go when it was his turn or wasn't consistent enough. In fact he was pretty consistent. And proved he had the mettle and leadership to kick clutch goals (the suns and pies games come to mind) - unlike almost every other player on the dees' list (i literally would only trust Salem to kick a goals after the siren to win a game). Sure not going in when it is his term was factor but only one of several that together meant he din't fit the Goodwin's culture template. To be honest, and i'll pout my hand up here, comparisons between Watts and Bennell in terms of culture related to perceived commitment to playing elite football are very unfair to Jack. Whilst he may not have got everything out of his talent this far he has played 170 odd games of AFL. In that time his commitment to training has never been questioned, there was just the one suggestion he didn't commit to his rehab fully (when he went to Bryon Bay in 2017) and really no major off field dramas (i don't count the Oktoberfest kerfuffle as a major off field issue). Bennell on the other hand has not got anything close to the most out of the talent because his many serious off field issues and lack of effort with training and rehab.
  14. I wasn't comparing the two players or their relative ability. I'm not having a shot at you rjay, but i get frustrated when posters misinterpret comments. But perhaps i wasn't clear in this circumstance. I was comparing the rationale for trading in a player that was moved on from a club (the suns) desperate for talent because of cultural reasons and lack of leadership: well documented off field issues issues, talk he has been a poor trainer and suggestions he has not managed his injuries well. Many of those off field issues surfaced in Perth and it is unclear how well he managed his rehab. What is not in question is he is no leader. Why would we even think of getting such a player? The reason is obvious - we desperately need a player with his skills, in particular his elite kicking skills and ability to hit targets inside 50. The obvious irony is one reason we need those skills so badly is we traded out by far our best kick, decision maker and inside 50 score generator. We traded him, for peanuts, because he didn't fit the culture Goody is trying to build - leaders by example, and players fully committed to playing AFL (not being distracted by off filed fun and games as Watts has been accused of). A decision by the by that i am on record for disagreeing with but one that i respect and understand So the correlation is that Goody is trying to build a particular culture - the Melbourne brand- and ships a player because he doesn't fir that culture. It would be remarkably ironic if we were to trade in player that would appear through his actions and time in the game to be the very opposite of the culture Goody s trying to build. I'm not saying we shouldn't go after bennell. I'm not sure where i stand. But it would go against everything Goody is trying to do in terms of building his preferred culture.
  15. I'm still confused. Did you miss my question marks? And is it a fact that at all three of omac frees were against lynch? I would be surprised but don't know. But you must be right. Because you said it is a fact. I'll have a look at AFL pro and check, just to check the facts.
  16. Sorry dazzler. I'm confused. Why do I look a bit silly?
  17. Did omac give lynch 3 free kicks? Or is that a #omacmyth?
  18. Needed a new emoji. More than like. Not love. Really like is the one I need.
  19. A stat i would love - and it is one that does not exist - is the impact of missed pre season sessions on fitness levels
  20. I couldn't resist doing it too. Though it ended up sounding more lime the south african bad gut (the blonde one) on die hard
  21. Good lord. Are you really an advanced AI software program? Maybe the Russians have infiltrated DL
  22. I'm surprised as anyone Omac is in. May forward might well be the reason.
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