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Everything posted by binman

  1. Right. Using that logic we would have about 3 players available.
  2. This. He has clearly been playing injured this year. Again. And coming of an interrupted preseason nowhere near his peak fitness. Again. He is the perfect metaphor for the team as a whole. He deserves to have an injury free preseason and the opportunity to come into round 1 2020 cherry ripe.
  3. I have loved frost's game this year. Great example of the folly of writing players off. I still think he has got some improvement in him too. One area he has to improve is his turnovers. They undo so much of his good work. He has improved in this area though so further improvement is possible. Two points on this. One is that I think they need frost to eschew short kicks as much as possible. Give him the direction to, when he can, run and carry and kick as long as possible down the line. Similar to the role Hibberd has played in the past but is struggling to do now. Makes it predictable to his teammates and he is a thumping kick and so would get the ball close to the wing or our half forward line most times. If it does turnover we have time to set up our defence. But I suspect this approach would reduce turnovers, in part because he would be more often kicking to a contest (rather trying to pick out a dees player and kicking it straight to an opposition player), some errant kicks would be spiked out of bounds and like many players with poor technique he kicks better when kicking through the ball. The second point is that even if he improves he will always be a risk of turning the ball over. So it is critical that other back six players minimise their turnovers. Hore, fritter when back (surprisingly given he has good technique), lever and Hibberd all turn the ball over too much. Hopefully fritter plays forward next year and is replaced by jetts (who is very reliable) but the other three really need to work on their kicking. Im confident lever and horr will improve as they are both young and hard workers. I'm less confident about Hibberd.
  4. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure he was pre draft. In the Melbourne zone.
  5. I preferred your original avatar. But onl6 realise that now.
  6. A senior AFL coach a control freak? Well I never....
  7. A commentator? Yes in Sao far as calls games. Poorly in my opinion. On on the couch he is supposed to be an analyst. He does that poorly too. In my opinion. On his radio show, like the ox, he is an entertainer. But doesn't entertain me (whereas the ox does). Loved him as a player. Don't really care what he says about the dees in the media, in part because I just don't rate him in those roles. As an aside Lyon was the year above me at school. Was of course a gun footballer. Like a lot (but not all) top jocks strutted around like he owned the joint.
  8. What? Any number of posters have been calling for fritter to play forward
  9. Yep, agree. I was super impressed. Strong. Plays smart. Good leadership. And surpringly quick for his size, which makes him super versatile. Can play on smalls, bigs and as an intercepter.
  10. Ironic that may has never had hammy issues and cones us and started having them. Ironic because we have had a crazy number if injuries this year but hardly any have been soft tissue injuries. Another example of how cruel the Norm Smith curse can be.
  11. The other thing is that it would appeal to the AFL i reckon, but given it would rely in the dees coming to the party might involve some shady deals. No idea what they might be though. Maybe something like the AFL, on the down low, tell GC that they only get pick two priority if they agree to give the dees King AND pick 7 (which i think they also have as result of previous deal?). We get King and a top 10 pick to use on a player with kicking skills and outside run. Everybody's happy.
  12. That's how we got Hogan is it not?
  13. Kings and coups don't mix
  14. Would be a remarkable scenario for gc to get 2nd draft pick as a priority and us trade our pick to them for king, giving them picks 1,2 and 3. If they don't think they have a chance to keep king they would trade him to us and take 1,2 and 3 surely. If they could manage (and that's a huge if) that could set them up for a decade. Assuming of course they get their club in order. I don't know if that is what we would do though. We need a kpd but we need skilled runners who are elite kicks and decision makers even more.
  15. BB i'm sorry it's me not you. I've tried but i can't do this anymore. I put very few posters on ignore. Really only the obnoxious or plain crazy. You certainly don't fall into either camp. But I can't go on like this. Reading the same posts over and over again. The sheer repetition. The volume. I have to think of myself. So we need a break. Maybe with a bit of ignore time it will get back to how it was. Until then adieu. Don't go changing.
  16. Yeah of course that is the reason, just like the tigers did in 2017 when with a full list to choose from they won their flag. Hold on a second they had injuries in 2018 and even more in 2019. Their high performance team must of dropped off then. The old two plus two equals five trick. That's the third time I've fallen for that this week.....
  17. From the in the mix bit on AFL.com: Medical room: No new problems. In fact, Tom Cutler (foot) is expected to come back to the NEAFL, leaving just first-year player Tom Joyce on the injury list.
  18. Agree with above. Particularly the bolded bit and the last para as a whole. Our luck has been wretched this season. Not a week has gone without an injury. Things can turn around. No guarantees of course, but I am confident they will.
  19. Agree. My opinions are just that. Opinions. I didn't say those that have a different opinion to mine as part of the henny penny collective. Plenty of posters whose opinions I disagree with are not part of that collective. Totally agree there are some intelligent and insightful posters. As insults go the henny penny collective is pretty lightweight. But anyone can join it.
  20. Spot on buck. As you correctly note football departments have cycles and all have a shelf life, in the particular assistanct coaches and roles like Jennings. The changes at the tigers are a good example. Have a season like we have and changes are inevitable. Just as inevitable as the cackling from the henny penny collective.
  21. Great get. I would love to get an insight into the true impact on players individualy, and at a team level, of a really interrupted preseason.
  22. LH please don't misrepresent my views. I have consistently criticised Goodwin for focusing on getting contested ball winners over skill . This year and in previous years, including being one of relatively few posters who argued against trading watts (and Hogan for that matter). But that does not change my stance that roos should take some of the blame for our lack of skilled players.
  23. Norm Smith curse, Brent Croswell, the buckanara goal, is c k watts and omac. In that order.
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