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DEE fence

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Everything posted by DEE fence

  1. Cloke and Clark has the same sort of ring to it that Schwarz and Neitz had.
  2. http://m.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/demons-weigh-in-with-5m-cloke-bid-20120709-21s1g.html I think this is a good thing- I want eddie to hate melbourne, and I want two big forwards
  3. Why the hate for Moloney? has given good service, I think a two year contract is still totally acceptable, this is way premature, and unreasonable.
  4. TJ was a Rolls Royce, who I reckon we traded at the right time, he always flopped in every final, the Adelaide game included - the game is over after 4 quarters, cossetted and spoon fed at every turn he was never going to lift any further. When he was on he was a hot knife through butter, used to frustrate the hell out of me during finals though..
  5. Agree, just had a falling out with a good mate because he wouldn't look me in the eye shaking hands-its our (Australian) culture and in footy.
  6. hmmm Don Cordner using 'gollywog' at a game might get you suspended from the G, got a better term to use?
  7. just a small thing but she is a stickler for detail "Lynda Carroll", what amazes me is that IW-S had just finished WW1 part of a lung missing and he was 21.
  8. Am amused by the hate for Sheedy, doing his job, stirring the pot, have met him a few times and find him quite likeable and never seriously heard him diss MFC, only ever as a wind up. I loathe Essendon but never this bloke, I get rabid about Long, Lloyd and Fletcher but sheeds? I thought he bought memberships at every victorian club?
  9. The way we (posters and media) talk about players is a bit like the way that comic books are now written, there is an inflation in the adjectives used and we now have run out of words to describe players so everyone is a superstar. NN is developing, he has rare gifts athletic and football, and he is still putting them together, so not a superstar yet, possesses the skills of one but yet to see them delivered consistently. I for one think he will cross that bridge to superstar level. The rate of development etc I don't really care about as you can see him moving forward. The Sistine Chapel wasn't done in a year, but when it was finished everyone was blown away - I'm tipping that the stucco is still drying for NN.
  10. Do you know if he is a co-defendant or the principal accused in this matter? And does the NT have the same contested committal process as Victoria?
  11. cheers mate for the update, i couldv'e googled it I guess, I'd happily take a Pav at 4, I read the other day that he was a diminished player somewhere and he came out and played a blinder - in another team he'd be rated like Franklin or Riewoldt
  12. I am probably the only tragic who went though the ladder predictor and tweaked it until we were top of the ladder years end and had all interstate sides (and carlton) finishing outside the eight
  13. did Franklin go at 4 or 5, ?!? what about Hird, draft picks still have a huge element of luck to them, you need to be thereabouts but to say with confidence that certain numbers are no good you must have a oujjia board or something
  14. I really would like to belt some of you, 3 busted vertebrae and his heart and effort are denigrated, you imagine trying to come back and play the toughest contact sport short of boxing, knowing that your spine had been broken, and tell me you wouldn't take awhile to get up to speed. The downhill skiers are on this forum, whether Col is long term for us will be found out in the future but he has 2012 as a grace period for my money. This man has had serious injuries playing for the Demons, our club, and deserves a bit more respect, they are not pea heart injuries but things earned going in after the pill. If he was useless the opposition wouldn't play him so tight.
  15. So when you look at sylvia's injuries I wonder why he bothers considering the slagging he gets here
  16. Fletcher is a dog, but a very clever one, I reckon as he starts getting slower, (and it looks like that has started thank christ) he will do one or two dirty things too much and the light will be shone on his antics. As much as I hate him I thought he was brilliant in a dirty way throwing his body into LRT as they ran after the ball, he knew he'd lose the race and found a way to take his man down. I also thought Essendon had the rub of the green in the umpiring, Swans would for sure have aright to grumble if it had gone badly for them.
  17. I reckon our mids will develop and yes we top up with some good picks. The thing with TC is you can't train to be that size and that's why he will get the big bickies (I remember Miller's breakout game and thought 'great as long as we can teach him to kick straight', something sadly that never happened despite the great marking ability) Travis is a better kick than Miller, and Neitz had his off days (always needed the 1st couple to go through) so for me its all about the fact that he is a coordinated mountain, pay him heaps he's worth it. And in response I agree in a perfect world we'd have a under 18's and a great zone (which we never did, and was one of the causes our slump in the 70's) and we would look like the Geelong Falcons etc, and develop our own talent except this is never going to happen. Cook and Cloke are not mutually exclusive either.
  18. Shame on you, no justification to compare T$ with Beamer, he's had a crap year to date, hardly on his own there but he has been a team player in the best sense of the word and certainly earned our respect. Unless you have some hard facts about him shopping himself around pull your head in, having met the man I choose to believe him.
  19. Am I the only one that misses Neitz, Schwarz, Lyon, (even Earl Spalding) standing in the forward line (yes I know they weren't all together at the same time but frequently pairs of them were), knowing that we had a Gorilla for a contested marking forward was something you could take for granted with the Dee's . Cloke's contested marking ability is gold dust. I am happy to leave it to the coach to make the final call, as I think he has the best perspective on what makes Travis tick and whether he would suit us, but that said, grab him. With Templeton and Moore, they had already had injuries so their cards were marked (Moore did get a Brownlow though so I felt we got value with that recruitment) Geelong has always had a few big units in Mooney and Hawkins and Ottens running around I don't think matching Clark and and Cloke would be a mistake. Cook is a project and I hope he comes good but Cloke now would do all the right things, including making us an instant threat. And you can't tell me that it wouldn't annoy the cr@p out of every pies fan in the world. Jurrah crumbing off these two would also be cool.
  20. call me petty but i read every page
  21. bang on, never have the margins been so small between woeful and promising, but listening to laments on here about professionalism and the attitude of players really gets me. As any good soldier knows, things change - times are good, things will change, times are bad things will change, all comes down to character lets show some by sticking with the club.
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