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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Yep, gone from Champagne to River water in very short order.
  2. No idea but you can get short odds on us sparking their turn around.
  3. Seeing how they are treating him this year LDC I suspect they have already decided he is Ruckman / Forward not a KPF.
  4. Oh how sad is it that we know this exactly that this is going to happen
  5. As you know I am not a big fan but the current logic bewilders me. The FD in 2019 thought he was good enough to renew his contract he ended 2019 on the injury list and since then in a team devoid of KPF’s they will not play him at all. What gives? Has he told the coach to get stuffed? Has he asked to be traded at the end of the year? Is he carrying an injury?
  6. So why the hell did we not trade him out last year? No he is so good we extended his contract.
  7. Yes what does it matter when we play teams, this Year we play each side once so what does it matter when?
  8. I have real trouble understand that people don’t seem to understand that we don’t win often enough over decades.
  9. Yep it is us jnr the ones that continue to buy memberships year after year, who put in extra money very time the finances fall ( which is seemingly every other year. We go along to the G to watch us fail again and again.
  10. I understand where you are coming from LDC but this did not just start because of the Virus year we have been watching the same things for three years. How does Brisbane rise from hopeless to their current position and we go back wards?
  11. And what does that say about the MFC FD we extend his contract last year?
  12. Love it LN. So much I put it in twice. IT is painfully obvious we have no forward coach how else can you explain the selections. I think they are picking them with a pin.
  13. Don't hold your breath. One of the serious problems for the league is how do the players not selected in the seniors get form when they are playing in Mickey mouse games of 14 players. Another month goes by and teams get a few injuries what happens then? 12 or 10 a side?
  14. So he is the only one not allowed to have a bad game? If we recruited him knowing he was that bad why did we bother. Says lots about the FD.
  15. There is only one thing that matters I AFL winning. You don't win and you rapidly become an also ran, your club shrinks are no longer important the MFC is the perfect example.
  16. Don’t try and gild the Lilly we have won one game that is all.
  17. Stay dc you the only here today who has not lost his sense of humour.
  18. The only proof is the score board. It don’t look flash and we are terrible to watch
  19. I am not paid a large sum to run the team MFM the FD is currently and after 3+ years it ain’t working. The buck stops at the coaches door. He simply is not getting the job done.
  20. Spot on MR you blood kids later in the season not in game 2 And 3. One goal from the Weid and we win that game.
  21. Re Brown how can he be worse than the lot running around in the seniors the last two games? simple fact he kicked three goals and in a team that cannot score that says he should be in the seniors. Oh Bennell was dropped because he could only play half a game in the seniors well I think it is obvious his half a game is better than a number who played a full game. He kicks one goal we win.
  22. I have been hearing that for a decade or more. If you continue to lose games there will be no future and no development to worry about.
  23. Fairly sure I don’t want the current game style alive, it is doing way more harm than the virus.
  24. Not sure why you are defending him MFM. He keeps doing the same things every week with the same result this has been going for on 3 years. we will finish near the bottom again in 2020 and hand North a very early draft pick.
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