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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Yes, I think the Dees and lock down has me lower than a snakes belly in a wagon rut. i actually think we can win this one , reason? It’s just think we do. Well occasionally.
  2. This must be your most desperate prediction Wise. Kossi has averaged 0.5 goals per match and Bedford has never kicked one.
  3. I know it is only 8.28 am Clint but that must be the most desperate reason for a win we are likely to see!
  4. You are far from alone LH and another Foxtel game I am surprised we have one sponsor left.
  5. On reflection Maz I might have a suspect damaged back that made it impossible to travel. Who the hell would want to come back here.
  6. Cannot be sure I have this right but I get faint idea you think he is no Good tu?
  7. I find the last page of this thread more entertaining than the football. Then again it would Not take much.
  8. Round about now I would have a hammy if I were a bombers player. You could relax and enjoy the weather on the gold coast for the next couple of weeks.
  9. With the Chinese banning our wine LH I think it our national duty to drink more wine.
  10. Might be if he is playing for the lions BBP!
  11. Just trying a new vintage Pinot Bbo and I thought of you. Hmm could do with being in the bottle a little longer.
  12. Well at least we can say we beat someone in the eight p2j
  13. Sounds like us supporters are the tomies Deemania.
  14. Have we seen the last of Jones and Brayshaw in the red and blue? Two weeks out at this time of this season is the end of the season. Lh I would not be surprised to see Gawn rested, I don’t think he has recovered from his injury.
  15. Why worry about stabilising the team at this point in the season LH, we won’t play finals so it’s probably more important to see if there is any future for a few. And could they Be much worse than 5 or 6 who have given very little most weeks.
  16. Agree with most of that, but not convinced on Kossi yet. Might be too early to tell. Interesting that only one of them is a forward and only a part time one at that.
  17. Well in the end it stops at his door.
  18. It’s a pity it is happening in front of almost no one and in a game that’s means nothing in the scheme of things. Has turned into a very good player, IMO one of only 4 very good players we have.
  19. First you have to get the ball, neither are high in that at Casey level. I am not against trying them but don’t expect too much.
  20. Says a lot, don't expect the same from Goodwin. He knows he is right now.
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