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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. I am convinced he is playing injured since his return Chook.
  2. I have watched him a bit at Casey and does not rack up big position numbers there either. But as you say he has a contract for next year and you cannot sack everyone on the list. There are a lot in the line ahead of him to be looking for a new home in 2021.
  3. A lot of what you say makes sense Skuit however the MFC always has excuses I have heard them all over the last 55 years. The simple fact is the list is average. Tmac, Jetta and Melksham are not even close to The quality of your Geelong nominees at any any age. They started with way more talent from day one. It’s the list for god sake it ain’t that good. Two thirds of them can deliver the ball accurately by foot. The player who is among our best 3-4 players with big possession numbers is a terrible kick.
  4. As you say he is only a kid, in my look at the list I have left off this years recruits as it is too early to tell. Early indications are that two of the three show promise.
  5. We have one KPF who at present is an average KPF. No good small forwards, a couple of handy forward flankers and that is it. That forward line will no kick winning scores against the better teams in the competition, in fact it struggles to kick winning scores against the weaker sides. We have a multitude of players who fall into the VFL standard talents group and a bigger number of average talents. The top ten Players cannot continually cover up that lack of talent.
  6. The other problem af is people are over estimating the quality of the list. It is a mid level team if things go our way. We have a large number of average players.
  7. Sadly boys and girls I think we are stuck with Goodloss for another season as we cannot afford to pay him out and there are too many in control who made the decision to give him an extra three years. Think mid 2021 he goes and a new coach for season 2022.
  8. We stunk it up the first few games. It not just this two.
  9. Oh Wise you are trying to find reasons when the obvious has been there for two years. I keep saying that we over rate the quality of the team and FD. The results have been there for all to see. The only stat that matters is the score board. That tells us we are at best a mid level talent if things flow our way.
  10. It is asking a lot of a guy who has only played scratch matches this year to suddenly come in and play a very good game first up.
  11. Yes it is a lot happier and more positive on here than living in Melbourne.
  12. Even though I was lucky enough to be there I am tired of the subject It almost a life time ago for me.
  13. If you are a forward and cannot convert what is the point?
  14. Yes, believe it or not a Richmond supporting friend asked me on the phone on the weekend how the Learnings were going!
  15. That’s what annoys me the most LDC. It’s not a bloody word!
  16. We don’t need to our plan is terrific and our players so good at delivery we just steam roll the other side. Oh but hang on how come we aren’t on top of the ladder.
  17. Nothing against you LH but if I hear “learnings “ one more time I will microwave my membership card.
  18. You have captured me wonderful in that Binman. Great work.
  19. Looks like someone trying to secure their job for next year to me.
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