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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. "and have Watts tear up 5 games" I really look forward to that rpfc! Any idea which games?
  2. old dee


    I am shocked e25 I thought I was one of your friends!
  3. old dee


    While I am not as young as I used to be I will be pulling in down. After the actual AGM they have an info session which is a good event as they usually introduce all the new players and the coach is available for questions. Not the worst function I attend by a long way.
  4. We have a very good draw probably the best in 5 years. We look like starting 2011 with a near full list of fit players with good pre seasons behind them. The number of games played by our list has risen considerably on last year. To finish any lower than 9th in IMO will be a poor result. I will be disappointed if we do not make the finals
  5. Agree but they are a hell of a lot better than Last!
  6. I don't think I have ever said he was a bum! I am just waiting to see him justify his No. 1 Tag. Above I was just agreeing with you. The vast majority of great forwards are dependant on players up the field.
  7. You know what rpfc. I don't care if we have a good midfield shoving the ball down his throat. If the Mid field makes him look good then great. As long as he uses it well when he gets it that is all I want. And I will be happy to call him a champ. The very best forwards are dependant on the ball being delivered into the forward line.
  8. Agree with you, However I often wonder if the players get as excited as the fans about who is the Captain! I am fairly confident that the choice will not cost us a place in the eight next year!
  9. Translating obvious talent into good games is what seperates the average players from the Champions. And my dog says so!
  10. Spot on DC getting the ball is what counts and then what you do with it. I have seen lots of great athletes who could not get a kick!
  11. Prospect being the operative word. Proof of the pudding is in the eating. This time 2011 we will know.
  12. You have covered it for me DEELIGHTED
  13. You are probably right However I grew up with a different attitude to what makes a game entertaining Try as I might I cannot get involved in Soccer. There is just not a lot happening for me. To me it is like watching basketball except no one scores. I cannot imagine going to a basketball game and at the end of an hour the final score was nil all. For better or worse I have trouble watching the game.
  14. I have tried as well You will never win mate!
  15. Good god High Tower I know that! He was suggesting that every time he saw a theme on big Jim he got a fright. I was suggesting every time I saw his name it gave me a fright! Are you with me HT or am I just too obscure?
  16. No too much 'dandeman" short and sweet is the key.
  17. Thats The problem TJ Its hardly ever the game that is the most exciting or interesting bit. You either have to get drunk before you get there, sign songs in the ground or have a punch up afterwards. Because there is not a lot happening when the game is on. The way to fix Soccer is get rid of "off Side' and make the goal net 1 metre wider.
  18. Now that is a bit tall RR even for December 9! But who knows Watts might kick a few next year.
  19. Me too "Jacks" By the way can you change your name "The Jacks" has a whole different meaning for us older guys. Not good!
  20. I could not agree more. It will probably be a really good game but you never know some one might score and mess it all up! However my money is on nil all.
  21. Thanks DC you never cease to provide a lttle light relief. Keep them coming.
  22. Rhino I did not intentional turn this into an assessment of Ottens. Started out on TJ. He did not give us the value we expected from a No.1 pick However he gave me a lot of joy (and some heart ache ) over the journey. At the time we traded him I thought it was foolish to trade the best kick we had when most of the team were struggleing to hit a barn door from 30 meters. However we got Grimes as a result so as in numerous times in the past the FD at The Dees knew a lot more than me. But it is entertaining to discuss these things at this time of the year. Lets hope this time next year we are arguing over why Melbourne finished 5th and not 4th.
  23. Good grief Guys sorry I started all this! I only said I was sad it ended this way with Cam. And I hope he has success in the future! If that is a GF victory so be it. Lets get on with 2011.
  24. Well that probably is where it ends. We have a difference of opinion that will not change. Go Dees
  25. Rhino luck is a fortune. He arrived at Geelong at just the right time. If you look at his performances at the Cats he has had about 20 good games which happen to be finals performances over 2- 3 years in Championship teams. The first year at Geelong everyone was saying they gave away far too much to get him. Reminds me of Jack Hawkins. In any other club he would be delisted by now. Just lucked out on being around in the great Geelong era. Both will fad away when Geelong drops this year.
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