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old dee

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Everything posted by old dee

  1. Well DC I said I would not be back till 2011 However could not wait! Both new jumpers leave me cold however the look will change when they have numbers and on a human in real life (I hope) but when we win 12 games next year I will not care! Looked up the other lines on the site and I actually like those a lot more than this year. There are a number of items there that I would consider buying. Not a lot of "demons" in the designs! Not sure what happened to "Bring back the Demon"
  2. Thanks DD but we still do not know what position he played!
  3. Oh Please DC lets not go there till at least Jan 2011 arrives!
  4. It is a close go but I reckon No.1 wins
  5. You are correct I had forgotten that problem. Always fanced 31 ( wonder why) but it was a small, tried to get into it a couple of times. What a joke! Settled for 32, closest I could get?
  6. But then DC if we took that attitude there would be nothing on Demonland. You were obviously a lot better than me I was just happy to get a number!
  7. Now Rhino this is much more interesting than if Bennell gets no. 7 I was around in 63/64 and I have no memory of him. Do you know where he played? Does anyone know who he was?
  8. Jury is still out for me with Bennell! He has one good game and then two very ordinary ones. Needs a good 2011 before I would change his number.
  9. I promised myself I was not coming back to this theme for the rest of 2010. However has anyone seen the preview of the NB range of gear? Not a DEMON in sight. I thought we were bringing back the Demon! Or Have I missed something?
  10. Thanks Daisycutter I think I always knew that. Agree with you on above. I hope this is my last comment on this theme. Lets get on with winning our next flag Go Dees
  11. You have my vote especially that last bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Well Daisycutter got up this morning to find all this. Discussion over it would seem. Looks like white again boys. Just crawl back into my hole and worry about our cricket team. Carn the Dees!
  13. I would like to see him explain the Carton situation, or perhaps his lap dog Mr. A
  14. Thanks Deevoted, shows what I though not many and a long time between drinks. Not one in the last 29 years!
  15. Never thought I would say this mate but you have my vote. Now where is the first wind mill!
  16. Thank you, it will be an interesting list!
  17. I think "their" logic was Saints have a black back and we have a mainly dark blue back!
  18. Good News, looks like we might get a good one here. If he turns into a good player it will be an unusual event. Can anyone tell me the last time a father and son combination at Melbourne Produced a good result? The last one I can remember was "Spud Dullard" back in the early eighties I think. Spud was no champion but a useful player. Over the years the Dees have not had too many "sons" play.
  19. Amazing is it not. A club that has Blue and white as its colours has no white in the new jumper! They also have blue shorts, but the Dees are not allowed red shorts. And approved by the AFL. Am I being paranoid or are we getting shafted?
  20. Hi Daisycutter you must be close to typing off your finger tips this afternoon! Before you do can you tell me which clubs we are supposed to clash with? My normal contact at MFC is not available today and the AFL refused to discuss the matter, refered me back to the MFC. The comment was "this is a matter for the MFC" Make of that what you will!
  21. Hi Trident re above in a seperate comment I said it was a case of power! Some clubs have a lot e.g. Collingwood and other have little e.g. Melbourne. I have not fought the mainly white jumper because it appeared to me that it was the decree from the AFl and in the next few years all the obstainers would be into line. However the game has changed with the new Carlton strip. If ever a club should have a white clash jumper it is Carton after all their colours are Blue and White. I heard the Carlton CEO on the radio this morning saying they were a little tired of the white clash jumper so came up with light blue, this was approved by the AFL because the teams they clash with are said by the AFL to be Collingwood, Essendon, Richmond and Melborne ( From Memory ) So a light blue does not clash with those teams. The main message I got was Carlton only need a clash jumper that was different the the teams they clash with. On that basis the Dees need to work out who the AFL says we clash with and design a jumper around those teams. The AFL's decree of Mainly White no longer holds water. However nothing will change unless we all [censored] a lot. Write to the AFL and Melbourne, nothing will work better than if both groups have 20,000 pieces of paper in their hands. My two letters are going off as soon as I work out which are the teams were the AFL thinks there is a clash
  22. Leaving my prejudice aside it seems to me that the brains trust at the Dees do not see Watts as a full forward. From memory I do not remember seeing him play that role for more than small portions of a game. The fact that they have tried to recruit Hale and now Drafted two full forward types makes me think That Watts is not a full forward! At the very least Bailey and company do not seem to think he is one!
  23. Hi Daisycutter, after seeing todays HUN I need to get a lance! I am joining all the Don's on Demonland. If Carlton can have light blue why do we have to have white. It is time for every Melbourne supporter to write to the AFL. Deluge them with complaints. I am angry!
  24. Now I know you are dreaming! Not that there is anything wrong with that.
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