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John Crow Batty

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Everything posted by John Crow Batty

  1. If I and other posters with similar views to mine contributed a measly 0.1% of the effort required in helping get this matter to a head then it's infinitely far more than fans like you that would have been content keeping their heads in the sand for another six months to wait for any answer.
  2. Thats a bloody good sign. A total reversal of his previous managers ridiculous position. This matter has to be buried before we start to play real footy.
  3. I would like to see how these stats compare with corresponding centre clearance rates. The most basic and damaging inside 50 play originates from centre clearances. I was a little dismayed that in the last draft mostly tall's were selected. I was hoping to see more inside ball winners.
  4. OMG, the Martians are coming. Lock up your daughters.
  5. I tend to agree with your observations on Bate and MacDonald. They have been much maligned after this game and unfairly IMO. Perhaps destined to become regular whipping boys every time we lose this season.
  6. I suspected yesterday that Liam or Jack might get special attention. I hope it gets looked at.
  7. They certainly had the intensity. Essendon had much more to prove than us at this time of year. But I wonder how we would have approached the game if we were playing the filth instead?
  8. No way. He layed a hand on his chest and it slipped up around under his chin. No intention there. Just clumsy.
  9. Disagree. We were outcoached. Don't forget they had inside knowledge on us. Bailey should have expected that. I imagine Sean Welman had something to offer. The novelty of the unknown Hird gameplan will disappear soon. I see this experience as something like a vaccine against a disease. Better be exposed to a small infection now so as to build immunity against the full blown sickness later on.
  10. More concerned about their sub standard disposoal. Jones never looks to where he's kicking. And Mololoney looks like an NFL punter. Both just bomb it with little thought.
  11. I was told a few days ago that the Bombers were out to get us this season and they did it this time with style. Their work rate compared to ours was sensational. We did not work as hard as last week. Conceded a very high score for this abreviated form of the game. I don't mind we got beaten like this. Better to see all deficiences exposed now rather than later. Grimes was OK but our defence was very disorganised and bad decision making. Again allowed too many cheap goals from stoppages and broken play. And conceded too many easy marks inside 50 as we also did last week. Our midfield was poor. Something lacking there. Just can't get the ball out in stoppages. Scully was missed. Our forwards again looked good despite limited opportunities. But not pleased with Watts. Showed very little. Maric looks like he can become a genuine goal hound. Dunn impressed and Jurrah was Jurrah for the most part. I don't think Bailey had the team prepared for what to expect and was outcoached IMO. Overall IMO a lazy performance from us but a very long way to go yet.
  12. Blaming everyone else for his problems? Blaming a family one knows nothing about? This topic is getting so sick it's not even worth commenting further.
  13. I am very interested to see how Hird approaches this game. Spent all his career as a student of Sheedy as have many of his assistants. Missed their first NAB games. I understand they are stacking their forward line with talls. Typical Sheedy tactic. I wonder also if special Sheedy style attention will be given to Jurrah and Watts or will they save it for later in the season?
  14. It's all getting to be like a Melbourne Cup. Everyone, pundits, punters, bookies, jockeys and other runners in this case have an opinion on how the favourite will run except for the horse of course.
  15. I can see the day when Twittering football issues may become a banned activity for footballers. Could cause real problems unless it is an attempt to disseminate disinformation or confusion.
  16. Looking forward to a big year from Jack. I hated it when when Naitanui debuted and everyone was making out Jack to be a dud. Gave me some doubts but not lost faith. But are we going to see articles on every single Melbourne players views of Scully? Going to be a long season and lots of newspaper columns to fill. Plenty of time for all of them to get a crack at it until he signs?. Can't wait for Michael Newton's contribution.
  17. No one can make this girl accept any help if she des not want it. Which appears to be the case. Are you suggesting the men in white coats be brought in to lock her up for her own protection?
  18. Concede is perhaps a poor choice of word on my part. But these games I would put in the bonus win category if we can pull them off. And I agree we should approach all games with the same hardness and also that in particular the Aints and Westies are not beyond our reach. I hope we don't also see any of those "resting" tactics like we tried at Geelong.
  19. Thaks for the great report. I still like to know whats happening with Scully. Hasn't trained for two weeks, hasn't played and is not on any injury list. Would appreciate some clarity from the club on his knee soreness.
  20. I think he will be a lot smarter and wiser than the others. He'll wait till she turns 18.
  21. At this stage I believe there are 18 games we can win given the right conditions on the day. I will concede to the Swans, Geelong, St Kilda and WB all away at this stage. If we win 12 of these 18 or 66% we will have reached par expectations for the season IMO.
  22. He would be a great mentor. Teach the kids how to apply maximum defensive pressure with knees and elbows. Essendon are very well aware though that they have at least two young players of interest to Sheedy.
  23. You should have a deeper look at how the Murdoch press operates worldwide. If they can't dig up up outrages then they will create them.
  24. Perhaps he's going to Italy to catch up with Silvio Berlusconi. Interesting how the two 17 year olds involved with these gentlemen are being portrayed. One as poor damaged goods who needs help and the other as a celebrity sex bomb sweeping the A list glitterati world. I understand Silvio's girl now 18 will be a featured guest at a prestigious Vienna opera ball to be held soon. Our very own Paris Hilton will also make her anticipated formal debut shortly.
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