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Bitter but optimistic

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Everything posted by Bitter but optimistic

  1. Scruie ... love you buddy! Where would we be without you? Post on the cliches thread please Stu -- you're (note dumb [censored], your/you're) expert in that area.
  2. Well we do try to hijack every thread. However, in our defence, what we have have to say is far more intelligent, articulate and worth considering than most other dicks that post here. However, I will grant an exception. If I am [censored] and Biffen is spun out on drugs, our posts are senseless!! eer hang on!
  3. God I love your work sweet!! You could be the reason I go straight - ( the lads are for it)!!
  4. The libs are more pathetic. But just watch the farmers - Jizza may not survive the shock. Fl og also appears to be a conservative but I doubt he knows what an election is.
  5. At times I would agree with you. Yet I have also seen him take strong marks. I think it is an area in which he is improving.
  6. " The lads" subscribe to outdated christian values so my support for the sex party had to be clandestine Moon. However i enjoyed watching the squirming worming libs try to disavow responsibility for their ineptitude in a number of interviews tonight.
  7. Spencer will be the man. He's had some injury setbacks but they are not congenital. He works as hard as anyone. He has developed over the time he has been with Melbourne. He is coming into his physical prime and he has a touch of mongrel in him. He will be a gun. BBO has called it!
  8. The libs are gone. However just watched interviews with lib 2 members who cant accept this . One was this Bauer slag from bayside cant remember the other one. Arrogant clowns just don't get the fact that voters have the final say.
  9. Re politics! Seems to be a general (and government changing) swing to labor. But good old conservative Borewood is holding the line. In any event though, it is certain that dc will be needed to console any number of nervous bluerinsers! Hope a change of government doesn't impact too much on Jizza's arse hole!
  10. "but it is something to savour." Had a couple already Clit? I know Duriff well and in fact was good friends with one of that grape's pioneer supporters. Must say, I found it overpowering straight but but fine as a low percentage blend.
  11. Well, maybe not a like but I'll stop thinking you're (note usage) a total di ck for 5 seconds.That will build up your (note usage) self esteem. I'm very positive tonight. What is wrong with me?
  12. FFS Fl og at least learn the difference in usage between your and you're - I may even give you a like!
  13. Christ even a hard head like you bb getting caught up in the post draft enthusiasm - settle down. Return to reality now before it guts you in 2015.
  14. Yes, I can understand you needing a break from time to time dc. Even Biffen's pharmacopoeia has its limitations. As to Jizza, those dairy farmers have a pretty easy existence.
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