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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. That's been going on you a long time now... best policy is to apply the old adage, if at first you don't succeed, try, try and try again. Still, it's better than the opposite problem where some posters manage to get twice the quoter quota of quotes per response.
  2. I don't disagree... I just think that at the time, no-one knew what was coming re Mugabe's transformation to raving looney.
  3. Not sure that that goes against anything I said. At the time, Mugabe was considered a hero amongst his people and so would have been considered the logical choice as leader. Fraser may have had input, but really the ball was set in motion by the British (Lord Carington).
  4. That's a bit unfair RF... everyone was recognising the Mugabe regime at the time because the whites were no longer in control... at the time it was considered a step in the right direction and no-one could see what was coming (Mugabe had been a political prisoner, much like Mandella I suppose, for a number of years under Ian Smith's minority govt). I was watching the documentary Marley the other day and was surprised to see him playing at Mugabe's independence celebrations in 1980 (despite the fact Mugabe wasn't that keen on having him perform)... but when you think about it, at the time it made perfect sense.
  5. No Nasher = Gnashers to the power of 10
  6. He is one supporter... we are all grown up enough to make up our own minds whether we support the old regime or not... and I think you will find that he will give just as fervent support to the new regime. And I think that to compare his support to the banks during the financial crisis is extremely fanciful at best
  7. Yes, I know the film well, Herzog's Nosferatu with Klaus Kinski in the lead role... however, I would hardly being comparing Nosferatu to Schwab or Renfield to Satyriconhome.
  8. No more concerning than your often over the top condemnations that also drew strong rebukes from many. I really don't mind people offering reasonable criticism, but I am not particularly comfortable with people starting to make it too personal... and in some cases, it seems that whenever Satyriconhome now says anything, there are some who are just waiting to jump on him regardless.
  9. So, you are comparing Schwab to Nosferatu?
  10. In which case, the membership on here would be decimated.
  11. Gee I don't know... possibly remarks like "old blokes hanging around changing rooms..."? Criticism is one thing, but attempting to be hurtful is a completely different matter.
  12. One of the things that is really starting to p!ss me off on here is the schoolyard bullying that is taking place now on this forum. Satyriconhome is obviously a genuine supporter of the club and likes to share his insights into training and conversations with the players. Who cares if the players take him seriously or not? To condemn him for his support of the club and players is way way out of line. BH and WYL simply go for personal attacks that are completely unwarranted. I have had the pleasure of talking to Satyriconhome at the couple of training sessions I have been able to get along to, and he and his lady are fine people who seem to have a good rapport with the players and club officials. If he likes to talk that up here, then all power to him... why continually try to burst his bubble?
  13. We don't need "altitude" training... we need "attitude" training!
  14. Liked your pics on twitter Saty... by the way, who was that walking behind Cross (maybe I'm out of touch or going more stupid, but I didn't recognise the face).
  15. Did you get to talk to Nev Jetta? No mention of whether he was hopeful to be rookied by the club?
  16. Yet you, like myself, keep doing it The whole discussion is pointless in my opinion as, like him or hate him, we have Abbott for the next few years unless he screws up big time in the eyes of his fellow party members.
  17. I will correct myself here... I was looking at the wrong image Yes, it does appear as if the collar is gone.
  18. Think you might find that that shot has them in their training gear.
  19. Actually, if you look at the MFC's image of Jones in the new sponsor gear, the collar remains, but the stars are gone.
  20. But, as I mentioned in the draft dates thread, did you notice that when you go to Info it says: "AFL: Watch the AFL Draft from pick 27 to the very end..." What does that mean exactly? Is it a countdown to 1 or do we miss out on the first quarter of the picks? Confusing.
  21. ...or Jim (just don't let him near the drink bottles) ... or George (it might be a good year for the Demons as long as the bottle doesn't let him down)
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