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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Wrist guards in teh wet wouldn't have helped Froome as he did his wrist in the dry in what appeared to be a really innocuous fall. The commentators last night were speculating that it may actually have been broken. But what riveting viewing that stage was! I thought the ride of the stage was (and I forget his name) Porte's team mate in dragging him up to within 1:54 (I think it was) of Nibali by the finish. The way Nibali rode the cobbled sections was also beautiful to watch.
  2. You're just trying to make an already complicated system unnecessarily complicated, aren't you.
  3. I would like to see an additional scoring option included in the rules where the player can call out "poster!!" as he kicks the ball on the run (or as he prepares to take a set kick)... if it hits the post he gets 9 points for nominating a shot with a high degree of difficulty. If he doesn't make the call and it hits the post, then it is considered accidental and just the single point is awarded. And to make it more interesting (and to employ a "no shenanigans" rule), if said player does call "poster" and it passes through the goals without hitting the post, his score is devalued to just 3 points. I think it's a goer... anyone else agree?
  4. It has been mentioned in the media (AFL360 were talking that angle up last night)... bit either way, that should be no excuse for what he did... they should both do time and I agree with the picket fence... he got off lightly.
  5. By the look of the quotes above, it would seem GSof a G is one of those of whom you speak.
  6. Then how about we have a GPS device inserted in the ball which is synchronised with other GPS devices that are attached to the four goal posts and four point posts...this could then all be hooked up to an automated scoring system that registers the goal or point, automatically updating the scoreboard, This will save the AFL the wages they currently pay the goal umpires and score board attendants (all no longer required). In fact the same technology could be used for boundary line calls.
  7. Well, that would open a whole can of worms... if you are to pay that like soccer, then every ball that is touched or run through the goals should also be a goal. The only issue I have with the whole goal/point system is that if a ball hits the goal post it's a point and if it hits the point post it's out of bounds... why is it that if it is touched through the goals it's a point, yet if it's touched through the points, it's a point and not out of bounds?
  8. Yep, I saw that as well. I think they should both go... Petrie should get 3 and Lake be given a holiday for the rest of the season. I really don't care how seriously hurt (or not) the "victim" is and I get sick of the argument that the penalty should be less because of the outcome... I keep saying it, if they want to get this sort of behaviour out of the game, they MUST penalise them for intent! And it's not exactly like Lake has a sqeaky clean past, is it?
  9. What was that about Dawes and contested marks?
  10. And Freo were restricted to just a couple of goals... what do you think the score would have been this time last year genius?
  11. I thought he had just opened the fridge early ;-)
  12. I think we could win this, but to say it would be disappointing to lose just beause Freo have two of their very very long list of star players out is laughable.
  13. I'm actually not writing us off for this one. We don't have to put up with that god awful partisan home crowd of theirs and the conditions may level the playing field a little. And yes, I believe Col is playing.
  14. Um, I think he might disagree with you on that point ;-)
  15. Maybe the "fool on the hill" wants to revisit the reforms of 1967? “As a general principle we support foreign investment. Always have and always will,” he said. “Our country is unimaginable without foreign investment.” “I guess our country owes its existence to a form of foreign investment by the British government in the then unsettled or, um, scarcely settled, Great South Land,”
  16. Ah Jesse... so much integrity for one so young!
  17. It's official... tweeted afew minutes ago by the MFC. Signed on until the end of season 2017.
  18. Hoges probably just found out that his back is completely rooted and couldn't sign quick enough
  19. Surely you're taking the pizz WJ But I have heard he's a fine specimen of a lad.
  20. Was that the mark over Yze? (I think Winny said something about sharing the car or whatever the prize was, with Yze in return for the leg up).
  21. I agree with most of this OD, but I would think that top 8 is possible next year if the draft/trading period this year is productive (which I do not doubt it will be with the current coaching group and admin running the club). The vitriol I see being spat out on the game day threads here never ceases to amaze me, particularly when you see where the current list is now compared to where it was this time 12 months ago. PR is a superb coach and has already shown where he is taking us (in fact, I would argue that we are well ahead of where most would have predicted at the beginning of the year) and it should be obvious even to Blind Freddy and his dog, that we were never going to be contenders this year. The following is in no way directed towards you OD (I just thought I would vent a little while I am here): Yesterday was frustrating, yes... but typically in a D'Land game day/post-match discussion, the focus is on the poor one and a half quarters in the first half of the game, and little to do with the gutsy come back. People set themselves up for disappointment by saying that the Western Bulldogs are not up to our standards and as they are without certain players it will be a disgrace if we lose... rubbish! The Western Bulldogs won 8 games to our 2 last year and were a team that was looking to be going places defeating West Coast, Carlton and Adelaide before finally defeating us by 20 points in the last 5 rounds of the season. Just exactly what were we doing at that time? They have had a well balanced list for quite some time and so I was not surprised at all with yesterday's result... the only thing that disappointed my was our lack of effort and appalling skills by hand and foot in the first half.
  22. No, it's our generally poor ball use all around the ground that is losing it for us.
  23. They just showed some highlights from the womens' game on Foxtel... wow!! Perhaps Roos should be showing the players that footage at the break; completely fearless attack on the ball.
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