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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I suppose you would have to think then that the MFC will be doing a bit of talking to Mitch and his manager over the next few weeks to determine whether he might be interested. I don't think there could be any doubt that the MFC are interested considering, if I am remembering the Roos Pie Night thread correctly, Roos had intimated that he believed Clark was the best player at the club prior to injury.
  2. And who would it have been that "duped" them? Why, the EFC of course :-)
  3. Interestingly, Mitch posted an Instagram pic yesterday from St Kilda with the caption: "perfect day for a recovery swim down at st kilda beach #iphone" Make of that what you will (unless of course, he was recycling an old shot). http://instagram.com/mitchclark
  4. I am pleased to hear that there is going to be a sequel to "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel". That is one of the few films I can watch over and over. The only other films that have made such an impression are "Intouchable", "Diva", "Monsoon Wedding", "Spirited Away" and "My Neighbour Totoro". I'm now waiting on my Werner Herzog collection on blu ray to arrive (it finally shipped from Amazon in the UK after multiple delays in its release) and also Miyazaki's latest animation "The Wind Rises". Took my sons to see "Guardians of the Galaxy" yesterday... what a hoot!! Absolutely loved it and is by far and away the best of all of the Marvel releases. Clever wit, great action and you even find yourself caring about the characters which for me was a little surprising.
  5. Because our handballing is better than our kicking perhaps?
  6. I don't care that we will lose, but I am really looking forward to this game if for no other reason than to see how they respond to their attrocious effort last week.
  7. Kick off is 7:40pm...I don't know why any AFL follower with a mobile doesn't have the AFL Live app. It's free and has all of the info you need.
  8. Ok, fair enough... but my question to that poster ("care to elaborate") was directed at his comment "Attitude is nowhere near what is required, which I understandable given his background" - it was the "background" part that I was asking him to elaborate on.
  9. I don't see how that relates to "his background". I know Waylon said he liked the idea of impressing the girls and I know he was often ready to drop out (but to his credit he pushed through that), but I don't recall anything about partying... in fact, didn't he put his position on the line for not dragging Chris(?) back after Chris had been out most of the night drinking (used his Captain's privilege to swap pull Chris out of the bottom three and put himself in for failing in his duties). Seemed fairly ethical.. but that sure backfired on him this week when Chris used his captain's privilege to get Waylon out of the bottom three, only to have Waylon refuse... Waylon was then sent packing.
  10. Well, he had the X Factor
  11. hardtack


    Not meant as a mean comment, but gee that sounds just like it could have come from the pen of Red Sovine.
  12. Merge with Port Adelaide and become Port Melbourne... the added benefit for certain posters on here would be that we finally get Ollie Wines.
  13. I was thinking Waylon... replace a project player with a project player... but at least Waylon has skills to burn.
  14. I thought that the offer was that the "off season" would count as part of their sentence, meaning that they would miss maybe only one month of next season (most were given 6 months). This may work with NRL as players can go and play overseas during the Australian summer and the ban would stop them from being able to do that, but it could never work with AFL as there is no alternative competitions around the planet that their players can go and play with professionally. To allow them to serve part of their sentence in the off season would be no penalty at all. Another big difference is that the Cronulla thing only involved 15(?) players over a period of a couple or so weeks... the Essendon thing involves 34 players and was run systematically over a period of roughly 12 months. Chalk, meet cheese!
  15. hardtack


    Ok, I didn't see that... apologies. However, I would be more worried if they did like the boos. I'm afraid there is no easy way to fix it... they are tired after a long season of playing above themselves (and that is what they have essentially been doing based on past years form) and until this game, they had acquited themselves reasonably well. I really don't think 4 wins tells the full story when you look at how hard they have worked to reduce the number of thrashings they were getting. Things will improve, but I fear there will need to be a few more interations when it comes to drafting/trading before we can expect to be a top 4 side. Having said that, if they can make a similar step up next year as they did this year compared to last year, then I don't think a place just outside the top 8 is unachievable.
  16. hardtack


    Obviously they are the players you are talking about. Well, you fail to mention that they both stated that they deserved to be booed. They were obviously very disappointed and ashamed. I think it is a little unfair to single them out just because they were interviewed and made comment.
  17. Murphy is an intelligent and erudite individual who also happens to be an excellent footballer with a great knowledge of the game and an even greater ability to impart that knowledge through his appearances in the media and his writings in the Age; he has a gift that is very rare in football/sporting circles. Why must he need to have been an All Australian?
  18. I wonder if the ASADA case coming to a head at Cronulla is any indication of what might be to come for Essendon? http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-league/league-news/asada-pain-could-end-soon-for-cronulla-sharks-20140817-10546c.html This may already have been clarified here somewhere amongst the 285 pages of this thread, but it appears that suspensions apply from the date of issue rather than over the actual season (which to me seems pointless - it may work for sports like cycling and athletics that are run year round, but not for a seasonal sport such as NRL or AFL): "With the bans expected to be offered to 17 past and present Sharks players believed to be between one month and six months in length, all will be back playing after the first month of next season - if not earlier."
  19. Plenty of topics for dicussing this on the "It's the midfield, stupid" Drafting and Trading Board"
  20. hardtack


    WTF should apply to those on here that are outraged by an article that is likely to be read by next to nobody. All the OP did was manage to get the guy a few extra hits on his article.
  21. What, he taught at a seminary school?
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