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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. I suppose we all see what we want to see... I saw him as a trier and you didn't. This is a thread acknowledging his retirement and time at the club... it is hardly the type of thread that should be used as a platform for criticising the guy... there have been plenty of those in the past.
  2. And that's his fault is it? He was one of the most maligned players on our list who gave it a real crack everytime he took the field. It is hardly his fault that he was firstly recruited and secondly given games. I have nothing but respect for the guy and wish him well in whatever he does next.
  3. It's funny (maybe), but I still remember one of the questions in my Social Studies matriculation exam in 1969 was something along the lines of "Do we really need the Senate anymore, or is it a thing of the past?". The more things change, the more it would seem, that things stay the same ;-)
  4. If the source is not accurate then this is pure speculation... and as it is very apparent who is being discussed, then your post could be considered defamatory and probably should not be here.
  5. Says it all really... sweeping generalisations are the refuge of those who have no reasonable arguments to back themselves up.
  6. And you say you're not a rusted on Lib... you are fooling no-one with sweeping generalisations such as that. And his response to the shooting down of MH17 is nothing different to what any other of our leaders would have done in the same position. He is the leader of the country and has to act... simple. As for the bracketed line immediately after that (selfies etc), what that has to do with anything is beyond me...but to seemingly place it as a comment on how they may have responded to the MH17 event, is beyond the pale. You are not rusted on... you are bolted, welded, and superglued on.
  7. and for this latest lot, inadequate is the word.
  8. No, I have it on good authority that ENYAW is a member of the Pentecostal faith and that when he is "taken with the Lord" he is simply engaging in what is technically known as Glossolalia... or to the layman, typing in tongues.
  9. This pretty much sums the games up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Aj3KZa1ZCM&feature=player_embedded
  10. I'm pretty sure that was originally a movie and was possibly made in Scandinavia (Norway?)... remember seeing it a while ago.
  11. As I recall it, he was DEFINITELY not coming to the MFC as well.
  12. That response to a phrase often used to show respect for someone whose achievements you admire would seem to indicate that our friend and fellow poster is a few pickets short of the full fence. My only question mark over the original post is... why are Collingwood players visiting your school; isn't it time to get a few Dees doing the rounds?
  13. I'd like to believe that too... but I guess there's no way of really knowing until he makes his decision.
  14. I did a bit of searching and all reviews indicated that the DVD only covers the opening ceremony (on disc 1) and the athletes parade (disc 2); no closing ceremony footage. Also, it was filmed in 4:3 format and not widescreen which was a pretty dumb move.
  15. Ling has also stated he is still open to considering working on Carlton's coaching team despite his run in with Malthouse: http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/cameron-ling-still-open-to-working-with-mick-malthouse-at-carlton-20140717-zu7d5.html
  16. Apparently Porte has the best time trial times of all in the top 10, so hopefully if he can maintain position until the second last stage without losing too much ground on Nibali, he may be in with a shot for a podium finish (if not outright victory).
  17. I am pretty sure Midnight Oil were a part of the closing ceremony along with the Reg Mombassa props etc, not the opening ceremony (unless both are included on the DVD?).
  18. The most apt quote regarding hope (particularly the goals bit): "To be without hope is like being without goals, what are you working towards?" Catherine Pulsifer
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