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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. One last post in here... I posted pics from my trip to Melbourne on Facebook and included are a few from training and a few from the game (although I'm not so happy with the quality of those): https://www.facebook.com/tim.fleming.75/media_set?set=a.883458691689415.1073741860.100000758763064&type=3&pnref=story
  2. No, his favourite position is in the backline...he's not tall (yet)...but he is potentially a very good player (won the coaches award last year).
  3. You're all correct...Max is now right at the top of the heap (along with Harmes) as of this past few days.
  4. Max Gawn kept his word and the team won... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=882982818403669&set=a.100368423331783.619.100000758763064&type=1&theater Liam has loved every minute of his weekend which went from great, to amazing to stupendous! Well done MFC and I cannot thank big Max enough for how he has lifted my son's spirits!
  5. Just doing what I would hope any father would do for his child...but thanks anyway.
  6. Went to training today and Jane from the MFC introduced my son to big Max Gawn who had a nice chat with him about recovery etc. really wonderful guy and my son was absolutely over the moon. And just when Liam thought nothing could be better than that, Jane has organized passes to the changing rooms post game on Sunday. I'm really happy that this trip to Melbourne has been precisely the lift he needed and I really have to thank the MFC (again) and more particularly Georgina and Jane for going that extra mile.
  7. If you think I'm coming all the way down from Sydney with my son in tow (in his leg brace) only to give a quarter of the game a miss in some misguided "protest" (not to mention the fact that it would be a kick in the guts to Cross), you must have rocks in your head. Ridiculous idea!!
  8. I would prefer Nathan Jones... he still has many years left in him.
  9. I recommend almost anything and everything by the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami, but in particular "Kafka on the Shore" and "The Wind Up Bird Chronicle". He has also written a brilliant piece on the sarin gassing in the Tokyo subway called "Underground" in which he interviewed and told the stories of both victims and perpertrators.
  10. Well, you just aired your credentials with one simple post... emphasis on the word "simple".
  11. they DON'T LIKE IT UP 'EM"- Lance-Corporal Jack Jones, Dad's Army
  12. You don't think their hand was forced somewhat? Would they have done anything if this had not seen the light of day? The fact that it was an internal audit makes no difference by the way, once the audit was completed, it was on record and would be difficult to conceal. What corruption has actually been exposed/proven beyond a doubt that Federal Labour should be dealing with?
  13. He may well be OD... he might walk, but I somehow doubt that the club would be pushing him.
  14. Dunn and Garland? I somehow doubt that they will be moved on.
  15. Doesn't fit the description of the person I have met on a few occasions when I've been down from Sydney. I found him to be a very affable, pleasant person.
  16. Maybe the "bullying" on these forums eventually got to him?
  17. Do they usually train on Wednesdays AND Fridays? I will be extremely disappointed if, after taking my son down from Sydney next week, they are not out on the track on Friday. I phoned the club yesterday and they could not tell me yes or no.
  18. From my "footy injury" post: "I've just finished booking flights/accommodation for the final round... will take him along to the Friday training and then to the game against GWS on the Sunday (there's a nice symmetry there as the other game we got to see was the opener against GCS - let's hope results go the same way)." So yep, will be going as any result will at least take my son's mind off his injury even if just temporarily.
  19. Thanks all... I've just finished booking flights/accommodation for the final round... will take him along to the Friday training and then to the game against GWS on the Sunday (there's a nice symmetry there as the other game we got to see was the opener against GCS - let's hope results go the same way). If he can't play himself, he can at least get to meet and greet a few Dees at training and hopefully have a word with Maximum Gawn re what to expect if he goes the reconstruction route... would allay a few fears he might have.
  20. That's the old Ramones song "I Wanna Be Sedated" (our sedated C&W version)... and I'm the goose up front vocalising.
  21. He's pretty strong minded luckily ;-) Didn't play Don't Blame Me, wrong genre... this band plays rockabilly/country...with a nod to The Clash and Ramones. Not sure if the link will work, but: https://video-hkg3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xfp1/v/t42.1790-2/11937469_873117416091398_1882173428_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjMzMSwicmxhIjo1MTJ9&rl=331&vabr=184&oh=457b640aeac975760eef557e343fb3af&oe=55DB1CED
  22. Thanks DL asnd It's Time...yes, I will be looking into the insurance to claim the gap. As for the MRI, the surgeon is apparently one of the best in the business here in Sydney, so I will trust his judgement. I will get my local GP to write a referral for the MRI as with my son being 13, he is entitled to have it bulk billed which will mean we get it done at zero cost. Chook... yes, I've had better years, but for my son, the club is being very inclusive... he sits on the bench with the interchange, joins in the huddles at the end of each quarter and sings the song with them when they win. They are really very good. Jane02... unfortunately Liam's is not a foot injury, but his knee... he tore the MCL and ACL and in the process tore a small piece of bone off. It is looking most likely that he will have to undergo a full knee reconstruction. I was going to take him down for the Grand Final weekend, but there are just no affordable flights back on the day we would need to return... so instead I will take him down for the final game against GWS... the upside of that is that I will be able to take him to the club's training session and he can meet a few more players. That will help keep his spirits up.
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