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Everything posted by hardtack

  1. Thanks jako13... they gave him a zimmer splint which has braced the leg well (and a pair of crutches) and now we are just waiting for the swelling to subside. He is already finding his leg straightening almost completely where a couple of days ago that was not possible, so hopefully that is indicative of a relatively minor injury (but will probably still do the MRI just to be sure). As for muscle... he never had a lot to begin with, so it shouldn't take him too long to get back to where he was :-) I think loss of general fitness and endurance will be the main issue for him (plus the fact that it is his left knee which is on his kicking leg).
  2. Unless he had moved up here with the Swans, it would have been out of the question anyway DC ;-) Thanks all for the responses so far... appreciated... even if it isn't looking good for him re playing again this year. Still, I will be taking him down to Melbourne for the GF weekend so we can go and watch it on a big screen somewhere (Fed Square?); that should ease the pain a little.
  3. Not really a Dees question, but... My 13 year old son had the misfortune of getting his foot caught in a hole on the field while laying a tackle and as a result twisted his left knee, tearing the medial collateral ligament. The doctor in attendance at the hospital simply stated "a few weeks" but he does not specialise in the area so I am asking in the hope that someone here may have had experience with such an injury and be able to give me some indication of an expected recovery time (he has it in a zimmer splint so hopefully recovery won't be hindered by too much unnecessary movement). I'm trying to give him some hope to hang on to as footy is the one thing he looks forward to each week and there are only a few (possibly 6) weeks left before finals start and his team (Newtown Swans) are sitting at the top of the ladder. So...draws a deep breath...what are his odds of getting back in time (and please don't butter it up)?
  4. You are basing that on what... a hiatus of how long? A couple of decades? Of course I am concerned, because the long term affects are far more important that a hiatus. And it is interesting that you are quite happy to use the term "hiatus", as that would indicate that the cessation in warming is NOT permanent and that you too agree with the rest of us that temperatures will continue to rise over time.
  5. Proof... as long as the evidence is NOT from govt sources, from right wing journos or shock jocks, but rather is from sources to do with human rights issues, then yes, you might manage to convince me. I would be interested to know why you think Abbott is trying to silence the workers at the detention centres? Stopping the boats... on what do you base your claim that the numbers are down? Didn't Abbott put a code of silence in place with regards to sea going naval operations in relation to the boats? How would you have even the vaguest idea of how many boats there are? You can assume all you like, but it doesn't necessarily make it so.
  6. It matters not what I regard as long term or short term... the fact is that the very organisation (IPCC) you are claiming supports your hiatus stance, are saying that despite the unforeseen hiatus, global temperatures ARE increasing and ARE reaching a critical point. What do you consider "little warming since the ice age"? Regardless of what you think, the facts would seem to be saying that the warming is enough to cause deep concern. What is it that makes you want to argue this point continually? Do you have a vested interest in fossil fuels? Are you more concerned about your hip pocket than future generations? I would seriously be interested to know why you invest so much time in arguing these points with everyone and anyone on the forums who expresses a concern over global warming.
  7. Proof? The only move that I can see he has made is to attempt to silence those working at the detention camps by threatening them with incarceration. As for stopping the boats, aren't the boats still attempting to come and isn't he simply turning them around and exposing them to the same dangers regardless?
  8. Read the article; if you have read it, you would not really need to ask me that question.
  9. The point is that you show faux concern about the lives lost at sea, yet show little or no concern for the children exposed to all sorts of danger in the camps that your pal Abbott gleefully sends them to.
  10. Are sudden drops in the stock market always predictable... short answer, no... yet the trend over an extended period of time is up. Likewise with global warming, it is not always easy to predict a sudden hiatus, but over the long term the temperature is steadily increasing... an undeniable fact.
  11. Guess you're ecstatic now that Howe's done his ankle, hero?
  12. The Saints game is the only one that has me a bit concerned... if they win their next couple (GWS and Tigers) their confidence and momentum will be a real worry for us.
  13. Of course not... but I am highlighting the fact that a judge must be completely impartial. It would seem that perhaps you don't consider this to be a serious case?
  14. A hiatus is one thing (kind of like the ups and downs in the stock market in the short term)... what matters is the long term trend; or doesn't that concern you as you won't be around to suffer the effects? And as you love to cite the IPCC, from November last year: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/ipcc-report-little-time-left-to-act-on-climate-change-20141103-11g2er.html
  15. Wrecker... well let's face it, Ben Her, is all for children in custody and for exposing them to the possibility of assault in the gulags in Nauru. If Tony says it ok, then BH is all for it.
  16. So, would a judge be allowed to preside over an embezzlement, murder, or any other case in which the defendant was a friend or relative of his/hers? After all, if the judge is such a professional, then the judge would be beyond reproach and would not be swayed by any form of relationship.
  17. If we can towel up Essendon next week, I get the feeling that that will be the result that sees Herd out of the building. God I hope we do it!
  18. Well, he should be done for being on the ground when he wasn't selected.
  19. And Toumpas is the first tonight to miss a target?
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