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Everything posted by bing181

  1. Absolutely. Pity that that's not the question that was asked.
  2. Who's doing the bullying? The OPer was deliberately provocative, as he usually is. The OP didn't invite a discussion re Tapscott at all, it invited a discussion around whether or not Tapscott was a(nother) dud. Very different. And polarising.
  3. You've obviously never done any of the Wattbike sessions that they do. Try it sometime, and see how you go! It's not for nothing that gyms have stationary bikes. Clark has been working since before Christmas, and is now running alongside one of the best (if not the best?) runners at MFC. Not really fair on Mitch to compare, and would be interesting to see what happened if any of the other big guys on the team were put in the same position. I don't know that there will be issues with Clark's base fitness by the time Round 1 comes around. On the other hand, getting up to playing speed and playing and kicking with confidence are something else.
  4. Multitasking at its finest. (though FWIW, shows why the AFL live streaming falls down ... they still think people watch/interact with footy on their computers in the same way they watch TV).
  5. Serious? Everything that I've read/heard about Chris's work in the marketing etc. department and the work he's doing out at Casey, as well as his work on getting key supporters and business people to come onboard and dip into their pockets, has been glowingly positive. Did you read the Martin Flanagan article at all? As for "pushy interference in FD matters" ... given he was head of the FD at the time, hard to know how he could (not) interfere in his own department.
  6. Yep, we're on our knees. And all because of one sprained ankle.
  7. Not just no forwards perhaps ... as mentioned above: "Mahoney said the club would send a young squad to Renmark, and use the match to get more game time into players who did not get lengthy runs in last Friday's NAB Cup. ''I don't think we'll be sending a very senior squad,'' he said. " In other words, getting games into the kids. Perhaps better that it's not on TV, we'd need to put a few around here on suicide watch. 

  8. Dawes not playing apparently, and with Clark still out, there goes the backbone of our much-vaunted new forward line. Add to that Blease and Frawley probably out, plus perhaps resting one or two others to manage game time ... I'd be preparing myself for another loss if I were you.
  9. Because he was always a leading possession-getter at Melbourne?
  10. Yes, probably about the time it has taken Richmond and North's list to gel. As Pederson said in his post-match interview re North "I knew what they were about to do, because their game plan is still the same." Same core group of players, same coach, same way of playing. It takes years.
  11. Dane Swan? Adam Goodes? Jobe Watson? Where were they at 17 or 18?
  12. Exactly. You have no idea how many goals his opponents kicked, but you're happy to write him off.
  13. When all we had was the tanking thread, many were crying out for the footy to start. Now the footy's started, I just wish we could go back to the tanking thread.
  14. You've made your point. But don't keep making that same point over and over. It's just tedious.
  15. Toumpas, Viney, Dawes, Rodan, Byrnes in for round 1. Smokey: Kent Neither Gillies nor Terlich are replacements for Rivers. Didn't mind Dunn though.
  16. He's not OD, he's been on the list for 3 years, but is yet to manage even one full pre-season and season.
  17. If you're outside Oz: http://afltv.afl.com.au They're the official AFL live streaming site. Not sure where you are, but for me it's 100 Euros a year. However, NAB Cup is free (though you still have to sign up). They're new this year, quality seems good.
  18. I don't know that I would include Bailey in that. He was always going to be in the crosshairs, and probably didn't have much wriggle room. But you would presume that the other two could have pretty well said as much or as little as they wanted, and taken it as far as they wanted. Which, it seems, they did.
  19. Yep, a minor degree - like injuring his hip and basically missing virtually a whole season. And then having to have an operation the following year to fix it, and having a reduced pre-season. Though that was after the shoulder injury. Last year, how about 6 weeks out with a hamstring? etc. etc. It's not his fourth season, or anything like it. He's had a bit here, a bit there, in stops and starts. No way to build fitness, consistency, experience, or confidence. It's bad enough to go writing off 21 year olds under any circumstances, but at least lets see him string together even one pre-season and season before we get out the hatchets.
  20. Though perhaps not spread across two teams ...
  21. I know this keeps being brought up, but what's the evidence for it? Hard to sack people without having at least some of them feel resentment. Let's not forget also, it's a football club, built around a fairly hard, physical, demanding sport, and most of those employed - and sacked - came up through that. They're competitive by nature, and being fired was never going to sit well, at least with some. And perhaps a bit more with Ian Flack.
  22. Pass on what you heard to the club ... can't hurt! [email protected]
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