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Everything posted by bing181

  1. In regards to all things MFC/Tanking, the jokedetector has been getting a bit of a hammering of late, so may not be functioning as well as it might in calmer times. I don't know when I've seen so many "this can't be serious" posts that are.
  2. Happy to hear. On the other hand, I'm not so sure about the "ordinary leadership" re the AFL. They've been smart. They've done just enough to give everyone a scare, without doing so much that a) we get really shafted and b) they paint themselves into a corner where they have to go opening enquiries every time someone's bench rotations are down.
  3. Good to see things are returning to normal.
  4. OD, we never hear anything specific re load management, so why would that be the case here? Almost the same re injuries. We found out yesterday Rohan Bail had been in the rehab group with concussion for 3 weeks ... You're jumping to conclusions.
  5. Do we presume then it's Flack? ("Jack Watts will/won't be a star" will suffice for yes/no)
  6. Just been catching up on this thread. Wow. Thank god some of you aren't running the club.
  7. Flack was Player Development Manager in 2009 - 2010. He became Welfare Officer (perhaps the same thing?) in 2011, which is perhaps where the confusion crept in in the original articles. Though doesn't really change what you're saying. Intriguing. Why would Connolly even be talking about match day strategies with them?
  8. And on other fronts, perhaps we're getting closer to having names named: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/melbournes-payout-for-official-chris-connolly-may-come-later/story-e6frf9jf-1226581439004 "He believes four people confirmed his throwaway line about maximising losses late in the 2009 season - two recruiters, a welfare manager and coach Dean Bailey." Two recruiters? BP and ??? Welfare manager I believe was: Ian Flack. Perhaps that's confirming what's hinted at here: http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/toxic-culture-blamed-as-the-afls-tanking-probe-into-the-melbourne-demons-deepens/story-e6frf9io-1226507008112 "Bailey, recruiter Barry Prendergast and welfare manager Ian Flack were all pushed aside in the aftermath of the 2010 season." (actually, it was the 2011 season ....) Interesting, because Ian Flack was linked to the Davey/Nield/Mifsud story: "The Demons yesterday maintained the rumours could have derived from a disgruntled former employee, as the club has undergone major change since Neeld arrived. Ian Flack, the former player welfare manager, was one casualty ...." http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/circle-of-trust-may-claim-mifsud-20120404-1wd8d.html and from another article on the same subject from our friend CW: "A third party emerged in the mess, with the Demons wondering at the role of former welfare officer Ian Flack in the allegations." and .... "Flack ... has told former colleagues he doesn’t know why he was forced out of the club ...." http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/grand-old-stoush-demons-take-on-afl-20120404-1wd8f.html#ixzz2LN3UyTFE One for Bagdad Bob perhaps ...
  9. And now Parkin weighs in ... with a confession if I'm reading it right: ""They (AFL) set up a competition where it encourages people to do exactly what they are criticising them for doing. I have been tempted and gone down that road, too." http://www.heraldsun.com.au/afl/more-news/penalty-harsh-on-dean-bailey-and-chris-connolly-says-david-parkin/story-e6frf9jf-1226581456101?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+HeraldSunAflMelbourne+%28Herald+Sun+%7C+AFL+-+Melbourne%29
  10. How many ex-employees were there in this? So many? I believe the number was 2, but if you have anything to support there being more than that, be good to share it with us. As for there "probably" being email evidence? If you know for a fact there was, once again, why not let us in on it. If you're just guessing, with nothing to support that, why even bring it up? Even when this whole charade is done and dusted, there are still people speculating ...
  11. Guess no-one got down to training this morning?
  12. Well, me too, but don't know how much we're going to learn if we what we see is basically a Casey side, with a few first-teamers thrown in. We have a LOT of available rookies, first-year players etc. - we're even going to play a 17 year old who isn't any of those - and things are bound to get a bit hit and miss at times. Hopefully we'll know more come selection tomorrow night (I believe).
  13. And not forgetting that Garland was played out of position for a goodly portion of last year, and Tappy missed most (all?) of the pre-season.
  14. Sure, but a) it doesn't change anything about what WE have to now address and B) I just don't know that the other clubs have enough people with axes to grind. For example, who at GWS is going to say "we were instructed to try and lose against GC"? Junior Mac? Mark Williams? And even if another club or three cops a $500K fine, suspensions etc. etc. ... how is that going to help us?
  15. Gawn gone backwards? He was out all year injured, so how can you say which way he's gone. He didn't play a match.
  16. Acknowledged by everyone, but irrelevant now, and not a defense. If there are charges, either we accept them and move on, or we fight them. It's a bit like bad umpiring decisions. Think we should wait to see what exactly the charges are before getting too far into this.
  17. You're in luck, because you'll soon be able to test that out. Byrnes, Rodan, Pederson (amongst others) couldn't get a consistent game at their old clubs. If they now come out this year as solid contributors and regular first-22, that will be entirely down to Neeld, Craig, Misson and co., who will have been able to do what their previous coaching regimes couldn't.
  18. Melbourne Footy ‏@MelbourneFooty No open training session for Melbourne tomorrow. Instead there will be one on Tuesday morning.
  19. Hmm. Not sure if you were following the line, or perhaps I should say thrust, of the discussion re Kent. Or I'm a bit slow ... dry, firm surfaces anybody?
  20. There's only a handful of them, the usual suspects. In reality, it has been remarkably subdued over the last week or so in the sense that the tanking discussion has not been the most active thread by a long shot. And as with everything on the net, it's a self-selecting group. Depends what the AFL says, and also depends how we go on the field IMO.
  21. Actually, I'd take the opposing view. Under the circumstances, and given the seriousness of the allegations, the discussions have been fairly restrained and even respectful IMHO. If you want to see some real hate, head out onto the Main Board on Bigfooty. But you'll need to wash your hands afterwards.
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