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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Possible pick 18? Wow, that thread title needs some work. Hutchy and Shifter have a LOT to answer for. They also had Jesse Crichton going first round.
  2. yeah, JON is a very strange choice I'd have thought... maybe they think he'll come on with less pressure like Tambling did eventually
  3. Did Bailey coach Joel while he was at Mt Gravatt..?
  4. And... we get our boys back. Welcome back Meesen and Newton.
  5. We just reselected Newton, so we must be hoping another team wants an experienced ruck (st kilda, hawks) Either that or we're just content to reselect those boys (more likely)
  6. Funny conversation. I happen to know, from my experience in printing and sending clients a proof, that a common problem is individuals having different monitors and different settings on those monitors making each person see the 'same' colour quite differently. For what its worth, I love the dark navy blue look of the Demonland site on my laptop.
  7. Purely symbolic of the club trying to return to its glory days. Its something the supporters can get behind and say 'see, the club IS doing something!' until we start winning a significant amount of games. I'm all for it.
  8. That is bizarre, but it is heartening to hear how keen he is to work on it. I actually love the attitude of young Beaker Fitzpatrick and I think it'll hold him in good stead.
  9. Its not even this - its making promises that the club could keep, but has decided not to. Which is even worse. The club is trying to foster a culture where the players trust the club and want to re-sign here because the club will look after them. Jordie McKenzie is proof it is already working, volunteering to remain on the rookie list for 2010 so we could use an extra ND pick, knowing the club will elevate him for 2011. Such a mercenary attitude is counter-productive. Anyone who has any real idea about Management and HR knows these things.
  10. AFL going to West Sydney..? Its not so much about established markets...
  11. No you're right for the most part on Wonna. Its all the other crap that makes you melodramatic. Leave it.
  12. As RR has noted, I'm sure continual reviews are done throughout the course of the year and in the event of any injury. Its just good management. I think you are judging the club based on your expectations and limited knowledge of what would be done running an AFL club.
  13. Only in the event there was restraint of trade - but this would only be in the event that FIFA somehow stops AFL matches from being played against the AFL's will. If World Cup matches are held and the AFL loses revenue because ppl attend those matches instead, then the AFL can't sue for that. Popularity-wise? Maybe not A-League matches, but a World Cup match would be a significant draw as opposed to and AFL game at Visy Park. Either way, I think that FIFA is a lot like Microsoft and I don't want a World Cup in Australia... unless its held in summer.
  14. A little melodramatic aren't we? I don't think Wonnaemirri having less body fat or more muscle mass is an issue, but I think as a result of that he has an increased running capacity and the load he is putting on his legs is greater. I went through a similar thing at his age. Sounds like his engine is ready for it, but the legs aren't. Maybe they need to hold him back a bit.
  15. Or how ridiculously wide of the mark some self-proclaimed 'experts' can be.
  16. uh... I was being facetious. I think anyone who blames BB for the players' soft-tissue injuries, let alone for not winning a flag in the lat 3 years, is a complete and utter moron. And that player was Andy Otten. And yes, I wonder if anyone is stupid enough to call for Neil Craig's head after that...
  17. After Eddie campaigns for a new priority pick system whereby the wooden spooner gets the first 3 selections...
  18. Not when I say "I wonder what he did." But not really joking, I seriously wonder what he did. I don't believe it would've been a random attack.
  19. The PSD is now a glorified delayed 16th round of the National Draft. The players selected might be on slightly different pay conditions, but other than that...
  20. A year for a hammy..? If you have it in mind that he missed all of last year with a hammy, then you've obviously forgotten it was mostly due to a meniscus tear in his knee. Relax...
  21. I think maybe they're a bit too young, like us, but they have the players there.
  22. Shouldn't he be in Arizona..? Source?
  23. Are you serious? We do, the taxpayers. Same as the Olympic or Commonwealth Games That's not so hard to figure out, is it? Edit: ...and the AFL can't sue for lost earnings because someone comes along with a more popular product. That's insanity.
  24. Can I start it..? That Bohdan Babiczuk is useless. If we had a decent... uh.. what does he do? Anyway, if we had someone else we'd have won at least one flag in the last 3 years, maybe even 2. This is all completely his fault. Continue.
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