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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. Fortunately the club is not only concerned with a profit/loss figure, but also takes a more long term view with consideration of other factors that arise with paying out a player's contract. If we were that desperate for Dylan Grimes we'd have taken him in the National Draft or PSD at the expense of someone else.
  2. He was often a good decision maker, but an erratic kick. He often hurt the team with a ridiculously poor execution of a kick. To be honest, he was never anything special. Most good teams have 3 or 4 players as good as Brock and that's not including their stars. I'm more than content with Gysberts.
  3. Certainly luck has played a part - I can't say about the rest. But to say it is cyclical is inherently wrong.
  4. Sorry, but injuries are definitely not cyclical - they are either random due to luck, or a result of poor preparation / physical maintenance / injury management / etc.
  5. Healey has not excited me so far, but he is young. Hughes has a lot of potential but so far injuries have prevented him from putting any decent form together. 2010 is make or break for both players though.
  6. Exactly. Nothing new in there worth knowing that we didn't already know. Your petty vendetta against the club's website is tiresome.
  7. ??? Its from the AFL website which is practically the same thing. And its not like there is anything new in there worth knowing that we didn't already know.
  8. Once again - do you really think they don't do regular reviews?
  9. He'd be kicking himself now, wouldn't he? Wasn't is supposed to be a 3 year deal for substantially more than we could offer? Ouch.
  10. With all due respect, running out games has not been one of our problems over the last 2 seasons and I think competitiveness has increased dramatically. Even though preseason is started early, training sessions are spaced out for the players, giving them more free time and keeping them fresh. A gradual increase in intensity is sensible as otherwise the players would be burnt out late in the season. Fitness is not an issue. I wouldn't be worried about what Buckley says - no doubt he would be hurting from his delisting.
  11. Agreed. I hate for the truth to tarnish your memories.
  12. Article on the AFL website: http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tab...83/default.aspx Looks like they have 6 teams and DG is right about it focusing on team bonding.
  13. Definitely wasn't Mick I was thinking of. I know a Mark. Either way, I had it wrong. Edit: From what I've seen & heard, there are (were last year) 4 teams that compete in team-oriented challenges. The sort of thing lots of us would have done in preseasons past: As a group, run here, collect logs, carry them back here, assemble this here and do that... etc. Challenges with a high fitness element. A lot of it is teaching you to think straight and make good decisions even when your body is totally buggered and you want to collapse.
  14. Not surprised. Collingwood did slip up there... but I'm not confident he would've blossomed the way he has and will at MFC. Not that we have a superior player welfare system in place or anything; I just think we coincidentally had the perfect setup of indigenous players at the club and coming into the club, to make this adjustment for him easier than it would be otherwise. Whelan being the old head on the way out, Davey the star player who has been around a few years and can guide him through, young Aussie roughly the same age and a promising up & comer, and then the young boys Benny & Jett. I just don't see Leon Davis and Brad Dick making him feel as welcome. I know it doesn't have to be a race dominated issue, but I really think the boys feel more comfortable among one another due to their similar backgrounds.
  15. And.... Jako was a player from a bygone era. As is Robertson. When I say that, what I mean is that players who don't apply defensive pressure in the forward line do not get played in today's game. And Robbo only ever applied token pressure, if that.
  16. Is Michael Johnston a NSW scholarship rookie elevation? I think they might get an extra rookie list spot for such players. Edit: Port Adelaide has done the same and also has one extra on their rookie list. I think that is the answer. 2nd Edit: Adelaide also.
  17. That's it - Charlie Lovick. That's the name I've heard. Couldn't remember and I was getting him confused with another bloke I know that goes up there, but he is not a dees supporter. I think from memory they did do a bit of community work up there last year. I remember seeing a lot of photos of the young locals with the players.
  18. Well, I think you'll find its people just looking for something to complain about. I think its a poor yet barely significant move - I'll still put my calendar on the wall.
  19. I've actually had it snow on me when up there hiking at this time of year - the weather can be erratic.
  20. Cheap version of high altitude training that the Pies do in the US.
  21. Cheers. Makes me look like slightly less of an idiot, even if I did believe what I was told without remembering he came from Mt Gravatt. From what Joel has said I think its most likely he was given a nudge, but was strong enough in character to make the best of the situation. As far as wanting a more rounded lifestyle... I think that often helps.
  22. That's the scandalous version? Wow. This guy is squeaky clean. Edit: for a footballer...
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