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Keyser Söze

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Everything posted by Keyser Söze

  1. If he was 24 and injury free I'd agree with you. He's not.
  2. I see what Ben Cousins is trying to do... but I think he is failing, sadly.
  3. Fairly ridiculous email to send the club. Eyes would have been rolling all over the shop. Comic sans is fitting.
  4. A few more popped into my head: Sam Hunt David Johnson
  5. Bahahahahahahaha Surely you're not serious?! What club would write a captaincy clause into a player's contract? Absurd. If true, the only thing that could conceivably be would be a performance-based bonus for being awarded the captaincy. Not sure any player runs around discussing the ins and outs of his contract in public.
  6. Comic Sans. Says it all really.
  7. how about the $1mil 3yr contract they put him on? Ugh.
  8. I'd say with Rischitelli... his heart is set on staying in QLD I'd say - he already lives on the GC with his missus who is from there. If both Rischi and Brennan want to join the suns, Brennan in my opinion, would be the one signed as an uncontracted player, because he would cost more in a trade. What if the Lions then decide what the Suns offer is too little and to spite Rischi, refuse to trade and force him to enter the draft? He'd be stuck, not having a chance to go where he wants, and what's more, he could end up back at Brisbane or being drafted by the Weagles. Of course, I did see an article in the paper today saying that it is a fallacy that a second player from the same team cannot be drafted by GC17 and they have all the early PSD picks, to my knowledge. Either way, this could all get very messy.
  9. Mind you, premiership player Nathan Ablett. He was clearly good enough, but his heart just wasn't in it.
  10. I think you're right, it was actually both that weren't too keen and both that were put out by the fact Voss was so eager to trade them for a molotov cocktail. A bit early, but from all reports Brennan would be stupid to ignore the money on offer from the Suns and Rischi has said he won't even look at a new contract with the Lions (through Olarenshaw). I say they are both gone.
  11. Tanks for the memories Jordan. no? no? Come on...
  12. Isn't his surname enough? Look at... Sam Power, Shane Harvey, Luke Ottens... Oh, this list could get pretty long. Jason Cl- no, I mean Cameron Cl-, no, not him either, Travis Cl- oh bugger it. David was the only- oh, no he was just an ordinary thug too.
  13. Some more amazingly poor judgement by Hird - are Essendon sure he'd make a good coach? I think if he ever does make the transition, he'll be another in a long line of great afl players that became very ordinary coaches.
  14. Supporters' perceptions. Bruce is underappreciated because a lot think he is overapprectiated. Sylvia is usually very good when he is good so polls high votes, but his game is also the type that attracts votes, even in losses.
  15. I think he is trying to make you aware that those changes are not perfect, because you'd be leaving an injured Jurrah in the side. Think about it.
  16. Does anyone know if it is on youtube anywhere?
  17. He's 6th in the league for tackles per game with 6.72, total of 121 which is 8th. Not bad for a kid in his 2nd year who is still on the rookie list. I like to look at the other string he has to his bow though; he's not just a one-trick pony.
  18. Is there any chance demonland can open up its own Bay 13? Topic at hand, guys.
  19. Warnock is looking better than earlier in the season, but I'm still not convinced. How Carlton fare in trade week will say a lot about how much they rate him.
  20. IN: Miller, Bate, MacDonald (if fit), Sylvia (if fit). OUT: Newton, Jurrah, Warnock, Bail.
  21. Useless theory. It holds together like a dropped pie.
  22. Careful, your ignorance is showing. Best cover that up.
  23. I think he's trying to swap like for like, which I can understand. Not that Maric in any way deserves to be compared to Davey. And assuming there is some sort of imaginary limit in the number of hard-at-it players you can have in the side. I'd like to see Maric get a game too, but first he's got to show more and he also needs somebody who deserves to go out. Not sure Jones is that man after yesterday's match. Maybe against Port someone will show they need a run at Casey.
  24. Miller, Bell, McDonald. Done. If Junior wants to play on, it becomes one of McNamara or Cheney (Cheney). Simple.
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