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Everything posted by dees189227

  1. Tim Harrington just said on SEN that when he spoke to Matty he told him if he couldnt do a trade for him then he will be back at the club for pre season training. Tim said Mark had plans for him. I hope he does because Bate is to good a player to be in Casey. Im sorry I think he is a good player and with his booming left kicks we need him. Maybe a new coach will help him. Lets remember no one really had a good season htis year.
  2. Doesnt bother me one bit. Who cares. Its Grand Final day , he wasnt going to be at melbourne working. He wasnt going to talk to anyone about melbourne in the rooms. It was about him signing off to the club he worked with for years. he was farwelling Mick. Also Brenton Sanderson was in the geelong rooms to. Anyone have an issue with that and he hugged the players on the boundary line fence. Mark Neeld will be back at that club tomorrow as a demon.
  3. Actually I thought ours wasnt ot bad. Jack started well and big Maxy had a grin on his face and I think he enjoyed it. Im just glad he didnt trip over. David Rodan is just awesome. For a guy who has had knee re constructions and lars his knees must still be pretty good. I agree with the stkilda one. They didnt do anything except Sam Fisher watching a girl pole dance. Is that why they did the skit just so they can get a girl pole dancing.
  4. Jack Trengove is in the players review too and I also think that big maxy or tappy are involved too. I think its one of them. Anyway will be a laugh.
  5. My heart skipped a beat when Bill Brownless started off by saying sad news from the melbourne footy club with the passing of then he said Stuart Spencer. I thought oh no not Jim. What a legend he was for our footy club and condolences to his friends and family.
  6. Cameron Schwab put on twitter that now our coach is on it. Its been awhile since Cameron tweeted. Anyway interesting because twitter can be brutal somethimes and I think he & Mick are the only coaches on twitter. ANyway I just hope next year if we lose he doesnt cop personal abuse on it. Imagine if Dean Bailey had been on twitter. But I guess its a good way to communicate with the coach.
  7. Was wondering the same thing. If Juice gets another crack on the rookie list I want a royal commission enquiry.
  8. It just goes to show that if we actually have a decent year then Moloney could actually win one. I agree about Demitriou I cant understand how he got Issac Smith name wrong and still have no idea what he called him.
  9. I agree about the umpring, however Hodge should have got a free in the last quarter but the most obvious one missed was how come Tarrant didnt get penalised for deliberate out of bounds when he has kicked it towards the boundary. He wasnt trying to so anything else.
  10. Ok so im guessing beamer wins. I just need to know if he pulls out his brock speech from a few years ago and tells a certain GWS player where to go.
  11. Hawks should have won. Collingwood only played 1 quarter. the last one and hawthorn fogot to play it. bateman handed the pies 2 goals in the final qtr by doing stupid kicks and they didnt man up. Hodge, Mitchell and Hale will rue the wasy goals thye missed in the first half. Dam now we have to put up with collingwood fans and eddie for another week. Come on Geelong!
  12. How did Jim look and sound. Did he stay all night? Grimes leadership award? Really does that show how crap our leaders are when a guy gets it who has virtually missed the season. It doesnt make Brad or the other leaders look great. What else did Mark say?
  13. Im not going tonight but can someone answer 4 questions for me who will be there tonight. 1) What did Mark Neeld have to say and how long did he speak for 2) Was Jim there 3) Im predicting a Moloney win so did he have a crack at Scully like he did with Brock a few years ago 4) Any other signings and if they say newton I want a royal commission investigation
  14. I like these changes we are making. Josh Mahoney will be good as the fotty ops manager. He obviously has a good footy brain and even though I thought he had to be rwmoved and get in a freah assistant im glad melbourne saw enough in him to keep in. CC will be better out of the footy department. I dont ming Royal being our midfield coach. he has an assistant there so at least someone will be giving him freah ideas. Brian was also a midfielder himself even though it was a while ago. If Neeld wants Greeves then he must know something good about him.
  15. Listening to mark on SEN yesterday he said he was going to talk to each of the assistants and announcements will be made later on. I hope there is a clean out. We need a fresh start. If any of the assistants were to stay I was hoping one would be west, but he was out of contract. Royal still has another 2 years. Josh Mahoney i reckon we could move on. Fresh people and voices is what we need.
  16. I missed the interview because I was at a swimming carnival but from what I have read he has said there are two things that stand out. 1- He said we wont play bruise free football again and we will be hard on the field to play against. 2- I demand the best coaching assistants around me. So I guess he wants the best available and maybe Neil Craig is one of them. Anyway im not going to the b&f but im interested to hear more about what he says when he will actually speak to a few hundred fans. So far he sounds impressive
  17. Just heard on 774 ABC Radio that Mark Neeld will be on the Sunday Inquisition with Gerard Whateley and Stan Alves so I assume he will be on between 12 noon to 1:00 pm. Just in case anyone wants to hear how he speaks.
  18. Well at least he knows it will be hard work and admits there is a lot to do. But said he has had a 15 year apprenticeship to get here and wouldnt have put himself through the process if he didnt think he was ready. Sasd he wants melbourne to be the hardest team to play against. Anyway he spoke well and lets see what list changes he makes.
  19. Mark Robinson just said Todd Viney will now be an assistant coach which will be interesting and they are in talks with Neil Craig as coaching director. Im sure he said coaching director.
  20. Live presser on SEN at midday on Crunch time then they will be talking to Schwab afterwards then Mick Malthouse if you want to hear Mick who is a mentor to Mark what sort of coach he will be.
  21. Well what senior coach did people want. Malthouse has said he wont coach next year and at the moment we dont want to waste funds paying him out next year because eddie will sue us. Well thats what he has threatened to do. Malthouse was never an option. Clarko said no, Eade obviously wasnt the right fit and Im not sure Dean Laidley was either and Lyon had his own deal going on. We had to get our coach before the others nabbed him. Neeld was Malthouse's right hand man last year and said he was his 2ic and most important coach. Raised a few eyebrows because they said what about Bucks but Neeld has creditentials. Im sick of the negativity. Lets try to be positive. We have got a good person. Dont sack him before he has had a chance. Also im sure we will have a game plan that can work and wont confuse the players like Dean's did. Anyway Liam Pickering said on his show this morning who is Marks manager it will be midday.
  22. Its already 6 pages long and and Mark hasnt officialy been named. Just a question thats all. Hopefully we find out early tmorrow what time the presser is.
  23. Is this thread going to be as long as the Tom Scully one?
  24. He actually didnt say it was Neeld. Just that a coach will be announced tomrrow. The others basically said it was Neeld. Garry said no comment wait to tomorrow. But going by reports and I know going by this week not all is accurate but it does seem to be him and if its not well then we will find out tomorrow. he said they did it differently this time and there was a top 3 but didnt mention names.
  25. Press conference tomorrow. Lyon wont be there because he has mmm commitments in Perth but has said it will be announced tomorrow. Im rapt with Mark Neeld. He isnt another Bailey. He has come from the biggest club that has played finals and he is also part of a premiership team. I always said he should be the one to get. So before we start bagging the guy already lets just get behing him and actually support him. Garry said he can bring his own assistants.
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