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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. What about Garlett jumping up bring down that monster, just grabbed him arund the head, gave away a free, and just clung on, not even impeding the bloke's ability to dispose of the ball, one of the most feeble attempts at a tackle I've seen in some time, flat out embarassing. Other times he just gets brushed asideor doesn't even try, he is weak as [censored]
  2. how was it today in the first qtr, we badly needed a goal and OF COURSE a completely soft free went against us in the goal square costing Hogan the chance to kick an easy one after winning a contest - he absolutely heard the whistle and knew it would be 50-metre-penalty but he slammed it through anyway out of sheer frustration. It was a bad look IMO, he put his own emotion before the team, but also it spoke volumes about how he is currently feeling about being part of such an inept side. Not good.
  3. So, including the players the club is staffed by about 100 people - what a miserable job this company does.. maybe they should all pack it in and start manufacturing corn tortillas or something, might at least be profitable
  4. The creative ways they manage to cough up goals and squander our own chances at goal really is like some sort of sick comedy at times isn't it? How was that goal in the first quarter when a bunch of them killed the ball several times before first year player Cripps just strolls in from the outside, his opponent trailing metres behind, and puts a slipper on it for a major. Then Dunn and co sheepishly get up to their feet seemingly bewildered at how they had allowed yet another through so quickly and easily. Meanwhile at the other end Watts and Hogan take excellent grabs inside 50 but miss regulation set shots at goal. I actually laughed out loud as it was all I could do not to scream obscenities.
  5. Yep. I was there yesterday also for a very dirty day for the Pies - but their supporters were so loud, even in the face of a terrible display they showed passion. I am not bagging our supporters but it is clear and obvious to me that your average Melbourne supporter has just been completely numbed and jaded over time that there isn't even outrage at the atrocities of footy being commited before our eyes. Seeing our supposedly best players such as Vince hit the opposition on the chest under no pressure is not even an eclamation point at this stage. It's just like 'yeah what else is new?'. At half time you could just see people streaming out with a dead look of resignation that suggests it will be even harder to drag themselves in and try to support them next year. Very grim times.
  6. Good work There are plenty of other great posts tonight that the club should read. The problem is - what can anyone do about it? PJ has done his part in orchestrating a quality coaching staff and facilities blahblahblah but the fact remains we as a football club simply do not have the effort/desire/heart to win games more than our opponent. It is something that pervades through players, coaches and administrations over time like a haunted house continuing to terrorise its new residents. What the cure for that is, as SWYL says, nobody knows.
  7. dimmy said stats indicate the midfield was beaten clearly that wasn't the issue but that the Blues managed a goal per 3.3 entries vs our 7.6 entries our defenders were disgusting today and the forwards did nothing
  8. I remember 2010 - beating the Swans by 73 and taking the eventual-premiers to a 1-point loss and a draw. 8.5 wins for the year with a list promising bright futures for Scully, Morton, Grimes, Trengove, Frawley, McKenzie, Wonaeamirri, Watts, Jurrah and Benell. We looked to have a team of burgeoning champions setting up for a long period of contending in September. That was 5 years ago.
  9. huh? Won inside 50s 53-40 Won clearances 35-32 Won 2 quarters Had 2 more scoring shots
  10. I feel you mate. Today I have just been miserable. I have tried so hard to remain positive all year but the last 8 matches have been disgraceful overall and have chipped away at my resilience until I just broke today. It is getting extremely hard to see us ever turning around what seems to be an ingrained cloak of failure that surrounds us. I feel like I have been cheated in a way for all the misery this club has made me suffer. The game of Aussie Rules is supposed to be enjoyable, how can it be when you are asked to remain strong through torture after 9 years and no end in sight? I actually stormed out at half time cos I couldn't take it - the idea of doing that even a few years ago would have been laughable, but this is how much they have broken me down. I have been to 1 non-mfc game this year when in previous years I would go to 15 easily. This mob is killing me. I have read tonight a great deal of people talking about how today represents the last straw after long periods of unconditional support and inevitable disappointment, and I cannot blame anybody one little bit.
  11. Why do they even have those instincts coming out of junior footy?
  12. You could tell exactly what was going to happen when the weak, heartless, clumsy imbecile named Garland tackled his man as the ball approached a contest , gifting Walker his first goal n the first 30 seconds of the game. Straight downhill from there. Real club stalwart and inspirational leader he is, just sets the tone with his failure every week for the last 2 years. Genuine poster boy for the shattered pizzweak culture that has destroyed this club for the last decade. Leave please.
  13. Levi only averages 1.5/match but he is their highest goalkicker with 24 All helps
  14. just watch how little joy is taken, or little credit given, when we do
  15. Yep, that's exactly what I was going to say. 10 for Hogan in a 90 point win. It's the slight possibility of that that's going to get me to the ground. Won't happen though cos we're Melbourne.
  16. What's your point though? What does mentioning his departure from Adelaide have to do with anything? If you weren't using it to strengthen your point, you wouldn't have just said it for no reason. So you obviously meant something by it. IN any case he is a 'star mid' and he wears red and blue so that kinda hurts your point.
  17. Yes but let's say you are correct and the bloke is a complete hack who is doing nothing to pull our club out of the mire - of what purpose is it to 'seriously question' him? Nobody would suggest axeing him now, and we know there is no possibility of extending his tenure so what's the point in scrutinising him, especially when (as I said) there is just SO much to take into consideration and unknown variables we cannot possibly be aware of - for example, how much influence is Goodwin CURRENTLY having? Is his influence making Roos look better than he would be or is it making him look worse? What about the fact we have had 8-10 injured every week all bloody season, is anyone taking that into account at all? My point is that there are so many more factors at play than meets the eye, it just seems so moot to be questioning Roos like this at this stage, when he will be gone soon enough regardless.
  18. ah no, you were trying to add to the drama and quite literally say 'look how shizen we are, even our best player was not good enough for the crows' there are a lot of problems down at the MFC but we don't need supporters trashing our few quality players for no reason
  19. I normally ignore the boilerplate platitudes, obfuscations and prevarications from players in the media - but this is not the first time we have had some refreshing honesty from Tommy Mac. Looks like he (for one) is deadset keen for a win tomorrow... talking about beating Freo is perhaps going a bit too far. "Six wins is really disappointing," McDonald said. "I thought we might be ahead of that, there's a lot of games we should have won and could have won and that will really annoy us when we look back through the year. "Six wins is still a fail mark for me and my expectations for the year. "It's not really good enough but if we can win the last three games of the year, nine wins looks a little bit better." http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-08-22/six-wins-a-fail
  20. Do you really have to resort to this absurd language in attempt to make your point stronger? He is not a reject, he is an extremely good player whatever way you would like to spin it, and with his form this year he would be in the top couple of mids at nearly every other club too. Nathan Jones isn't exactly a hack either.
  21. I look at our side and question who is likely to put in a poor performance (due to age and/or ability) and I count way too many: Garland, Howe, Stretch, Lumumba, Michie, Dawes, Harmes, Grimes, ANB, Newton... not a lot of best and fairest votes for thst group this year. Could be another tough day I reckon. Of course there are 8 blokes out injured, but there is every single week and nobody seems to care or even acknowledge it.
  22. First time in his 15 games he's come close to doing anything though
  23. What he is saying is that the amount he is being paid is irrelevant, and unless you have a flux capacutor and a DeLorean you can't go back and appoint someone else to compare how they would be doing in comparison to Roos. There are also about a billion facets of this discussion that we as supporters cannot be aware of. Regardless, he is coaching one more year and one more year only so the discussion is a complete waste of time.
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