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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. What in the name of god are you talking about you lunatic? Please explain to us how losing that particular match 'set us back 12 months' ?
  2. If you look at Port in 2012, they only won 5.5 but they lost to the Hawks by 72 and there was their only loss over 10 goals - we feel further back than that for sure
  3. WTF? That's the definition of walking out, they begged him to stay but he asked us to trade him to Adelaide, obviously he couldn't stay after that - are you suggesting we are supposed to be grateful that he didn't make us lose him for nothing? Great thanks Scott. God our supporter base is soft
  4. another rat who fled the sinking ship was a brilliant performer and leader though, through those 30 goal losses yeah thanks heaps
  5. to stop your whinging we would need to go undefeated, so the point is moot really
  6. Couldn't agree more - and FWIW I believe we WILL win both those matches and finish on 8, and all the trolls and sadsacks who are currently bleating will be forced to re-address their assessment of the season I friggin hope so any way
  7. Easily beating the Pies the following week did nothing for you?
  8. which one? There's a few poking their heads up from under the bridge at the moment big losses are the finest trollbait
  9. I am not one of the many around panicking and questioning Roos/our general direction BUT I have to concede you have a strong point here. That was the main thing I took away from the debacle on Sunday: we were getting done, and done heavily, mostly because every time there was a contest to be won, we lost it - some of the time it was a failure of skill but mostly it was a failure of physicality and guts. Sure, there were plenty of other reasons why we lost by 98 pts, but to me this was the most important: when there's a hard ball that requires a special effort, too often we let the opposition have it. Now, to me this strikes right at the heart of the 'culture' of this club, the very thing Roos is here to eradicate. We don't go as hard as they do and it needs to be fixed desperately.
  10. Incorrect The higher the draft pick the higher the probability of a quality outcome There are exceptions but this is the general rule It's basically because you get to choose first Not overly scientific
  11. To be fair, given the career Jones has had to endure, getting an absolute shellacking on a Sunday arvo in Perth would be a rather appropriate way to bring up the milestone.
  12. It's a completely different discussion to 'should Dawes/Lumumba/Howe/Garland be dropped?' anyway These current players are supposedly in their prime, not their twilight
  13. I agree that there is very slim pickings at Casey (particularly when you have 6-10 on the injury list the ENTIRE season), but also I think one of the cornerstones of Roos' administration is to bring in older/more experienced players and put them in the 22 so we don't have a bunch of kids out there. To drop these senior non-performers would mean breaking that rule, so he has to stick with it. I can't blame him really for keeping these players in... to not do so would just mean more Stretch, Bail etc and just more heavy losses like last week, which is disasterous for everyone. It is so infuriating that this club simply cannot bring together a group of senior players that consistently perform, for a decade or so we have just been so patchy in this area and given so many games to players who didn't dserve them, because we had no choice.
  14. What are you talking about? I'll go with you on Garland, somehow he gets away with it from everyone but me, but the other 3 have been raked over the coals all season long
  15. To point out the obvious, 'questions do not need to be asked' because unlike 99% of coaching arrangements, this one already has a use-by date that is set in stone. There is no question of 'should we or should we not keep Roos?' he is already going to be replaced b Goodwin in just over a year. Unless you are an absolute moron that is campaigning for him to be replaced now, this whole discussion is moot. Even at the end of 2016 we won't really know the Roos effect, it will be revealed years later.
  16. Which means he copped an 18 week hamstring. Only at Melbourne.
  17. he plays on them alright but he gets done like a dinner by them every week and has been for years
  18. Garland out forever please 50 pathetic games in a row is enough
  19. aw you were so close, only would have taken that extra 2 seconds I was talking about http://www.melbournefc.com.au/news/2015-08-17/jetta-cleared-of-serious-neck-injury
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