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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. What about the desire to lead the MFC to a flag, something he couldn't achieve as captain
  2. so apparently he's played 13 of 17 games at Casey according to KC from Casey's last 3 match reports these have been the best players Casey Scorpions Smith McKenzie Spencer Riley Jones Jamar Casey Scorpions White Stretch Jamar Terlich Page Muir Casey Scorpions Bail Riley Kielty Byrnes Newton Where has this selection come from? Last time I went down this road was with Brayshaw's R1 selection, clearly I was very wrong Hopefully I am wrong again but this is eyebrow-raising
  3. I am honestly at the point where, bizarre as it sounds, I wouldn't even be particularly pumped if that happened. I would just be concerened that they will continue to back it up next week and next year. When they won down in Geelong, it should have been a turning point. Everything that came after should have matched that standard - but instead it has regressed all the way back to worst in the comp status. Playing to their potential once every 4-5 weeks and the rest being garbage is in some ways more infuriating then seeing no good at all.
  4. It doesn't make sense - unless you grew up a Melbourne supporter it would be the absolute last place you would want to end up, you are diving into a career of losses, small crowds in bad timeslots and stilted development
  5. no he wasn't and I have read similar from countless others over the years
  6. God you are full of it, how could you possibly make this claim
  7. My God I am so sick of this This is a shining example of just how stupid all you draft revisionists are Black went at pick 31. That means every club overlooked him twice before Brisbane got him But for some reason we 'should' have been able to magically see a champion 31 picks deep If we could just see into the future and pick the best player at every pick we would have won 20 flags in a row FFS and how do you even know if players would have developed in the same way at the MFC? You can't know, nobody can How can your sense of basic reasoning fail you so badly
  8. is there only only mod who has OCD with merging/renaming/closing threads or it is an across the board thing?
  9. The worst thing is that I'm sure some us are allowing a tiny little spark at the back of our minds - all the controversy of the week will ignite the group and they will come out breathing fire, to record the upset of the year... this will not happen BUT even if it did, you could rest assured that having performed under the pressure of this week's discontent, the following week they would sink back into their comfort zone of doing SFA and losing handsomely. This is what infuriates me, WHY are they unable to build on their achievement and have some belief?
  10. does anyone else just laugh/cry when they read things along the lines of them 'fixing problems' at training you've been training and playing for your whole life you were a talented junior and a highly paid professional now as your coaches we are now going to introduce you to concepts such as shepherding, not handballing to a stationary teammate under pressure and putting your body on the line in contests now that they have been clued in on these basics we should see a much better side I suppose if only we had told them about this stuff earlier
  11. well Fyfe is out so that might lessen the torture a tiny bit http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-08-26/fyfe-to-miss-last-two-games see how I did that dazzle
  12. You've come no closer to answering my original question: If this list is so untalented, HOW did they get three excellent wins this year? You are now altering what you said before to talk about the talent not going deep enough - but it has been the same depth all year and that depth has been adequate for a great win on three ocassions. Why is it INadequate the rest of the time? How can this be?
  13. They can't beat those carp sides because they don't bring the same effort every week which is the coach's fault and around we go again
  14. What? Let me get this straight, so you've named 5 or 6 players as the reason we are sometimes good, but because these players are mentally weak, they are not able to carry us all the time. Is that what you're saying? The fact is that the entire team almost to a player has had their form drop off considerably over the last month or two. Obviouslly that can't be some sort of coincidence.
  15. Come off it OD. The side form last sunday is NOT the side that went to the cattery. There are two sides - good demons and bad demons. You can't cop out and say we just got lucky 3 times, you know all of those games we played to our best and had deserved wins over good sides. Don't rewrite history.
  16. off: rose-coloured glasses on: veil of negativity
  17. so you're saying that our players have talent, but it is the type of talent that only comes out 3 times in a season. I can't understand this you can see it as plain as day (in your memory or in the replay) - compare the last 2 weeks to those 3 great wins, disregarding the injuries, results and the opposition entirely, it is the WAY that they played, it was the EFFORT, HARDNESS and TEAMWORK that got us those victories, and that is what has gone missing now, and periodically throughout the year. It is not a failure of talent. Vince, for example, has been ineffective the last 3 weeks. Around the middle of the year he was one of the better players ion the comp, averaging 34 disposals in a 5 week period. We all know who the REAL Vince is. Jones is similar, as are Viney and Brayshaw and many others in terms of their impact. What has changed? Why are they unable to build upon the achievements made butin fact go backwards? Isn't this the coaches job?
  18. well OD what is the difference between last sunday and those three great wins? We have a lot of injuries atm but we have had all year so that is not the answer. If your assessment is that the 22 of last sunday is indeed 'talent poor' then how was basically the same mob able to score those three great victories?
  19. The discussion here at the moment keeps going round on this question: Is it the coach or the players? IMHO, and the opinion of many others, the answer is CLEARLY NOT that we are 'talent poor' as you say My evidence for this is that we have shown on several (albeit infrequent) occasions that we do have the talent If you watch the games against tigers, dogs and cats you see a top 6 side, no doubt about it It is only fair then to suggest it lies in the coaches hands to get this ability out of them 4 qtrs x 22 games
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