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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. yep one-third of the way in it was 10 goals to zip, couldabeen 30 zip by the end if they really wanted
  2. pretty much exactly as I predicted, demolished early, game over, opposition stops playing, we level it up a little bit.. 4 weeks in a row this has happened pathetic Melbourne
  3. mcdonald brothers combine to give pav his first of many
  4. surprise surprise pokerface Garland concedes the first goal is there a reverse coleman medal cos our colin has it stitched up ps oscar mac hits the opposition on the chest with his first kick, how appropriate
  5. Combined score the last 3 weeks in the 1st quarter we are down 21 goals to 3
  6. a repeat of the last 3 weeks - absolutely smashed and embarassed in the first half then a false semi-comeback as the opposition rests on their laurels just looking at the team sheet ... Garland, Howe, MJones, Michie, Cross, ANB, Garlett, Spencer, OMac, Gawn, Watts, Stretch, Newton and Grimes That's 14 blokes who are either ineffective kids or seniors who are guilty of some atrocious footy this season. No reasonable person could expect a decent performance out of any of them to be quite blunt. the line should be around 100 for mine
  7. Agreed. Madness. There are only about 12 players in the comp who even qualify for that monster KPF goalkicker category, and Hogan looks like he could be the #1 some day Yet there are what, at least 50 great midfielders at one time in the comp
  8. the notion that getting games into all these supposedly talented kids will lead to a champion team is nothing new back in the 2008-2011 days I was one of the many (and strongest) campaigners for this idea at that point it was all about Grimes and McKenzie and Watts and Jurrah and blahblahblah lo and behold it could not possibly have worked out any less successfully, in fact it was an abject failure forgive me if I look at our current crop of 'talented youth' with a liberal dose of skepticism
  9. Thing is though, unless his management are complete dullards, they will be aware of this also and this will create relunctancy for them to0 sign a long term deal. They will be smart enough to know to limit his commitment for another 2-3 years, then really go for the gold after that. In other words, we wil have to keep worrying about losing him. On the positive side, at least we won't have blown millions of dollars if he does his back or something like all of our superstars end up doing.
  10. incorrect, the whole country attached a number to him, many 'experts' at the time said he had a case to go at #1. If we had not taken him he would have been gone the next pick. Therefore it is ridiculous to say we made a mistake in selecting him. It is exactly the same for Toumpas and all of the others. Why is it that so many people can't get this very simple concept into their heads?
  11. Couldn't agree more, McKenzie clone, has the guts and the hardness but bugger all else.
  12. Worst advice ever. If we don't give him a banner deal then someone else will and he will walk. Then we can watch him destroy the comp for a decade in someone else's colours.
  13. It's just a stupid thing to say - why would you question his future level of effort based on absolutely nothing, and even if your point has some merit, what are you actually suggesting we do? Sit him down for some sort of psychological analysis or make him pinky swear..or what? Obviosuly the bloke is in a position to command a huge pay packet and if we want to keep him we will have to match it - I just don't get why you are inventing some sort of concern about him not putting in after he signs, just a thing you made up to throw in the mix for some reason
  14. We better make sure he has a good sit-down with you before he signs then, and if you're not happy we'll tell him we don't want him
  15. It's obviously not poor recruiting choices, because every single one of those players was taken at the exact pick they were supposed to be taken at and would have been by every other club. Anyone who argues that point is a straight up moron IMO. You can't put it all down to bad luck either, there is too much of it. The thing all those players have in common is that they were developed at this dog and pony show we pretend is an AFL footy club
  16. Come Sunday night I will have on my dressing gown of negativity and my mittens of despair Deal with it Roosy
  17. sometimes I just have to ask: wtf is with your username?
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