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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. The fact that Carlton used to have both Garlett and Betts, who kicked 98 between them this year, is hilarious edit: can someone fill me in as to why Carlton got zero compo when Betts walked?
  2. it had nothing to do with Garland except for the fact that garland was the one and only thing in discussion keep supporting the Garlands at this club mate they have served us so well the last decade
  3. don't pick on Garland I like him boo hoo hoo
  4. lol you call threatening to leave an act of loyalty eh there are too many soft supporters like you at this club you are supposed to back the CLUB not the individuals
  5. Yep that's correct The only way to have my approval is to be both a good player AND a loyal servant to the club Guilty as charged
  6. LOL at Garland and Howe both being moved up about 10 spots to inflate trade/compo value That old trick eh Roosy
  7. Licking my lips at the prospect of Garland leaving We will instantly be a better side without the 4-5 goals he coughs up every week Is he FA? What would we get, 2nd round ie pick 23ish? Take it and run Roosy
  8. Ah yes, I misread that I did think he was takling about Roos, sorry chook
  9. agreed he obviously didn't mean 'i don't care if we win or lose' he meant 'i don't drop my bundle emotionally if we lose' massive difference
  10. They really are a pack of scumbags aren't they
  11. so listing a bunch of other horrific performances is supposed to improve the Lions performance and strengthen the case for Roos is it
  12. yeah we need more contributions like the one you've just made you muppet
  13. This is a silly attitude that we all need to rid ourselves of You can stomach watching Watts be mediocre-at-best in another jumper because you will know that his trade has played a role in improving the club You don't just hang on to blokes cos youve gotten used to them being around
  14. so you're suggesting you'd be calling Nathan Jones a [censored] if he tweeted that you're a liar
  15. so because a player in your team once squibbed a contest you are never allowed to comment on the fact that Jack Watts is indeed soft makes sense
  16. If cripps had won and <insert senior melbourne player> had made a tweet like that you'd all be saying was a legend he is for standing up for the truth and supporting his mate and blahblahblah
  17. You've said nothing that counters anything I've said. There is no dancing around Watts' failure to contribute thus far in his career. I have backed him the whole way up until the second half of this year when my patience with he and the rest of them, including Roos, finally ran out. It's not frigging good enough. 7 seasons and 115 games. He has finished 9th and 10th in the best and fairest as his only placings. This year he was dropped twice. He STILL REFUSES to do what everyone in the country has been pleading for him to do which is put his damn head over the ball and get hurt in the contest. What 'extremes' am I seeing here? I don't care how good a clubman/bloke he is, it shouldn't be used as currency in the argument for him remaining part of this team. If we had 22 Wattses it would be a lovely bunch of blokes but it would go winless. We need our culture dictated by the likes of Viney, Jones, Dunn, Vandenberg, Brayshaw and Hogan, and we don't need blokes like Watts (whose attitude is the anithesis of theirs) around the club diluting the spirit that we are trying to build.
  18. Roos said it best in that nobody has ever done what Hogan has done, what more do people want FFS
  19. what does any of that have to do with the rising star? he is allowed say whatever he wants
  20. yeah we should just let good clubmen like Watts get a game every week and not contribute, and good players like junior should be allowed to play well into their 40s until such time as they feel like retiring it's about CONSISTENTLY CONTRIBUTING AN AFL STANDARD PERFORMANCE ON THE FIELD 'being a good bloke' comes second by a long, long, long, long way
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