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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. because s--t happens RF. Obviously we came out and played weak, lazy football, it is fair tio say Neeld did not see that coming, yes. theyve gotten considerably better since then the constant potting from their own 'supporters' over whatever they do is certainly not a helpful thing wouldn't you imagine?
  2. it's a shame this place has become the stage for whingeing crackpots to give performances just go and get yourself a curry and a beer and stop blubbering for 2 seconds
  3. We gave away a high pick from years earlier that had depreciated to almost zero.. not even close to the same thing. Some people need to realise we have a whole group of professional coaches that are privy to a hell of a lot more than you or I know. You would think it reasonable just to have a tiny bit of faith and trust in them to pick the side they want to pick each week, wouldn't you? No that it matters, because no matter what they do there will be a bloom of spineless jellyfish on this board to pot them for it. We have clearly gotten far better then we were 4 weeks ago. At the moment we are capable of playing a couple of good quarters per week but fading out in other parts badly. We are potentially not far away at all from the wheel turning. They are still a very, very young group and are just getting used to each other and the coach. Nathan Jones is still just 25 but has the stature of a 30 year old veteran at our club. There is a heap of talent that is miles from reaching its ceiling on this list. Instead of shirting all over everything they are trying to do can we PLEASE show a little SUPPORT for once I for one expect a massive victory this weekend which will give them a nice little boost
  4. how come M.Jones and Terlich are the new 'Bruce Green' Mj is going very nicely, Terlich is being talked-up a bit IMO, he has a very Godfrey-esqe way about him, in that he is devoid of all polish but gives his all
  5. just because Judd didn't play well doesn't mean Dunn deserves credit.. I'll watch it again but I hardly noticed Judd or Dunn for the day
  6. wow a new contender for worst comment I've ever read whatever you do, don't kick a sensational goal, the supporters don't like it anything else to add, perhaps Jeremy Howe should be dropped for using teammates as stepladders for awesome grabs FMD
  7. average games 47 to 94 tells a big story about today. Evans, Gawn, MJones, Viney, Kent and Terlich have played just 37 games between them. Think of the players not out there today that will/might be part of the side in the future: Jamar, Clark, Dawes, Watts, Grimes, Blease, Fitzpatrick, Toumpas, Hogan and Barry In other words what we saw today is far from a complete picture of where the side is heading By my count we have played 9 decent quarters in the last 4 weeks Obviously we need to get this number up to 16 and we will be highly competitive I'm not sure if it a mental thing or a physical thing, but every week we come undone due to being dominated for a couple of 10-15 minute periods Tommy Mac wtf has happened to him, he was awful today again. Howe is being wasted, we need to find a way to get his talent into the game Sylvia and Jones did some genuinely elite things today I like the efforts of both Spencer and Gawn Tapscott, MJones, Strauss, Nicholson, Strauss, Bail, Evans this group of players are starting to show something, they all have a long way to go Frawley and Garland are looking better
  8. oh ok now i'm with you RGRS' delightfully eccentric lack of ability to form a cohesive sentence threw me a bit
  9. as much as I would love to read all 150+ posts in this thread, I have a cheese grater and a bottle of vinegar, and applying them to my sensitive areas seems more appealing, so i'll just add my 2c based on the OP I agree with your general position in that our results/ladder position and the response from the media and our own supporters is an exaggeration of how bad we actually are. However, the thing I cannot get past is this: ever since Daniher got cooked in mid 2007 we have been looking towards the future on the strength of young draft picks. I take the following list back a few years prior to that, because clearly the fruits of earlier drafts were supposed to form part of this equation: 2012 3 Hogan 2012 4 Toumpas 2012 26* Viney (F/S) 2011 12 Mitch Clark (via trade, originally drafted at pick 9 2005) 2010 12 Lucas Cook 2009 1 Tom Scully (deserter, but were reimbursed through compo) 2009 2 Jack Trengove 2009 11 Jordan Gysberts (Brock McLean trade) 2009 18 Luke Tapscott 2008 1 Jack Watts 2008 17 Sam Blease 2008 19 James Strauss 2007 4 Cale Morton 2007 14 Jack Grimes (Travis Johnstone trade) 2007 21 Addam Maric 2006 12 James Frawley 2005 12 Nathan Jones 2004 13 Matthew Bate 2004 15 Lynden Dunn (D.Jolly trade) 2003 3 Colin Sylvia (Priority) 2003 5 Brock McLean (later traded for pick 11) So what's the wash-up of all that? It's 10 drafting periods with 21 players taken at pick 21 (26 inc viney) or earlier. In that 21 there are 8, 9 if you count Viney, taken in the top 5! OK so you can leave out Hogan, Viney and Toumpas for age and also Scully because of what we were reimbursed through his departure. That leaves five: McLean, Sylvia, Watts, Morton and Trengove of the 'top-shelfers'. Two of those are write-offs and the other three remain 'big potential/still waiting for delivery' players. On top of that, we have got an extra 12 players into the club who were late-first/early-second round draftees. By my reckoning we have 2 success stories in this group, in Jones and Clark, with the jury still out on Blease, Tapscott, Strauss and (hatetosayitbutitstrue) Frawley and Grimes. So what am I getting at? Well, we have had an exemplary ride in terms of our pick of talent for a long time, by virtue of the fact we have been continually belted 6 years in a row (and parts of the 4 years before that in the Daniher 'yo-yo' era). With 9 top-shelfers and 12 on the next rung down we should be looking at a powerhouse list. Instead we are looking at 2 genuine players with another 10 on whom the jury is still out and 9 players who have ended up being total busts for the club. What this says to me is not tht we have some knack of 'picking the wrong blokes' but the machine of the MFC is incapable of developing its talent in the same way that other clubs can and do. I don't think a single person here would dispute the notion that in order to be a successful club, you need, amongst other things, to be led from the front by a group of players who are amongst the best in the league. There is no 'champion team' BS, you need these league-leaders and a supporting cast of players that are worthy of playing AFL footy*.So.. until I see some real evidence of how we are going to start getting the best out of our talent rom here on in, it becomes fundamentally impossible for me to have any confidence whatsoever in the future of the club. ..and that my friends is a conundrum if ever there was one. * this is evident from so many other clubs, the one that springs to min most prominently is Richmond, who are going very nicely at this point. What's the difference between them and us? well, Martin, Cotchin, Delidio, Riewoldt and Vickery are all high draft picks who have actually developed into the good players they were supposed to become when they were drafted.
  10. nathan Jones is 2nd on centre clearances, arguably the biggest stat in the game
  11. 3 likes for that, you should be on the comedy tour
  12. hmm thats all well and good but i'd prefer col prevented his opponents from kicking less goals, which is what he is there to do Q3 against west coast he cost us about 5 goals himself
  13. worked it out! http://www.afl.com.au/video/smart-replay/?round=CD_R201301405&matchId=CD_M20130140508 the bolded numbers represent round 5 game 8 FU AFL
  14. hey mate, I'm having this problem again.. how did you find that workaround link
  15. he should have handballed it to Davey, at the ground this wasn't clear to me but as soon as i saw the replay that was the move who GAF though it means nothing
  16. I am a Melbourne supporter I have learned to laugh in the face of setbacks and adversity hohoh hahah
  17. seriously can't we have some sort of clause added to the code of conduct that allows us to life-ban people who post defeatist carp like this? Nobody wants to read it and it helps nothing
  18. the only thing I don't like about him is how much he goes to ground.. particularly yesterday when he was outnumbered, you have to try and hold them up in that situation
  19. it doesn't matter, he's made up his mind that he hates Neeld, and therefore Byrnes, as a symbol of Neeld, must be a failure
  20. you are reaching, that's the first time you have mentioned junk time. Maybe that's because nobody, even the commentary team that loathes us intensely, have described our last 3 goals in this manner. I haven't even read any of the other jellyfish here put that one out of their backside. somebody else answered it for you already it is pretty straightforward, even if you dont get it in there much, having 2 key forwards down there is going to maximise your return on those entries. Did I really just have to write that? i am done arguing with you, all your kind are the same 'You yourself said there was around 5 shots they should have kicked' yeah i said that in amongst a whole heap of other comments AND YOU DAMN WELL KNOW IT but instead of having a genuine discussion you have to wriggle around and backpedal and quote out of context and blahblahblah effing blah what sort of 'supporter' goes to such lengths to deliberately exaggerate the crappiness of his own club, in all honesty, you make me sick i've had it with this joint
  21. put your panties back on drama queen. he was awesome last year the other thing about jellyfish, apart from their complete lack of spine, is their extremely short memories
  22. and i'll just backpedal straight out the back door well played fellas actually, i'm not going to let you slimy jellyfish wriggle out of it: here it is AGAIN, let's see if you can go 5 times without addressing it so do any of you jellyfish heroes want to go in and bat for junior? my complaint was that with his comment on average games* he represented a lot of posters who are blatantly twisting facts to present the situation is a worse light than it really is. this is the third time i have raised it and it has not been acknowledged *specifically that JBrown should be removed from the average games equation, despite 19 possessions and 3 goals, without any acknowledgement that 2 of our lowest contributors have over 340 games and are far better candidates to be removed from the equation than JBrown and with the scoring shots i have already pointed out many times, again to almost zero rebuttal, that a)of the 20 behinds only a small number were actually 'easy' shots on goal. Why should all the others, taken from tough angles/long distance/under pressure/rushed etc be counted against us? b)what about the Terlich free, the Byrnes turnover gifts that were given, don't these balance it out a bit? c)how many 'easy' goals did we also cough up d)wasn't brissy's kicking in the second half actually really good? e)brissy's season average is 11-16 so these numbers are not even out of character from their regular performances at the end of the day goals are more important than behinds and we kicked three less without Clark or Dawes
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