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Curry & Beer

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Everything posted by Curry & Beer

  1. you've answered your own question. They are doing what is clearly the sensible thing and thinking long-term. I don't get all this Wines adoration. I am guessing there has been a match recently where an MFC-hating dolt like Dwayne Russel made some antagonistic, smarmy comment about Melbourne overlooking him. When that happens you can sure that the self-loathing will get on here as if they are an amplifier for the anti-melbourne media and just run with whatever idea they are given.
  2. we picked everyone exactly where they were supposed to be picked, give or take a couple of positions perhaps they never made it because of the disadvantages of being on the MFC list, perhaps they never would have made it at any club, we'll never know whatver the deal is, there is no excuse ever for supporters of the club to have the knives out so early in their journey have you ever stopped to think that maybe this hypercritical clubbashing attitude of you and many here actually permeates onto the team and makes things worse?
  3. no because we are discussing the recent improvement of the MFC, not how many disposals brissy had today i prefer to look at the scoreboard and the fact that 3 minutes into the last qtr we were directly in the hunt for the win it's a little bit more of an intelligent way to assess a game of football rather than looking at a stat which obviously was not particularly important to the outcome
  4. I do realise that 12 months from now you will be leading the torchbearers if JHogan is not immediately having an impact at AFL level on that I am 100% certain because you have done it with every young draft pick for years
  5. geez it sounds like they must have won by about 200 points then did they? all those possessions must have added to up way more than 3 goals more than us huh? no, they didn't, which makes that stat about as useful as a 2nd a-hole I am not the slightest bit interested in how many disposals the opposition got, i'm not interested in stats nor am I a brisbane lion fan he liked the post because it represents the minority of us on this site who have common sense, patience and support for our club it is harder to get appreciation from content like yours and every dime-a-dozen armchair critic here, which is largely unjustified, erroneous, petulant, unconstructive, club-bashing WHINGEING how about you lot show a bit of spine, like you are asking the club to do
  6. don't worry, the self-loathing will eventually find a way to make the recruitment of Hogan another blunder by the club he better hope he does a few things early because Toumpas got until week 3 of being at this club to get the treatment
  7. well OK, then it is YOUR OPINION that we would have been better off going for a player that was (allegedly) more ready for an immediate impact.. surely you concede that this could be called short-term planning. Surely you can back our footy department for placing their bets on a player who will produce more over a decade than in the upcoming season. Either way, you must realise that is just your opinion, and these are professionals who are far better equipped than you or I to make these decisions. Surely you can think rationally and ralise that had we taken Wines over Toumpas we would be in exactly the same position we are in now anyway. I cannot fathom why everyone on here seems to think they know everything.
  8. more brilliant, productive commentary. Anything else you would like to add for our reading pleasure.. perhaps the intimate details of your last bowel movement?
  9. funny how you knew that.. maybe because it's a perfectly good excuse or did you not think Dawes and Clark would have been handy today, considering we scored 3 goals less than our opponent
  10. yes but you and every other peanut on here would simply crucify them for picking a player based on something as stupid as being mates with another player and then you would slag them for picking a player who was passed over by 11 clubs, instead of Toumpas who was expected to go in the top 3 not to mention the craziness of even having this discussion 5 weeks into their careers and the fact the teams are at other ends of the ladder have you got any comments on whatever it was they did to ensure that we got viney toumpas and hogan, three absolute top shelf recruits in the one draft what about nabbing Mitch Clark which was an absolute masterstroke you're all such experts from your little desktops, i would love to see you in the coaches box for real it's a shame premiership points aren't given out for WHINGEING because what we have is a world-class olympic team right here on this forum HTFU
  11. they had 63 inside 50s, if all of them had been goals they would have won by 184 points, so in reality we lost this game by 184 points, it's exactly the same thing
  12. congratulations, new post of the year
  13. now that is the type of mentally questionable attitude I am talking about. If anything less than a win is a failure, then you must be expecting to us to win every game for the rest of the year or else we will have failed by your assessment. You can see how that logic is not abundantly intelligent can't you? What if we lose interstate to the top side by a point with our 4 best players off injured.. your logic dictates that is a failure. This is not how it works, is it?
  14. all of a sudden this place is the Brent Moloney fan club, when last year you couldn't open a thread without somebody knifing him hey guess what, we have turned over well over 30 players in the last 3-4 years, a couple of them might actually do OK for other clubs some of you are so peahearted and intent on finding fault in the club it is absurd
  15. we lost by 25 goals 3 weeks ago. If Sylvia had kicked a goal at 3:40 in Q4 there would have been 13 points in it. We scored 3 goals less than the opposition without our only 2 key forwards. Unless you have a brain tumour that is an obvious improvement.
  16. Wah wah wah get your chins up you babies No matter how stupid you are you can (hopefully) count, we have matched our opponent for 7 of the last 12 quarters. These are obviously small joys but clearly we have improved since the start of the year. 3 weeks ago we lost by 148, today by 28. Obviously some of you are so pathetic that this rate of improvement is not enough for you. Today at 3:40 into the last qtr, a shot on goal from Sylvia would have reduced the margin to 13 points, he just missed. We matched them for goals in the 1st,2nd and 4th quarters, only losing by the 3 extra goals we conceded in the third. Obviously they kept fighting for most of the game unlike lying down they did for large periods of the first 3 rounds. This was an interstate game without Clark or Dawes, I think it is fair to say those 2 are worth the 3 goals we lost by. Clearly the likes of Jones, McDonald, Trengove and Grimes were well below their best today. We KNOW they are better than that. We have Viney, Toumpas and Hogan to come into the side over the next few... and I don't know wtf is wrong with some people but Byrnes and Rodan were OK today. Just because you hate losing doesn't give you the right to blatently lie in order to slag off Neeld. We are coming from a long way back, these needs to occur gradually, you can't just expect to improve 1000% from week to the next. Stop your bloody whingeing FCS.
  17. every time a commentator makes an anti-melbourne comment you can bet a demonlander will make a thread as if it was their idea
  18. It's a miracle we are not down by 6 goals 12 less inside 50s FFS How does Moloney get 20 touches in a half, Neeld even said at qtr time theyd put some resources on him Byrnes passing to the man on the mark wtf Tapscott KEEP YOUR FEET FFS what is he doing Watts, what can you say, weak, soft and lazy Rodan was good that qtr as was trengove How many times do we have to see the same obvious problems, why do we continually let our opponent just stream through the middle unpressured? Why do we always have such shyzen kick-ins while the opponent sets up plays from theirs? Nathan Jones 5 touches is really hurting us, needs 20 in the second half
  19. so our round 1 and 2 opponents are both undefeated on 5 wins
  20. Thanks for the reports people I like freedom of speech and all that but seriously there should be some sort of policy on cretins who hijak threads with garbage If a post annoys every single person that reads it, its author should be dealt with
  21. i'll get in first with 'weve heard it all before' that's not being deliberately negative, that's just the facts of the matter. In 2010 we matched the premiers twice, finished on 8.5 wins and the future looked very rosy with a whole stable of supposed future stars. People, including the media, were talking seriously about multiple premierships. What happened? We failed spectacularly.
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