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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Please note I have wrong keepers listed .Please change- I think someone else's are wrong as well.Take care.
  2. We will have to be explained on how to pick our players before draft time. Are we going with 14 coaches or are we going to allow new ones, if so, how do they pick their keepers?
  3. Got it together at last.... Senior keepers- SJ- Steve Johnson & Brett Stanton. Junior keepers- Tom Hickey & Trent McKenzie.
  4. Our President,along with his able board have conviction .A standard of stand up and be counted philosophy. This is something I strongly admire.
  5. Sorry guys- had a relapse - spent last week in Peter Mac's.I am now registered but now I need you to put through my last years list.For a sick old man,this is bloody hard work... Thanks all for your goodwill but I will kick butt when or if I can play. OMR- if indeed Icannot get through in a week, I will ask your kind help Regards& thanks
  6. Thank you - very much appreciated.What is our leagues ID & password so I can join - someone please provide Thank you
  7. Many thanks-- I will try to recuperate the list-- but forget really what to do....but like everything else will try
  8. How can I recover my list from last year to provide my keepers. Please assist if you can...
  9. Whilst recovering from cancer ,I am available to play .However someone will have to guide me re the rules which will apply.I even forget my list from last year to pick my keepers from. Therefore if help is there would love to continue- actually need to ,to keep my mind off my health.
  10. I would like to ask(2) questions Has a succession plan been out into place to cover any loss of , and ,in particular senior executives.? Has a National Recruitment Manager been placed on the MFC staff at this time.?
  11. Just maybe, we should ask the question: what is the relationship b/w casey & the Dees currently. I agree with your sentiments and thoughts. I also believe it is a very unstable environment with such as young list. We should have played many VFL finals over the last few years and this would have assisted these young players with experience.We need professionalism with Casey with an approach of a win/ win strategy.
  12. Agree- we are getting far to picky...
  13. We have been very disappointed before, this, we will need a tremendous amount of luck to improve or position dramatically . We need Gawn to start starring, Trengove, Grimes, Blease.Watts to start to become wonder boys, to move up the ladder sufficiently to start threatening..but we have recruited well- we have players whom will really help these young recruits strive for perfection...but it will take 3 years for us to be right up there IMO.
  14. Unfortunately the likes of Gys, Mort etc...being the light bodies syndrome needed a far better attitude re commitment to become better. In watching closely last years per season ,Gys in particular was right of the ball.This, in turn brought Crouch,Magner to the list-due to their aggressive attitude- in particular to train.
  15. Agree with all you have said, would be great around the club in a footy role..
  16. It has been my criticsm for many years now--& nothing has improved. A terrific resource that is being wasted.
  17. Plus he did a gallant job in the 3 k time trial for first go and furthermore has had a solid prep over the last year.
  18. It was brought to my attention yesterday that he was a former player who played two games.
  19. I asked Don McLardy at a members meet in July, if we had a succession plan in place to succeed CS, Just hope there is. I think it is time CS moved onto another stage in his life- post MFC IMO.
  20. What a stupid statement - I thought you were above this type of thing.
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