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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Na- just RASSIN....but I always try to WIN.
  2. Can anyone please advise me whether Montagna can strip first fame in 2014, Thanks in anticipation JCB 13
  3. Sincere thanks for your kind offer...just wanted to suck someone or some in....Gee I did not think I would ever suck in a Moderator... I thought about changing montagna for Stanton as I have just been told this week that Montagna cannot play first week due to suspension, whichI honestly did not know due to Cancer treatment in China.. However as I do not to upset a Moderator ,I will belt him in a game...
  4. Ok...accept our Managers rule, therefore, I have been having Cancer treatment....can I change my keepers too? Please advise, thank you
  5. Your post is unwarranted IMO. We do not want to even think about such things as you state...see ya at the 1st home game...
  6. Hi, with regards to MM wanting to change keepers re Mastens for Thomas- I am against the change.You have made the rules do everyone knew....that being that keepers are locked in unless injury. I cannot see that Mastens is injured, if he is, then I accept the change, if not your rule applies and it should be disallowed IMO.
  7. Agree- his mobility is exceptional .However his fitness- stamina is a real issue.Ran last by at least 100metres in the 3k time trial a few weeks ago.
  8. How come I was not asked....scaredy cats.. And thanks for your thoughts HT...appreciated, but get ready for a thrashing this year...I have never beaten you as YET.How do we get these two forums connected?
  9. Jarka, I want to request you to seriously think about bringing in rules and regulations to qualify for coaching in 2015, before the start of this season. I am suggesting that one of these is,all coaches have to qualify their rookies before finals start in our 2014 season. This will allow a follow through in 2015.this covers the issue accordingly.Also, if a coach does not continue in the 2015, it brings fairness to a new coach, and is fair to all. Some may have other considerations for you to consider before season starts Cheers
  10. As our Manager ,I feel with your allowance above you are bringing a lot of work on yourself re the tightness of time before draft time.. It is my suggestion that we close off our concluded keeper/ rookie picks by 12pm, 28th February 2014to allow all players(coaches) to look at whom are available to pick from after all selected keepers/ rookies are locked away. Also,this gives all a weekend to look through it.. This is my recommendation to allow a good transition
  11. JA...thanks for everything...also give my regards to your brother ..DapperAll the best
  12. Doesn't matter anyhow, I spoke to him at the carnival last year and he said to me, if I am good enough to be picked up by the dees, it would take him at least another year together his body right due to his lightweight.Got a body like a jockey.Most likely under Roos would be a contender in 2017 at the earliest.
  13. Firstly,great job...your get up and go is outstanding...but do not get too tired to quickly,by the way the rookies have to be born in 1992 or later to qualify.We started of in 1990" ,then last year 1991 so it has to be in1992 The first year we played we did not have keepers at all.
  14. Totally correct...I warned all players before the finals last year, that if, they did not have their rookies in place for this year ..then they forfeited their rights....as they say, stiff [censored].
  15. Great leadership-- Jarka.. My keepera at this stage are: Steve Johnson, Leigh Montagna Rookies: Wingard Tom Mitchell. Have a great rest until we start all players, because I am ready to kick butt heavily this year..
  16. Great effort ,we were at the ground, we sat right in front of the Richmond President and CEO. They were amazed by the change in the MFC players skills and attitude. their tackling was superb. Go Dees
  17. Sincerely this disappoints me greatly....you have been a GREAT warrior and a support whilst going through Cancer...however one has to do what they have to do...anyway would have belted you again this year.Take care and take an interest..all the best.... JCB 13
  18. If you're a mate of OMR....you are in for a hard time pal...
  19. Gee wiz, I will have to give him a great induction.
  20. Fair enough, but by gee they were impressive todsay..I have never seen them so inspired and they tackled very impressively.Toumpass showed why he was first picked last year.
  21. The odds. For them making the 8 seems great value ..feel they will definitely make the 8,if,indeed no payer suspension, any comment/s.
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