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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Who have Port beaten? Us, GWS, GC, an undermanned West Coast?? Yeah they're travelling better than us but I wouldn't be pencilling them in for finals just yet.
  2. It really depends on how you define "competitive" and what the time frame is based on. But I for one expect the team to be competitive in every single match they play.
  3. Geelong were completely off the boil in the first half last night (especially Bartel) and still almost pulled off a victory. I never thought they were out of the game though it did seem as though they were playing into Collingwoods hands. In the second half they began winning centre clearances and just pumping it forward which saw an avalanche of goals in the 3rd. Did they change up their game plan at half time? Not sure but either way, regardless of the loss they still proved to me they are a great team and deservedly favourites for the flag. I couldn't think of a more intriguing match-up for this years GF than Hawthorn/Geelong particularly if Geelong win the return match later in the year. Would really put Hawthorn's claim of winning the ones that matter to the test.
  4. The come down is harsh. That was brilliant by the Lions, Essendon turned up as though they just expected to win, Lions would have none of that and hit them hard from the first bounce. Hurley subbed off concussed within 10 minutes, another player copped a big charge from behind, Brown slammed into someone. This is what I want from the Demons tomorrow, you don't have to be the most skilled side but if you hit them harder than they hit you you're always in with a chance.
  5. The commentators are disgraceful, in the back pocket of the AFL. that's why I like Eddie as a commentator (as long as its not Pies games) at least he calls a spade a spade.
  6. I can't agree with that what happened to fitzroy was disgusting (no to mention they actually wanted to merge with North in the first place) a d should not be allowed to happen again. North, Dogs and to a lesser extent Saints are our allies against the big clubs and the interstate clubs. We need to stick with them as a bloc to push our collective interests. If North go to Gold Coast and the Dogs to West Sydney it will be much worse for us make no mistake. No to mention hoping someone's club is merged, relocated, dies is pretty poor form I wouldn't wish that on our worst enemies and the game would be poorer for losing another traditional club. It would also mean 1 less Vic game for us to go to.
  7. Righteo exactly who was I being racist towards and in what way? I made a comment about the demographics of the clubs powerbrokers, in no way was I racist or a bigot or whatever other slurs have been made against me in this thread (such as being told multiple times that I am disgusting). Some of you guys really need to get your hand off it. Meanwhile no one has yet explained exactly why Gutnick was such a divisive figure or why he was voted out so overwhelmingly assuming the 65% figure is correct. What did he/his admin do that saw him turfed out so emphatically by the members? As far as his public persona was concerned I thought he was great for the club and actually stood up for us to the AFL and other clubs and didn't let us get kicked around which has been the norm since he left.
  8. Why the hell would you want them on the Gold Coast???
  9. I can assure you though if we were winning regularly the boredom would quickly dissipate. My boredom comes mainly from being out of the game after 15 minutes and the players refusing to do simple things like run hard to create options, shepherd after giving off the ball, bombing long over our forwards heads instead of lowering their vision to kick in front of leading players etc rather than the game plan.
  10. Midfielders would be a more pressing need but yeah one of those guys would complement our falls nicely (though Thomas needs to quit diving like a soccer player). Edit: just realised you probably meant Daisy Thomas!
  11. I agree conferences would be too difficult but no reason we couldn't have everyone playing each team once (with two byes thrown in) alternating home and away each year and playing in each state once per year (eg Freo home, WCE away one year changing the next). Either that or dividing up the ladder from the previous season (1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16; 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17; 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18) to determine the return games for the following year in a 22 game season. Only way to have some semblance of fairness and transparency in the draw.
  12. I agree Watts needs to play forward but that set-up looks too tall. I'd play Mitch in the ruck changing with Gawn and have Dawes play the high-half forward role as a marking option comin out of defense. We need another (a?) crumbing forward in there similar to a Stokes, Christensen or Varcoe at Geelong, Betts, Garlett or Yarran at Carlton, Rioli, Breust at Hawthorn, Elliott, Blair etc at Collingwood.
  13. He would have had to mark it first.
  14. We already have a dearth of senior experience we can't afford to lose a guy like Sylvia despite how much he frustrates me. The time to let him go was 3-4 years ago when we could've got something decent back but to see him walk for nothing would be a blow.
  15. Hawthorn had a similar strategy several years ago - I remember watching them and it was clear they were happy to lose the centre clearance and win the ball across half back to set up their forward play when the opposition was then caught off guard. Good news for us if intercept marks are going to be a key plank in future game plans Jack Watts will be an astute pick up in hindsight. In all seriousness, my wife supports the Cats so I see most of their games and I am green with envy - they are just a joy to watch play. They play hard, accountable yet free-flowing footy and they will win the premiership again this year (barring serious injuries). They really do "play the game as it should be played" and it drives me crazy that I then attend matches to watch the MFC turn in performances like last Sunday. The contrast is so vast it's almost like watching a different sport. I look forward to the day I can turn up to Melbourne games and be happy to be going to the footy again rather than frustrated, angry and bored.
  16. Love your work CFH but please don't jinx Hogan!
  17. Agree with everything here only I'd go for a 17 game season, I don't see the need to have an additional "rivalry round" - and who would our rivals be anyway? North, Bulldogs, St. Kilda?? Your comments about the NFL are spot on every year a month or so after the Superbowl I can't wait for the next season to start again, less definitely is more and this will be the case with the TV rights also. The AFL just needs to take the long term rather than short term view.
  18. I find that hard to believe. Byrnes has been OK, Dawes I think was a good pick up as was the drafting of Hogan but Gillies, Pedersen, Rodan?? Bleh
  19. Now that I would be glad to hear and was the impression I got from his interviews over the weekend.
  20. Was just about to post the exact same thing. If we lose Davey and Sylvia that's another million dollars in the cap we have to figure out who to give to. Yes we can use it to lure someone else but the hard part is convincing them to come. Hell if we give 3 year contracts to McKenzie and Jamar, Sylvia should be given 5.
  21. Yeah the mark by NicNat was great and subsequent goal, I didn't think it was a given he would kick it even though he was only 15-20 metres out. But he split the middle.
  22. Why isn't dropping the knees to get a high free, or even shrugging the arm, seen as equivalent to ducking the head? To me they are one and the same.
  23. Thank you Adam, the comment was more about the "old boys club" rather than calling anyone anti-Semitic. As I said previously if that was what people took out of it then I apologise but that was not the intention. I also would genuinely like to know the politics behind why Gutnick was voted out as it seems he was very divisive (and I recall that being the case at the time) yet no one has been able to articulate any specific reasons why he was so opposed (and as stated was overwhelmingly voted out). The salary cap/draft penalties is one thing but he didn't preside over the admin which actually made these breaches only uncovered them and notifies the AFL.
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