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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Even if that is what he meant he did not communicate it very well - the comments by Finey were actually in relation to Neil Craig's presets towards the end of his time at the Crows I was just applying it to the comments Neeld made.
  2. As Finey said on SEN a good coach gives the players credit when they win and protects them by taking the brunt when they lose - that "look at the players" comment was quite unbelievable and I have no doubt the media will jump on it if they even care enough anymore.
  3. This is damning and thanks for emphasising just how disgustingly poor we are (as if we didn't know). We have Richmond, Freo at Subi, Hawthorn and Collingwood the next few weeks and if any of those teams really decide to put their foot on our throat we could lose by 200. We are so far off the top teams we might as well be playing a different sport. Make no mistake this club is in its death throes if something doesn't change soon, you can't keep putting in insipid efforts like that every week and expect no repercussions. I saw a kid leaving with his parents at 3/4 time decked out head to toe in Melbourne gear and he was saying "but mum it was Gold Coast, it was Gold Coast!" How many more games do you think kids like that can put up with before they get fed up? How many more times can we get thrashed on Queens Birthday for the networks get in Demetriou's ear about the revenue being passed up because we've stunk it up once again? How many more performances can guys like Frawley & Jones put up with before they ask to get the hell out of here not to mention Hogan and perhaps Toumpas as well?? Things need to change quickly because football clubs can survive losing but they can't survive having no hope.
  4. To be fair I think he realises he's just marking time now and his career has gone down the toilet, he sounds like a man defeated who just doesn't have the will to care anymore.
  5. Who gives a crap? Did it really have that big an effect on your life that you need to crack the sads about it? Just close the browser window and leave the thread if you don't like it, it's not like it was a spam link for weight loss pills or something.
  6. Recruit footballers who can win their own ball over athletes, play them in the reserves until they're ready and earn a game, don't expect 18 year old kids to come in and be the teams best players, have a reserves side that is controlled by the club and plays to the same game plan, have a strong leadership group who sets and demands standards on the track and on the field, have a strong and stable off-field with no cliques trying to destabilise the club for their own vindictive ends. 125/150 (3 flags) is a mighty impressive stat but I think just as impressive is the fact they had 10 players with less than 50 games experience tonight and still made the Dons look second rate. If they're not flag favourites yet, they should be.
  7. I can't speak for others, but I have no problem with Trengove it's the clubs management of him I have the issue with. If he is still recovering as you say then he should not be playing - simple. No point throwing him to the wolves and risking further aggravating the injury and allowing him to flounder in full public view while trying to lead the worst side in the last decade out of the mire. Take him out and get a plan in place to get him right for next year and if he plays some games this year it's a bonus.
  8. He does it every time his contract is up for renewal, I'll believe it when he puts 2-3 good years together.
  9. Haha seriously what do you think the Demonlander's opinion will be on this one??
  10. Pretty sure the suspension would be 6 months of competition not just 6 calendar months - so they would miss a whole season.
  11. If it was a choice I'd go with Frawley - at least he's already shown he can play, Neeld has yet to show he can coach.
  12. Mate not only that but before the team ran onto the ground they had the cameras trained on Watts in the change rooms and coming up the race (all being shown on the big screen) and introduced over the loudspeaker at the G as "the Melbourne Football Club and number 1 draft pick Jack Watts" (or something to that effect) - it was incredible just how poorly they managed his debut. He was also on the back page of the Herald Sun during the week all used as a marketing ploy to ensure we got a crowd over 60k as Demetriou was threatening to take Queens Bday off us if we couldn't draw a crowd. In respect of your prior post re: the moving on off our senior blokes I am happy to say I am one of those who got that completely wrong. I agree they should have been kept on and used to mentor and shield our young players through until they had matured however at the time I absolutely thought it was the correct thing to get rid of them all and load up on draft picks. I don't think I or the club were alone on that either it was a bit of conventional wisdom at the time however it is clear that that route did untold damage to the club and also the young kids coming through who have had to shoulder way too much responsibility before their time. For the odd one it may work out and they relish it but for most I think they are more likely to burn out and crumble under the weight of expectation. We thought it was as easy as plug and play and all you had to do was get as many high draft picks as possible and pump games into them and in 4 years they'd be a powerhouse - it is now clear that was utterly utterly wrong and we need bigger bodies and experienced minds on the field and training track to help these kids through. That is why I understand Neeld's strategy in recruiting the experienced guys even if they haven't worked out as he'd hoped.
  13. We can't control what the media say but we can control how we treat our players. I agree with the OP it's definitely an aspect o our lack of development and seems to be ingrained in our culture where we keep trying to anoint a teenage rookie as the saviour of he club. Was disappointed when McLardy referred to Hogan in his letter to supporters after the Essendon game.
  14. Yeah I agree was just using it as a frame of reference.
  15. Frawley is by far and away the best Full Back we have had at this club at least since Danny Hughes. I cannot believe some people would even consider being happy to see him go.
  16. I think you are both partially correct - our players inability/failure to properly implement the zone is a contributing factor as is our players inability/failure to spread or spread at the correct times. I think another contributing factor is our poor skills resulting turnovers across midfield/half forward which allows the opposition to quickly transition the ball to their forward line with little pressure. It is pretty hard to implement a defence-zone if you're caught out trying to create an offensive play in your forward half and the ball is turned over due to a skill error.
  17. I agree but that was done under a prior coach, FD and recruiting manager. So the changes have been made we just need to wait for them to bear fruit.
  18. Wouldn't you call sacrificing a high draft pick now for Hogan who can't play til next year as being in the long term interests of the club?
  19. I don't disagree with you although I think you're a bit harsh on Byrnes, I think he's been OK for us. Last week in the second and third quarters he was practically the only player who was running hard to spread and create options when we were trying to move the ball through the midfield.
  20. Do you get upset when the leg of lamb you put in the oven 5 minutes ago is still red raw?
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