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Everything posted by Age

  1. I've watched him for the grassy knoll at Casey, hopefully this is the magic bullet he needs to succeed
  2. So he probably ends up with two then as he does play for melbourne
  3. Dockers with Fyfe out and their performance today will be keen to make amends. We will say that we are keen but just talk, don’t actually do.
  4. If you have foxtel or one of these newer tv's that lets you pause it, you could pause it to let the radio catch up.
  5. With that loss and seeing as we can’t beat any team with talent and with the run home for other clubs below us I can’t see us getting near the eight now.
  6. I find it funny that when we used to stink it up, every time we lost it was never that we won, it was how the opposition had a bad day. Now that we have won a few, it is still that they were either bottom teams or lots of injuries. I kind of have to ask, especially the last 3 weeks, has it been that the opposition has been that bad or have we been that good? Is always an interesting question, no matter who smashes a team.
  7. Oh how the dees have destroyed my faith in them. Why do I firmly believe that Carlton’s first win for the season will be us in our typical don’t show up game.
  8. I've wondered this in the last two years, it's almost as though we put so much effort into winning at Etihad that we forgot how to play our home ground!
  9. He will pick up some superbug in the hospital and never play for us again. If he gets back he will be a shell of his former self
  10. I don’t think we can beat Carlton. They have beaten us or given us a run the last few years even when they have been horrible. They are of those teams, Luke most in the comp actually who know when they put pressure on us we crumble.
  11. Yes, Dusty never gets pinned for incorrect disposal, Selwood always gets the high contact, the reigning premier always seems to get the 50/50 free kicks. It's just the way it all seems to work. We don't have any stars who get the good treatment, we won't ever be one of those top teams. Like someone else has said, it's like we were born into poverty, we will never break out of it unfortunately, not matter what we do. Just go with it is what I have learned, nothing will change. I just get to vent on here now and then or else I'd have kicked the dog by now (be a better kick though than any player we have could do!)
  12. He actually goes at the player who is trying to tackle him which throws out their timing as every other player tries to get away from oncoming players. When our players have tried the fend off then do it going away from the player which is a lot easier to get at, hence they get nailed. Players should either go low as said earlier and just let him get his handball away (which is currently coached against as they want a tackle to have no disposal) but this is better than him fending off and then running another 5 metres and kicking it 60. I would also suggest the drop their knees when coming in to tackle, the fend off would then get them in the neck/head and they (should) get a free kick. This though would mean being willing to take a hit which would no doubt hurt and none of our players are willing to hurt for the team. Maybe other club players may though.
  13. That is the issue isn’t it. Given a better night with injuries last year and we beat them. They have only gone forward since that night. It’s not that we go backwards, we just never go forwards
  14. In: a gameplan Out: players that cant follow a gameplan I believe that means we will forfeit
  15. I don’t agree. Drugs make you feel good. Following melbourne has never made me feel good.
  16. We actually look like a team that doesn’t have a coach. There is no structure, no gameplay, no anything. Does gawn actually do any work with our midfielders? He doesn’t seem to know who is on our team, especially when it is in the forward line. The backline all fly for a ball like it is kick to kick in the schoolyard. The forward line? Well on paper we have one but I am yet to actually one out on the field. Either the players all hate the coach and refuse to do what he says or he isn’t telling them anytihing. I actually believe it is both.
  17. Age


    Disappointing crowd to be honest. Spare seats everywhere
  18. Maybe/maybe not. I read that channel 7 is only putting this on 7mate and their HD channel as my kitchen rules is coming to a close and they are showing that on their main channel
  19. I have a probably very left field question. Are our footballs pumped up enough at training? Round 1 especially, but also still happening after round 4, we seem to run under more balls than any other time I can remember. Maybe our players are just that dumb that they can't read the flight but I hoping it is the balls we use...
  20. My positive from yesterday was Wagner having a go at Lewis in the last quarter after Roughead had been passed a ball from the pocket to about 20m directly in front. Wagner was seemingly telling him he should have been there in that space. Lewis seemed to have said something back but Wagner kept at him. Maybe he has some leadership qualities, I wonder about those of Lewis...
  21. 65 tackles to 102 with Oliver having 10 of those tackles. The players don’t care.
  22. Just today??
  23. Why does anyone actually expect us to put in. I didn’t see us play in the 60s but we have not shown anything for the last 40 years. The players simply don’t care, they never have. They know they will get pats on the back after a few good games and then collect their monthly pay cheque. We supporters have always been happy with a few wins here and there. Never demanded greatness the way he hawks do and get. I’ve said before, we are nothing and stand for nothing.
  24. Just fold melbourne. You are a nothing club. Always have been. Always will be
  25. Goodwin is being badly ourcoached. They have an extra around the ball when Gawn is rucking due to him winning most. They even have two extra when it is inside 50. We sit out loose players just 20m away and they kick over them and we they are away. We cannot go anywhere with him at the helm.
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