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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. Brad Green cops a lot of undeserved criticism. He runs hard to get into space to be an option, runs hard to get back into defence, lays the tackles and gets his share of contested possessions, often is the man delivering well into the forward 50, and kicks a proper swag of goals himself. But that's not good enough for some people. Paul Johnson I've always felt had more to him than he was showing. I've been one of many who have been stoked to see him take a step up early this year. I guess over time I've been a little bit sympathetic to Chris Johnson, though I acknowledge that he is yet to repay. Hmm... I think I see him as the next Steven Armstrong - never make in the Red & Blue because never given a sustained run, then might just make it onto a list somewhere else and play out a moderately good career (in terms of own performance - Arma got a premiership medallion for his trouble) Holland gets my support, though I don't expect to see him at the 'G very often any more. He's the Simon Godfrey of our KP players - never surrenders always has the effort. And from the person above - there are people who bag Matthew Whelan? Why? What for? Being too tough? Not giving away goals? Having great disposal and decision making? Whelan is our most valuable small defender, no doubt on it.
  2. Hmm... when Melbourne wins it's next premiership... I'll replace "Hello" with "Melbourne Won" for a month. No exceptions. Answering the phone - "Melbourne Won" Job Interviews - "Melbourne Won" Bump into an ex-girlfirend - "Melbourne Won"
  3. Maybe parents are holding out for a 'help your kid learn' bonus. I mean, they have the kid and get paid for that - Why should they look after it for twenty years without any cash reward? "You want me to what? Read to it? Get stuffed, where's the remote?" Anyway, the article itself is fairly poorly written - comprehension is a two-way street.
  4. I don't think I've ever left a game, left the local club, or even switched off the radio when that was all I could get, until the last seconds have ticked over in a Melbourne game. Tough it out, people. Every extra Melbourne person who's there makes it less horrible for those who do stay. It also makes it that little sweeter to be in a crowd when we do turn it around - because you know that many of the people there with you have been though the rough stuff with you, even if you can't pinpoint the faces. (side note: S_T I think you're a legend for turning up when you knew you wouldn't get to see the game out, regardless of progress, and kids playing footy is always first priority, ay?)
  5. Ahh.. there was a magic moment when Bruce was an elite midfielder. Those three rounds before he got his shoulder crunched and missed half a season. 8 wholly deserved brownlow votes in three games. Yet to get that form back, though really the only difference was that his disposal was that much more effective. He is a utility. He does all sorts of jobs, many of them close tagging roles, and he goes and gets the ball himself on a regular basis. He's also kicked seven goals in a game. Bruce doesn't deserve even a portion of the insane criticism he cops on here. Classic example of 'supporters' who are bigger fans of their own voice than of the club. (at least after a few beers)
  6. A few players should become available over the long break, too. We can be looking at PJ, Whelan and Sylvia as return options. Put that together with the improving form of Frawley, Warnock and Garland and we aren't in too bad shape. I get the feeling Morton will benefit hugely from the week off. Rivers, Robertson and Moloney (for example) still have the shadow of persistent injuries or underdone preseasons on them - the week off will freshen them up a little too. We could actually find ourselves with selection headaches, with too many players pushing for a spot! I definately think the 'competitive' tag is one we can reach for, at the least.
  7. This is revolting. There's nothing to this, it's just your standard up and go rumour mongering. Carlton aren't in need of midfielders, and have stated again and again a policy of recruiting only 24 year olds or under. Green is, as I've said before, on target for a top three in the best and fairest. He may be annoyed about not being in the leadership group (by about a 1% margin vote) but he's put in the hard work and would surely be in any such group next year (given Neitz and Yze will both be gone) and is still a moderate shot at captain. As for money - I'll re-mention Neitz and Yze retiring, and Holland, and some more of our highest payed players in the next year or two (and Johnstone already gone). We'll have salary cap space to burn (which Carlton, incidentally, definately wont) and in the meantime Green becomes eligible for Veteran status, making future payment opportunities even greater. I'd be suprised and a little horrified if any party thought that trading Green to Carlton was a good idea. Not in the interests of Carlton, Melbourne, or Brad Green. AND WHY DO PEOPLE KEEP BAGGING GREEN? FFS. People on here have very casual attitudes to our players. And then of course they cry and wail and moan and threaten to cancel their memberships when a player does get traded for a first round draft pick.(Woey, Johnstone)
  8. I'm sorry, I refuse to get into the pick 1 hype. People love calling Natanui a freak and pointing out his phenomenal leap and intense play, but there's also plenty of comments about relatively mediocre essential skills and footy smarts. Pick 2 is presumed to be this Daniel Rich guy, declared an out-and-out gun midfielder by all who have anything to say on him. Not one comment about a flaw. Flawless? I'd be ok with that. Who will be there at picks 3, 4, 5, 6...? They're hardly going to be pathetic duds, are they? What do we know about guys like Hurley, Yarran, Swift, Lynch? There's even supposed to be a guy at Sandy Dragons (I love backyard recruiting) who has been mumbled about as a top ten. Keep those wins coming. I'd even celebrate the 5th. Realistically, what we need is an across the board 5-10% improvement in kicking and handballing efficency and team coordination. Draft picks don't get you that. Hard work can, and for a little flash moment on Sunday, it did.
  9. Rivers had two spoils inside defensive 50 before he had a posession. Frawley is Mr. Disciplined, if you ask me, and will have a career full of low-possession high value games.
  10. Ahhh... but we may yet not have the choice... I'd settle for a gun midfielder, as opposed to a wooden spoon and a gun Ruckman. Who knows where we'll finish - our formline is ahead of a few teams, and will stay that way for at least two weeks! Could they have time the who? vs where? super-game round any better for us?
  11. Phew, I can just barely say I didn't - My pre-game blurb was that both of these players were on their last chance and had to step up. So frankly, I take full credit for their subsequent valuable performances.
  12. What a stupid piece of #^#%. A wonder which proud and long-standing hsitory he hangs his hat on, Fitzroy or the Brisbane Bears? I had to contend with a little collection off idiot Brisbane supporters when I was watching at the local club. They actually went to the trouble of coming over multiple times to give the 'gee it looks like good snow today, what are you doing here" line. Best part was they kept doing it to some friends of mine who had only started coming along recently and don't know the background, so they just thought it was some kind of weirdo convention. A side thought, Brisbane are ROO TED. Gold Coast will have dibs on young Queensland talent for a couple of years. Black, Bradshaw, Notting, Lappin, Beau McDonald and Luke Power aren't getting younger, neither is Travis Johnstone! They could find themselves in every bit the mess we are now - they are at about where we were towards the end of 06 - competitive now but teetering on the edge. Travis Johnstone will be their Byron Pickett. But we'll get through before these draft concessions to the new teams come in. Brisbane will sit smack in the middle. Another side note - Brisbane, with a whole state to themsleves, huge AFL promotions investment, competitive concessions which no doubt played a part in three premierships... they still have less members than the cranky old Demons! They'll be in strife when the Gold Coast comes into existence.
  13. It's a strange thought - If we can beat the Dockers on Sunday... We'll be doing just as well as the WA teams combined. (discounting their game against eachother) I like the thought that we actually might need to not improve at all if we are going to hold on to the wooden spoon. A bit of a surge to climb out of the bottom four is conceivable... Essendon are going backwards and injury ravaged. We would only need one of Richmond, Port or Carlton tol fall apart and we might just have a goal to aim for. I'd take pick five. I really would. I'm a little annoyed by all this pick one as the marketing saviour. Cale Morton is Gold, and he was pick 4. It'd be worth it to have an advertising campaign for next year where the players stare down a wooden spoon and then smash it to pieces, revealing a new dawn and new strength. It'd also entrench us as the club that definately, definately didn't tank.
  14. Judd will be forever tainted by a little edge of 'mercenary' in his reputation. We'll look back in years to come and think it was just bizarre that a player could shop around for clubs, have them spread their legs for him to take a look, and even get his current club to only deal with the one he selected to go to.
  15. Nope and Nope. Pick 1 and the freshly anointed Bluey Truscott Trophy winner, for an erratic, mature-age adolescent and a slightly lower draft pick, plus a vague unreliable later pick? not worth it for us, Nope. Fevola is worth a lot to Carlton, beyond his playing contribution (which is immense given that key talls are in short supply) he is one of the faces of the club - despite or even because of his erratic behaviour. Controversy = Cash, as some hack promotions guy from the USA likes to say. Not worth it for Carlton, Nope.
  16. Yeah, I don't mind the China idea in theory but it doesn't seem to be developed well at all, to be frank. Seems to be a pet project rather than a strategic imperative. If we were serious, the emphasis would be on making 'visiting a game of Australian Football' as much a stock part of the Australian tourism message as 'hug a koala', 'get stung by a bluebottle' and 'accidently choke down a blowfly'. We want 'China' coming to Melbourne games, not Melbourne skipping along around China.
  17. I think I'm experiencing my first ever actual, real-life denial reflex. Are the AFL seriously talking about closing off the top 15 of the draft to all but the new clubs? That is insane. And would be totally unacceptable. I thought it was more along the lines of a priority pick 'zone' selection. The new Gold Coast team and the new Sydney team each get up to 15 picks at the start of the draft to select players from within their state or designated recruiting zone. NOT from the entire AFL junior pool. They also can select players in a similar zone-draft arrangement before the new AFL level team enters the competition - these players would play in the respective state competitions as a single team (it has already been discussed that they might be under the coaching of Michael Voss in the Gold Coast case) and there could even be an element of players been traded to the new club, to play in this 'warm-up' squad - essentially a reserves/junior side gets created and filled in advance of the full-blown AFL side. With the zone restriction in place, it's no so bad and makes sense. But seriously... 15 top picks in one squad, drawing on the whole AFL talent pool? So perhaps Hodge, Ball, Judd, Bartel & Dal Santo in one go? No, it'd be too much. Especially combined with the salary cap benefit. Too much.
  18. Yeah, just a little relocation. I think it'd be great if we could move interstate at the exact moment when we've secured first-class training facilities at a brilliant central location, after twenty or thirty years of searching. I also think moving temporarily to a new area would really inspire loyalty and interest - nothing like saying 'we're just here til we have your money and then we're going back home again' to bring in the crowds. And I think temporary flipping back and forward is the exact plan that the AFL would want to see when it's trying to build strong internal rivalries and tap into local identity in the northern states. So they'll definately support it. And it won't at all [censored] off all of our players, staff, coaches, and fans in Melbourne, to the point where they'll either overthrow the club leadership or simply get the hell away from us and never accept our return. Let this one go, it's no good. Kudos to Dalrot for spotting the previous attempt. And I have a serious problem with the blatant attempt to put words in the mouth of our club CEO. That is simply unethical.
  19. EXACTLY! The way you get the club promoted and build up support and memberships is by getting the members involved. Every extra story they can tell about how good the Melbourne Football Club is (and that is still the Demons) is another impression made on a bystander. It also builds up a more resilient attachment to the club - people will keep coming during tough times (eg. now), and keep talking about their club positively, if they have the bond of having being involved.
  20. I agree 100%, and love the dart idea too. I was as surprised as anyone to see Warnock saddle up for the Brisbane game, and then happily surprised to see him put in a solid game. A few people seem to have missed the fact that Bate has been carefully managed back from injury (hamstring, right?). I dunno about anyone else but I'm happy to see that. It's always bugged me when players get thrown back into the top level before they're 100%. Surely he's ready now though, after two weeks working back through Sandy. Having Whelan back in will help. Omissions are harder. I think Bartram does need a Sandy run, though I'm sure he'll be back soon enough. Morton may well be getting fatigued - I'd be comfortable with giving him a week or two at Sandy, just to help him understand that he really is at an elite level already. I'm leaning towards dropping Robertson. I've only seen 'moments' where he's kept his feet and chased and so on. It's been just enough to make me pause and think he might be about to turn things around. But then it's the same deal again the next week. Miller has to have an impact. Now. I'm giving him this game against Freo and if he still hasn't shown up properly then he's dropped and will be a 'reserve' for the rest of the year or until he can really shape up his form. Whelan for Bartram, Bate for Robertson and perhaps Buckley for Morton.
  21. What the kick-to-kick really does well is remind people that the footy is fun. You can get out there and have fun even if you lose horribly. So quite a few people will turn up and have a much more positive feel about it no matter how we go. It's a winner, and get your tip in because we are gonna OWN Fremantle. I feel it in me bones. It might just be the cold, but I feel it.
  22. The MCC has given permission for fans to have a kick around on the MCG after the Melbourne Freo game, as part of the kids day theme we're promoting. Chances like this only come around a couple of times a year, total, let alone for a particular club. I think a lot of people would be tempted to get along just for the priviledge of the kick after the game. This can boost our numbers significantly, but we need to make sure the whole frickin world knows it's available. So start talking it up - tell people to come along and bring the kids cos they'll get to have a kick on the ground (note that EVERYONE, not just kids, can join the kick). It's positive talk, and people might just come along even if they're not Demons. I'm sure we'd be happy to accept an entrance fee from supporters of any club! EDIT: I'm trying to get a facebook 'event' running, but I'm not a regular on there so I'm not sure how to go about publicising it best. It'd be great if somehow we could get a message out to everyone in the Melbourne supporter groups (at least 2,000 people!) If anyone can help, PM me and I'll get cracking.
  23. ? ? ? Green is one of our few first class players, performing amongst our best each week. He's about to become one of only a handful of experienced players on our list. He can contribute to the forward line which clearly needs all the help it can get right now. I just... I'm not sure what to say... the idea of trading Green for 'a high second round draft pick' who might never play a game... it's just so daft it confuses me.
  24. So, let me get this clear - A player who is absoluetly committed to MFC, has five years or more left to go, just broke into our top 20 all-time goalkickers, looks like he could be our second 300 game player... AND, on the presumption that he has a great season... You put these thing together and think - 'Awesome, we could have pick 23 for that!' You, frankly, disgust me. For stupidity as well as disloyalty. Bleh.
  25. Yeah, I was pleased with Matty Warnock's efforts up in Brisbane. I have to confess - when I saw number 37 on the field I did a thorough double-take because the talk for a while has been that he is gone, and probably wouldn't play another AFL game. But he did alright on Sunday. And looking back over the recent Sandy reports, he's been pretty solid. It'd be great if he could consolidate, he is still young for a tall, after all. It's also not as if we'll be desperately trying to find extra players to delist come years end. Bringing in the Freo Warnock would seem reasonable - if they're not even giving the poor bugger a game they would probably be comfortable trading him for, I dunno, CJ? (You never know your luck, it is Fremantle after all!). If we do end up with the no 1 pick in preseason draft, it'd be handy pressure on the trade. Of course, ultimately it'll have to be used to pick up Ben Cousins for a comeback tour. At this stage, each Warnock brother is on about the same odds of playing for MFC next year! The Naitanui vs Rich debate is going to be an interesting one to watch.
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