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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. I agree 100%, and love the dart idea too. I was as surprised as anyone to see Warnock saddle up for the Brisbane game, and then happily surprised to see him put in a solid game. A few people seem to have missed the fact that Bate has been carefully managed back from injury (hamstring, right?). I dunno about anyone else but I'm happy to see that. It's always bugged me when players get thrown back into the top level before they're 100%. Surely he's ready now though, after two weeks working back through Sandy. Having Whelan back in will help. Omissions are harder. I think Bartram does need a Sandy run, though I'm sure he'll be back soon enough. Morton may well be getting fatigued - I'd be comfortable with giving him a week or two at Sandy, just to help him understand that he really is at an elite level already. I'm leaning towards dropping Robertson. I've only seen 'moments' where he's kept his feet and chased and so on. It's been just enough to make me pause and think he might be about to turn things around. But then it's the same deal again the next week. Miller has to have an impact. Now. I'm giving him this game against Freo and if he still hasn't shown up properly then he's dropped and will be a 'reserve' for the rest of the year or until he can really shape up his form. Whelan for Bartram, Bate for Robertson and perhaps Buckley for Morton.
  2. What the kick-to-kick really does well is remind people that the footy is fun. You can get out there and have fun even if you lose horribly. So quite a few people will turn up and have a much more positive feel about it no matter how we go. It's a winner, and get your tip in because we are gonna OWN Fremantle. I feel it in me bones. It might just be the cold, but I feel it.
  3. The MCC has given permission for fans to have a kick around on the MCG after the Melbourne Freo game, as part of the kids day theme we're promoting. Chances like this only come around a couple of times a year, total, let alone for a particular club. I think a lot of people would be tempted to get along just for the priviledge of the kick after the game. This can boost our numbers significantly, but we need to make sure the whole frickin world knows it's available. So start talking it up - tell people to come along and bring the kids cos they'll get to have a kick on the ground (note that EVERYONE, not just kids, can join the kick). It's positive talk, and people might just come along even if they're not Demons. I'm sure we'd be happy to accept an entrance fee from supporters of any club! EDIT: I'm trying to get a facebook 'event' running, but I'm not a regular on there so I'm not sure how to go about publicising it best. It'd be great if somehow we could get a message out to everyone in the Melbourne supporter groups (at least 2,000 people!) If anyone can help, PM me and I'll get cracking.
  4. ? ? ? Green is one of our few first class players, performing amongst our best each week. He's about to become one of only a handful of experienced players on our list. He can contribute to the forward line which clearly needs all the help it can get right now. I just... I'm not sure what to say... the idea of trading Green for 'a high second round draft pick' who might never play a game... it's just so daft it confuses me.
  5. So, let me get this clear - A player who is absoluetly committed to MFC, has five years or more left to go, just broke into our top 20 all-time goalkickers, looks like he could be our second 300 game player... AND, on the presumption that he has a great season... You put these thing together and think - 'Awesome, we could have pick 23 for that!' You, frankly, disgust me. For stupidity as well as disloyalty. Bleh.
  6. Yeah, I was pleased with Matty Warnock's efforts up in Brisbane. I have to confess - when I saw number 37 on the field I did a thorough double-take because the talk for a while has been that he is gone, and probably wouldn't play another AFL game. But he did alright on Sunday. And looking back over the recent Sandy reports, he's been pretty solid. It'd be great if he could consolidate, he is still young for a tall, after all. It's also not as if we'll be desperately trying to find extra players to delist come years end. Bringing in the Freo Warnock would seem reasonable - if they're not even giving the poor bugger a game they would probably be comfortable trading him for, I dunno, CJ? (You never know your luck, it is Fremantle after all!). If we do end up with the no 1 pick in preseason draft, it'd be handy pressure on the trade. Of course, ultimately it'll have to be used to pick up Ben Cousins for a comeback tour. At this stage, each Warnock brother is on about the same odds of playing for MFC next year! The Naitanui vs Rich debate is going to be an interesting one to watch.
  7. Yep, Sylvia is definately improving. Unmistakable over the last few games. Good signs.
  8. You'll be delighted to know that as of the weekend Brad Green has entered the Melbourne Football clubs top 20 list of all time goalkickers. Ta Da! I'm a big fan of Green spending solid stretches of time in the forward line. I can see a future where Bate, Green, Morton, Davey, and hopefully Sylvia, are all rotating through the forward line causing match-up hell. We really should be aiming for a (dare I say it) Geelong -style forward line with numerous players capable of kicking three or four a game, but working their way into the rest of the play as well. Did anyone notice that last year Geelong didn't have a single player, in any game, kick more than five goals, even when they had a scoring frenzy?
  9. If we'd traded Yze, you'd prefer to still have him. Bell puts in the effort every week, in a tough role. And he has a hundred games left to go. I have huge respect for Daniel Bell and I'm stoked that he's now a deserved regular in our 22, and will likely make it to his 100th game in about half the time it took him to get to fifty. GO BELLY!
  10. Yep, one win does not suddenly make Carlton a superpower. There still about as far off as we are, frankly, and I reckon we can take them. Despite the fuss, they do still lack depth and they need ALL their better players to fire at the same time to get a win. It's true, we are in with a serious chance on Sunday. It'll be nice to stick it up those gloating bastards. (what the hell do they have to gloat about?)
  11. I was really annoyed by Caroline Wilsons totally idiotic comment that 'our home games had only drawn small crowds'. We've only had one, Hawks Round 1, yes? 40,000 ish? Now Carlton, and we're looking at 40,000+ again. And I'll be there! Finally getting to make the trip, and I'm stoked.
  12. I'd just like to add that I actually prefer the way things turned out, despite all the Carlton gloating. We would not have Cale Morton (definate player), Jack Grimes and Addam Maric, as far as I can see. Maybe we would've traded someone like Dunn or Sylvia instead of one of these. (note Grimes=pick 14=Johnstone already) Maybe it would've been the easy ticket to income security and media profile. Maybe we need to just get it together as a club. As someone above has said, let's MAKE some champions, not sit wishing we had everyone elses. Besides, with all the salary cap space about to open up, Jonathan Brown is practically in the bag already!
  13. Given that it has become clear (in that murky, underworld way that anything becomes clear at Carlton) that Judd did not seriously intend to move to any club other than the tank engines, the decision to prance around visiting each of four clubs, have them open up their facilities and make sales pitches to him, was reprehensible. For him to suggest that he didn't want hype is also grossly disingenuous. He played us along. I don't respect that. But for what it's worth, I wont be booing him personally. What I will be booing is the disgraceful Carlton culture which chose to tank, both because it is shameful and because they have received material rewards for it. Though we missed out on an extra draft pick (no. 17 in 2007 draft) I'm comfortable knowing our honour is intact. But damn we'd better win a few soon because I really don't want to even have to think about what that one win in rnd 22 could cost us (pick 17, 2007 + pick 1, 2008).
  14. All I can think of is that it's a very long and indepth press conference and no journo's are allowed to leave to break the story until it's actually finished. Which makes me edgy. Long press conferences are almost never good news. Either that, or AFL Journos are pathetic... let's see which it is.
  15. Hmm.... so let's see. Cameron Bruce, despite not playing every game, is at the higher end for - Posessions, tackles, clearances and 1%ers. And at the low end for -clanger kicks. Brad Green third in tackles, behind only Junior and Mclean, for what it's worth. I'm thinking maybe some people need to review their vendetta list. And also, 'how about that Cale Morton, ay!'
  16. Hmmm... Retirements, with due respect: Neitz, Holland, Yze, and of course others who may decide it's their time, such as White, Mcdonald and Whelan. Delistings: Warnock, Bode, CJ, and possibly Weetra and Garland if neither make progress. Jamar also a possible. Miller becomes a more valuable commodity as a stop gap, given departures of Neitz and Holland. He may yet play a couple more seasons on a dozen games a year. That count means at least 8 new players coming in. On top of just as many kids last year. P.S. I'm generally not keen on trading.
  17. I saw that 'effort' from CJ and nearly puked. Sick, empty feeling in the guts. More like I had just puked, actually. That and a couple of other half-arsed moments from him today have ended my patience with him. Makes a mockery of stats, because this was possibly his highest ever number of posessions but one of his weakest games (and there's been a few)
  18. Hmmm... I'm not keen on Bruce as captain. And I'm damn sick of these foolish media comments about how 'we can make the finals'. There's a reason 'just taking it one game at a time' and 'focusing on the process and letting the results come' get said so often. It also doesn't do anything for getting people to turn up - people don't want to hear about how, in the abstract, we can theoretically accumalate enough ladder points to be in the top eight. We want to know that when we turn up next Sunday, we are going to see a firey performance from an angry side with a point to prove. But to be a little constructive - what I want to hear from the Demons, in the media, around the club, anywhere, is what they are going to do to specifically address the real problems. Eg. Bruce says 'I'll be headed off now to work on my kicking' Neitz says 'I'll be spending an hour every day doing nothing but practicing my leading and marking to work myself into some confidence and form, and I'll be bringing James Frawley and Tom McNamara along to cover me so that they get some one-on-one practice as fullback" Then Bruce says 'Oh, well, how about I come along and practice my kicking to a lead?' Meanwhile... Newton says 'I'm going to visit a proctologist"
  19. Yeah, I started to keep a count. Kangaroos had seven shots a goal from either highly dubious or totally inappropriate free kicks. (counting one failure to penalise a Kangaroo for a complete non disposal... in the goal square no less) It always bugs me that Melbourne seem to react badly on-field when umpiring decisions go against them. It unsettles the team and our concentration seems to slip. Ah well. I guess we're all just lucky that we didn't bump into any of them in the hours after the game. Potential ugly scenes.
  20. At first I thought this was going to be another one of those 'stoopid demons why shd I care it's no my fault' posts, but I like your attitude. Agree 100% - we need to face the hard truths that we need to build some very basic things up to an acceptable standard. A number of our potentially great players have been held to just good or less, because they have done the 'ordinary' to an extraordinary level. Good post.
  21. Dunno, mate. Maybe you should go barrack for Collingwood. Or just quit asking idiotic rhetorical questions as if the club somehow owe's you an explanation for every loss. Have one less beer, that might help.
  22. The game plan is a game plan designed to win intense games, and maybe even a premiership. Our skills aren't good enough to win a premiership. If our skills were good enough to win a premiership, this game plan would be good enough to win a premiership. Winning a premiership is my goal. Therefore... Bring the skill level up enough to win a premiership. Which takes time. Sorry. I understand that, while waiting, it suits you to.. uhh.. "leave you finger in", but in the meantime I'll be content watching a few kids like Morton and Wonaeamirri develop, while Davey, Mclean and Sylvia all find a bit more form, Whelan, Bartram and Rivers gradually work their way back from injury, Bate returns... etc.. etc.. We will be winning games as often as not, by the middle of this season. I don't doubt it.
  23. A lot of ho hum in this thread. Something in the way it's written - cliche after cliche and just piled on together, with an aggressive negative position and thought of positives or even changes that need to be made. Yeah, this is some idiot trolling. Or drunk and lonely. Buddy, you're not going to get any respect by pissing on other people's windows, and the glass doesn't stain - it just rinses right off in the next shower and all you're left with is smelly shoes.
  24. Ben Cousins has a lot at stake if he does make a return. If he screws up again, then he's a loser for the rest of his life. If he holds steady, plays decent football for even one year, and doesn't go off the rails and onto the lines, then he's Ben Cousins the AFL star who was laid low by drugs but put his life back together and finished a winner. And for Melbourne? Worst case for us, we give a guy a chance, at a pretty low salary, he doesn't pull through, we ditch him and that's the end of it. We can't be accused of failing in a duty of care, or creating a problem, and by dropping him we assert our determination to be drug free. If the story goes well for Cousins, it goes even better for Melbourne, the club with the cheap as chips player who makes a good contribution, and we'll be known as the club where Ben Cousins turned his life around. Keep the fanfare to a minimum, play down his value, play down the tabloid hype as much as possible. Can't go wrong - let's face it, which young AFL player is gonna join in on the drugs with someone who the whole world is watching and who is a frickin case study in "drugs are bad, nh'kay". I'd support a low-profile drafting of Ben Cousins.
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