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Little Goffy

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Everything posted by Little Goffy

  1. Lever. Jones. Salem. Weidemann.
  2. That is really excellent news. In that favourite bracket of mine, the players who give more to a club than they take. Touch wood, he's due for a good run.
  3. Ha ha ha, would be quite hilarious if Freo baulked and Jessie stays here where he is loved and appreciated so well by all (just as soon as this thread is deleted). I can see it now, Hogan to stay with Melbourne, declares "Fremantle have shown they aren't going anywhere, so I'm not going anywhere near them'". The way it is starting to sound, Peter Bell seems to think that the motto 'act like a champion to become a champion' includes expecting players to come to your club on favourable terms as if you are a well-run unified premiership contender. Which is fine if you are any of those things, but they aren't, so just look silly and insulting. Next Hogan quote "I'm staying with Melbourne, where I have close bonds, where I'm wanted, and where I'll be part of a well-run unified premiership contender". And finally "I have a lot of respect for Matthew Richardson but I don't want to emulate his career"
  4. Jeezus Biffen, I didn't realise you were also an, um... anti-Drefusard.
  5. I'm really struggling to like this prospect. Colyer has played exactly one full season in his entire career. Doesn't get it much, doesn't lay many tackles, doesn't use it especially well, doesn't actually gain much ground, not particularly dangerous going into or inside 50, not noted for defensive running. Wow, saying it out loud, I like the idea even less. Poor imitation of Spargo.
  6. The usefulness of mid-late picks for Sydney's academy options adds a whole new dimension to our trading, in that we might be able to claw a late second round pick all the way up to a late first round pick if the accumulated pieces are worth it for Sydney. The AFL trade equivalent of uncrumbling a cookie.
  7. This may be blasphemy in this thread, but I need to confess my sins, I've moved on from banana bread and taken a liking to pear-and-raspberry bread! Why am I sharing this? I think just to keep the thread bumped up, as it clearly has more useful information in it than certain other overactive threads around here.
  8. It is understandable that Freo would want to have a presence at the top of this draft, just to sell hope and paint the picture that a rebuild is actually happening. I've muttered it before but I'm becoming more confident about it, I think Freo's 2019 first pick (plus this year's 5ish) makes sense as a fair way to flip a coin on whether it is two very high picks for Hogan or one very high and one fairly high. And I like the idea of letting Jason Taylor have at least some shot in the first half of the draft each year. This could get dizzy - because we 'May' end up trading our own 2019 first pick while retaining the one Freo gives us. Anyway, I think it has been 500 posts on this htread since I last contributed so I figured I'd just throw some randomness in to celebrate how useful the thread has been.
  9. Is happy really the word?
  10. Ha. This conversation is funny just because of how lonely Preuss will be, sitting there on the bench while everyone runs around going 'where will we find a tall now?'
  11. Hmmmmmmmmm... Geelong - won't play finals again for at least five years, Kelly is already 24, so trade for the draft picks Carlton - should keep pick 1, because in about four years time when the Blues are ready for their next rebuild, they'll be able to trade Lukosious for two top-10 picks. But seriously, Carlton people are surviving solely on the hope of some superstars giving them a core they can make a rapid recovery from, so the remarkable gun forward is what they need. Think Matthew Richardson for Richmond. Port Adelaide - hold 9 and 10. Just because of the apparent curve of talent in this years draft still holding very strong past this point, and the possibility of a steal. Melbourne - No, I'd want to end with May and a better pick than 10. GWS - Yep, take 11, need to clear cap space anyway after SOS botched up the list management. Carlton - Effectively two picks in the top 5 for 1 player who is very good but not team-changing, nope.
  12. So it seems to me like Hogan would actually consider how well Melbourne is compensated in the trade, as a factor in whether he will move. If that's the case, it makes him the most loyal person ever to leave a club!
  13. Lol, sideways idea: Maybe we get pick 4 2018 and Freo's first pick in the 2019 draft, and that's why we are asking about trading our draft pick for next year (to get May/whatever). Because obviously Freo will be expecting to rocket back up the ladder. If it is a wrangle between accepting 5 or 10, I think their 2019 first selection is a fair slip of the coin. Leave it to fate, very sporting.
  14. Based on what a few broken down shown-nothing key position forwards have gone for in recent years, right niw Weideman is worth a first round pick. Bizarro garbage to talk of zhogan being worth just the one, even a very good one. Meanwhile, something today reminded me of Trent Croad. And Fremantle's legendary capacity for terrible trading results. Prediction: Hogan heads to Freo, does fine but misses the profound bonds with the Demons. Is gutted by missing out on being part of our premiership at the same time as Freo just completely flat-lines with nothing but rubble left when they finally sack Ross Lyon. After a couple of years, feeling more mature and with family settled happily again, Hogan returns to the Demons for half what we gained in the original trade and proceeds to kick 70 a season for the next 5 years. A good time is had by all.
  15. Kolodjasnij, Vandenberg, Rohan, I wonder, it may be that all three are rated at about the same level by the clubs targeting them. All we need now is for Gold Coast to want a Geelong player and they can all just stand up and move to the next chair.
  16. This photo is from an art installation where a brother and sister cleared out all the stuff that their father had obsessively collected and stashed. Then they sorted it into a warehouse space. It just kept going and going. You can't see in this photo but I believe both Dom Tyson was stashed along one side. Though he should have been in the middle for best effect. And I say that as someone who has respect for Tyson and thinks he has been a solid contributor. But even his mum would say that he's better off being put to use somewhere else than left in storage at the Demons.
  17. I'm in the Billy Stretch camp. Feel like he could be our next Nibbler-style development; never going to pretend he's the greatest but will work hard at it and play the role unselfishly and be a steady part of the best 22.
  18. I think he's saying he'd go to Carlton for 100 bucks and a banana muffin.
  19. Neville Jetta for best clubman, maybe his only close rival was PJ?
  20. Geelong are right on the edge of becoming a levitating potato. No chance of going any higher, not going to go down any further, and not actually doing anything interesting where they are.
  21. The best part is, that blocking free at the end was almost certainly there.
  22. Honestly, I'm not sure too much imitation will be inspired by this one. Any of the four preliminary finalists could've snagged the premiership this year, and there's a lot of variety in those lists. Still no denying the value of having confident, reliable players in key positions. West Coast's contested marking at both ends was quite something. Seven players with 2 or more contested marks, yeesh.
  23. His younger brother never even got a chance to play at the highest level, and I hear he was even more talented.
  24. That's more running bounces than our whole team currently averages per game! ?
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