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Binmans PA

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Everything posted by Binmans PA

  1. No thanks on Beams. Would take Sidebottom though. Gun. Absolute gun. He's playing in a good team though, so it's a little difficult to tell just how good he is.
  2. Yeah, Brown smacked him behind the play. He'll go for it.
  3. Oh Brown? You mean the guy that whacked Sylvia behind the play? Yeah, he's a [censored].
  4. Cotchin is an absolute gun. Still, I think Grimes can get there as well.
  5. 1) Lance Franklin 2) Scott Pendlebury 3) Trent Cotchin
  6. Fascinating stat that huh? He likes body contact, but doesn't tackle enough. Interesting. Very interesting.
  7. Good to see Cam Schwab address some of targets for the coming months. It's been a while since we've seen him on MFC.com.au. I reckon he'll stay now. We're going to post another profit and appearing on the website suggests (to me at least) that his re-signing is imminent.
  8. Glad he's re-signed, but Jamar is not a strong mark. He rarely takes them.
  9. There's nothing to say Gaza's silence isn't based entirely on his own opinion. Just because he had a hand in Neeld's appointment, doesn't mean he'd know all the ins and outs.
  10. By that do you mean a half forward flanker, Clint?
  11. If Goddard was the Judd of our midfield he'd get tagged out of the game. I can see what you mean BB59, but Goddard is not the solution. I'd go a KPF before I went Goddard. To be honest, I'd be looking at FA for not just Cloke, but for Brad Sewell (give him a three year contract and see if that woos him). Then I'd look at another experienced mid (say Sam Mitchell). Sewell and Mitchell would help nurture guys like Gysberts, Trengove, Grimes and Viney. Then use one or two of the compensation picks on young, quick outside mids. It's not just 'let's go after Cloke and stop there', it's 'let's go after Cloke and target one or two experienced, well respected ball winners, and use compo picks on young mids'.
  12. It's a no brainer for me. A spine of Clark, Cloke, Garland and Frawley would set us up for a period of sustained success. Get it done, MFC.
  13. Apologises for curtness, but I couldn't give a toss how we win a game. Just win it.
  14. "Bleeds red and blue"...is it just me that hates that phrase?
  15. I still think if we're going after Cloke, it's probably more a smoke and mirrors thing, and in fact we're after one of their mids. Sidebottom has been a gun this year.
  16. It was, but that tackle shouldn't have been slipped in the first place.
  17. Yeah, from my angle it looked to be a goal.
  18. Exactly. I'm glad they didn't review and thought so the first time I watched the replay.
  19. I think we could learn how to expose West Coast by looking at how Brisbane and Essendon beat them.
  20. Sewell is not quick, but would love him in the red and blue. Not Dal Santo though. Very little leadership and is far too arrogant for what he has actually achieved.
  21. I think it was one each. Monfries also had a dubious one ruled touched.
  22. More so, I reckon. Watching the Essendon people going despair was hilarious.
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