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Everything posted by praha

  1. I feel as though we will be just as disappointing as this past week. I have no expectations. I'll be there, but the only people whose expectations matter are the players themselves.
  2. Yep. One of the most underrated players at the club. People underestimate his influence on the field.
  3. Please... Because I care what you think, especially considering you've criticised my writting skills on an internet forum... But perhaps I should get him to help me out with my English, because he sure as hell wouldn't be able to tell me how to kick a football straight, lay a hard tackle or run head on at an approaching opponent. Or act like a leader, for that matter. All of you people praising and sticking up for Bruce should all be on the Melbourne Football Club's recruiting and football operations teams. You'll fit in well with the rest of the stubborn, idiotic and dumb people who can't see an overrated hack when they're right in front of them.
  4. To fix a problem you have to be able to admit it. 104 points is a problem, whether you're a good team or not. I pay my membership, so I have every right to "bark like a dog". At least I have more bark then the MFC does.
  5. Wow. Was watching it when they were almost 5 goals up. Now down by 50. Quite a turnaround.
  6. I agree to an extent. We invest in the club and in return we deserve something back. Not monetary value, but something more pure (ie. a flag and success). But it's a catch 22. Without that investment, we can't win that flag because we don't have the money to support the players to condition them to win. But then they don't win and we don't give them that investment anyway. Understand? You need to invest. Without the investment, you won't have reason to invest. If that makes sense...
  7. None of the three. Thomastown reserves side.
  8. We suck, yes. But become a member because the club, as a business, needs your support. Don't become a member to make them successful onfield, become a member because we need you to be.
  9. QFT. If you ever met Johnstone, you would have realised he had the personality of a socially disabled 14-year old. His personality reflected his on field performance: uninspiring and care-less. He could have been good, and was sometimes, but was an underachieving player.
  10. Can't put any blame on Bailey. He'll be our coach for the next few years, even if we lose every game by 100 points. We are now officially in a rebuilding stage. Get prepared for 3-4 years of crap. I think it'll be worth it in the end.
  11. I'm buying a new car on our next day (guess which one) and heading to a holiday destination (guess where)
  12. The hottie I picked up on Brunswick St tonight > Our Ruck Division.
  13. Nathan Jones > Dew > entire Melbourne FC.
  14. Couldn't have said it better myself, mate. The day Bruce gets sent to the VFL where he belongs is the day I believe in Jesus Christ. But I wouldn't drop Carroll and Newton. Newton doesn't know what it takes to win and doesn't have the urge yet. He needs to stay in the seniors. He will be a bag-kicker one day. Carroll is our only true back man. He might get beaten, but he trys his heart out and no one can do any better given the circumstances. No point dropping him. Besides, no one is as much of a hard nut as him. Drop him, and we might as well give Bruce the captaincy because we'll be as soft as ever.
  15. Jones > Rivers > Bartram > everyone else. Bruce is in that "everyone else". He's a hack of the highest order. Hacks like yourself praise other hacks, just like Bruce. He is a "daniher" player and a typical one at that; soft, weak and a "give it to me" type player. When this team is where Hawthorn are now, 3-4 years down the track, successful and strong, Bruce will be one of the lower tier players, if that. Overrated. Always has been and always will be. Reminds me of Tracey McGradey in the NBA. Good when the team is going well, no where to be seen where they are travelling bad. Hack hack hack.
  16. lol Put Jones in there. He did one ruck contest and won it to our advantage, one of a few we got today.
  17. I can remember more brilliant games by Jones then brilliant games by Bruce. There aren't any that are brilliant every week. I was just making a point. Bruce has been insignifcant since mid-2006. You're saying he's a quality player. Justify that. My point is, if a player that hasn't been brilliant in over a season can be called a "quality player", what would you classify a player that has been great the past year or so.
  18. Whites career after the first 4-5 years >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PJ's career after the first 4-5 years. Right now though, yes, PJ > White. That's a disappointing/worrying turnaround.
  19. I thought Newton did OK given the circumstances. He was soft, but so was the entire team. He's only played a few games. You're all putting crap on him as if he is a leader and seasoned veteran. He'll be a player. He can take a mark and kick a goal. That's all we need atm.
  20. I'll be there for Macca. If they put in another insipid performance, god help us all.
  21. Sorry for "Debated" lol And to think I'm a professional writing major. Anyway. By your logic, any player who plays a few brilliant games for is automatically clasified as a high quality player. What exactly would you classify a player who has a brilliant game every week? I can remember. In fact, if not for Bruce, we wouldn't of played in the 2000 GF. It's sad that you cannot admit how overrated he is.
  22. I'm glad to see there are some realists here. Positive fans = ignorant/moronic/dumb fans. You can't fix a problem without acknowledging it. No positives. Happy birthday indeed, Melbourne,
  23. Bruce won't play. Clearly injured (not that he plays any better when fit). He's knee is gone, I don't care what anyone says. Davey isn't 100% either. Won't be surprised if both miss through "injury"
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