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Everything posted by praha

  1. Carlton have fallen, Essendon is falling, hopefully now it's Collingwood's turn.
  2. Hopefully we can get something good for the guy. I've decided that our future is bleak if we sign him to anything more than 2 years and we don't get something decent, like a 8-15 pick, for the guy.
  3. Meh, I'm over it. I never got excited or expected him to be at MFC next year anyway. I think this guy is more focused on his future after football and facilities rather than public opinion and onfield success. Collingwood will have to trade away depth and picks to get this guy and we've quite a few retirees coming in the next few years, they'll be nothing. Meh to Chris Judd. Meh to him!
  4. Judd won't do that. For three reasons. 1. WC have more power in this whole thing than we all think 2. He doesn't want to go to Carlton and lose for the next 2-3 years. 3. I don't think he is the type of guy to totally ditch the club that gave him a chance and treated him like god. He wouldn't screw them over like that. If he chooses Collingwood and they can't get something done, he will go to his next option. Either way, WC will get something out of this. He won't enter the PSD.
  5. I just heard Judd speak on the red carpet and I've come to the conclusion, after thinking it a couple of times, that they sound exactly the same. It's amazing. An omen, perhaps?
  6. Yeah, but when he took them, they were always something special
  7. Byron Pickett. Has it in the bag!
  8. Nope, watch Seinfeld. You'll see it is the actual size. That's what partially so funny about it.
  9. I've never heard anyone complain about Robbo's species, but it adds a little extra. He has that ability and adds a bit of worth to him. He isn't good enough to put bums on sits though, unfortuantly, and his style of play and physical appearence matches the bulldogs.
  10. Is it possible to get a late entrance
  11. It's just business. He's looking on the business side of things. He knows where he stands with his knees and age and he wants to be around for a bit longer. Lets be honest here; if he agrees to 2 years with Melbourne, it will be his last 2 years here.
  12. Don't you understand? He is the Melbourne Football Club
  13. Yeah, I can't see the Pies making a move such as trading some pure young talent for a high draft pick. I mean, who on their list, that they would actually trade, is worth a 1-5 pick? All of the players that are actually worth one of those picks they would have to be ludicrous to trade and the players they would offer wouldnt be worth it. Fraser for No. 1? If you say it's laughable because the Tigers wouldnt do it then fair enough, but Fraser is worth a 10-15 pick, at best. Isn't he like 29?
  14. I'd rather a weak ruck line up than no ruck line up. Trade Jamar and we practically have no one to back up White.
  15. As much as I love Robbo, I think he will go as well. Great service from the man!
  16. praha

    Neil Balme

    He was coaching us in one of our greatest every wins, the 2nd semi against Carlton in 1994. You can give him that...
  17. I don't think Judd would do that but it's only a matter of time before other players' and teams resort to that. They do it in the US (NBA, MLB, NFL etc.) because of the frequency of trades and player movements; players normally base themselves in the city they were drafted too and if they move around, depending on whether or not it's on the same coast, they fly in and our for home games and certain practices. I remember hearing Steve Francis doing it when he was traded from Houston to Orlando.
  18. As much as I hate Malthouse, he has done a fantastic job considering their list, especially in the finals. Laidley also did a superb job up until round 22.
  19. Really? I didn't realise I made so many trade predictions haha I'm serious...
  20. Trapper to Dockers for a top 10. Two top 10's and Robbo to Eagles for Judd. Get it done.
  21. Don't rule out trades to make trades; trading names to get picks to trade to the Eagles. To be honest though, and I'm not just saying this, I personally think it will get to a stage for the Pies when Eddie is just going to say, "No, No..that's just too much. Forget about it..."
  22. This board is just getting more and more delusional. I will donate $100 to demonland if Judd is at the MFC next year. Please, hold me to that.
  23. Alot. But really, the main point of this thread is to highlight how excited people are about the prospect of him coming here. It was like Knicks fans in the early 90s when there was rumor of Jordan moving to New York. It was almost set in stone and they were talking about their savour, and then he never left Chicago and they've sucked for 14 of the next 17 seasons. I've never gotten excited, not even for a second, about him POSSIBLY (and that's the key word here) coming to Melbourne. It's our duty as Melbourne fans to never expect but rather to wait. If you expect it only leads to disappointment when it never arrives. And I'm sorry, but I honestly don't think Judd will be at Melbourne next year. Everyone needs to chill out and stop talking about "their good feelings" cause you're just leading up to an almighty forum Pies bashing simply because they have more to offer for the guy. Let's be honest, Collingwood is where it is because their "filth" supporters get to their games, win lose or draw. We're in the situation we've always been in because we don't appeal to the same market and therefore we have a lot of casual fans who don't show up when we lose. Honestly, if I was in Judd's situation, and I hate to say this with all my heart, but I'd be looking at a football aspect, business aspect and future aspect considering my skill and celebrity status. Do I really want to play anywhere else but Collingwood? It would have been like Jordan playing for the Milwaukee Bucks.
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