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Everything posted by praha

  1. Richmond isn't scoring from free kicks. we are gifting richmond passage through the corridor because of under-12s errors, often by our "leaders" in Viney, Jones, Hibberd.
  2. How did you all not see that coming? Skills are pathetic.
  3. There is something tragically Melbourne about Preuss so badly being beaten then, leading to a turnover, leading to Lever seemingly doing his knee. Fmd.
  4. Viney's handball to Max along the boundary would have seen him dragged and benched for a quarter in the old days. He wins the ground ball, panics, and handballs to Gawn, who is on his wrong side, and has to kick a checkside on his right side, into traffic, leading to the ball dribbling out of bounds. Melksham rightly lost his [censored]. Does anyone else notice how often our players find themselves on their wrong side? What are we doing wrong? The turnovers almost always follow over-use, one or two handballs too many in traffic, leading to a quick kick almost directly to an opposition player. Nothing changes. That was an okay first quarter but Richmond is playing in first gear. Once they put the foot down they are going to absolutely [censored] this in. They don't even try and they waltz through the corridor. We win the ball back, have space, but no one utilises it. We flood to our own disadvantage.
  5. These turnovers are all avoidable. It is infuriating.
  6. Jesus christ.... is there any defensive pressure in the corridor?
  7. Petty is the only player with any sort of aerial marking game
  8. Disgusting crowd. This is what seasons like this do. Brand killing. Club killing. Coach killing. Years of hard work, we get two matches against Richmond and Collingwood and this is where we sit. Let's see if this loser club can stand up for something tonight.
  9. Richmond is going to smash us by 12 goals. You wait and see. We'll stay within striking distance for 2.5 quarters, it'll stretch out to 28-30 points by three-quarter time, and then the Toiges will slam on 7-8 goals in the last. You just wait and see. You can predict this [censored] down to the behinds scored.
  10. At the start of the season whenever I would tell people I go for Melbourne, it was: "Oh you guys are going to have a great season" Now it's reverted back to the awkward silence before the, "I'm sorry". People pity us and it's pathetic.
  11. I am not talking about going in and writing "vision" and "brand" on a whiteboard. People take it quite literally and like we saw with Schwab and co when you do that you turn a philosophical approach to vision into a literal one that is difficult to articulate. But know what you stand for, who you want to be. What you want to achieve. Setting realistic goals around a centralised vision is a viable and successful mantra. Besides, it is not up to the players to create this vision. This is why we have a head coach. His messaging should underline this philosophy to drive success. You would be surprised how many talented people there are in the world that simply "phone it in": if you're getting paid regardless for achieving personal goals and targets then what does it matter if the team succeeds or not? I've no doubt a large cross section of the AFL playing community falls into that basket. If you can't build a team of players that buy into the same vision of winning, and are simply satisfied with a nice paycheck, then you are going through the motions. I've no doubt players get disappointed and frustrated at losing. But you can separate the winners, from those phoning it in, and the perennial losers. Find a middle ground and a vision those players can buy into. you might think it's all rubbish but the psychology of team success is nothing new. players may laugh when they run someone through it, the messaging delivery may be wrong but the idea of vision and brand is inherently embedded in successful teams. If you can't separate yourself from your competitors then you will never succeed. A "brand" is a way of playing football is a metaphor for "what about their playstyle differentiates them?" What is the one element of their game that propels them above others? If you can't answer that then your brand is [censored]. And your vision is failing. what's to say that team that laughed, has not changed its approach based on that idea of vision?
  12. "Brand" is a vision. A "vision" is a direction. Where are you now? Where are you going? How will you get there? Strong and successful teams regardless of the working environment always have a strong vision with buyin. Many of you think "Brand" is meaningless. You're thinking too one dimensionally. Think of Brand as an idea: What do we want to represent and will it help us in our vision? Our "brand" is *supposed* to be that we are ruthless, we battle hard for the ball and we win it the hard way. But if that brand is unsuccessful then you need to change your vision because you're going to the wrong destination. Yes it is all corporate gobbledygook, but it has weight. When people thinking of Hawthorn of the past decade, or Geelong, or even Brisbane this year, we know what their "brand" is: it is to win at all costs. Not just on the field. Off the field too. Make sacrifices and win. win win win. I am not saying we are not trying to make that our brand but our current branding is not working or doesn't exist. what do we stand for? what do we represent? Can anyone answer these questions? If you can't then you're in no position to mock the idea of "brand".
  13. My issue with seeing this year as an aberration is that it doesn't prompt change. We need to see it as a trend that requires change otherwise we won't improve. We have the arrogance of Hawthorn yet the record of a minnow. We can't afford to "hope" this year was an aberration. You don't finish 17th by chance. We need to make big changes this offseason. Otherwise I can't see us making finals.
  14. let's be honest, it's legacy pay from here on out. If AVB, Hannan, Melksham were on the park where would Jones even play? Thank you for your service. One year contract and one more turn around the merry go round. Hope we nab a flag for him but won't happen. TBH I'd not be surprised if he requested a trade to a contender.
  15. m8 we are below that. We're Franklins NQR brand atm.
  16. Can we stop with vague forum threads with little if any context? I really hate those Facebook groups for that reason.
  17. Rubbish. Every team has injuries but Melbourne is the only one in the league that appears to be consistantly destroyed by them to such a degree that they drop down to the bottom 4. It doesn't happen to any other club as often as it does Melbourne. What does that tell you? Daniher was a good-average coach who really should have been let go after 2003. Keeping him on for another 4 years badly hindered our recruitment. He fluffed the Molan pick, and brought in a bunch of no hopers like Armstrong, Bate, Miller etc. to form a "core" of average footballers. No wonder we fell so hard after Neitz, Robbo, Yze and co left. Daniher was both a saviour and catalyst of the club's problems. Not his fault entirely but injuries were far from his biggest issue. After 2003 he said we were in "rebuild" mode after falling in the Semi in 2002 but that was just an excuse that we all fell for. 2003: disgraceful season 2004: 1st after 18 rounds, lost last 4, then choked against 8th-placed Essendon in the Elim 2005: Lost 7 in a row mid-way through the season and if not for Robbo's heroics vs Geelong we would have missed finals. Lost by 11 goals in Elim. 2006: Started season 0-3, lost to Carlton twice (they won 3 games for the year), then gifted Freo their first ever finals win. Daniher was a great man and a club stalwart. But he wasn't that good a coach.
  18. There is no need for the President or CEO or executives to say anything until they absolutely need to. They pay Goodwin and co to take the heat. It's their job. I'd expect harsh words at the AGM and B&F and then leading into 2020. At this stage however it is pointless saying anything without a deep dive and review having been conducted on the season. It's not an executives job to talk or say anything before the fact. They pay people to react and preact.
  19. We knew what we were getting when we financed the car: a three year lease. It is grossly unfair to blame Roos AT ALL for this. He made it crystal clear what his goal was and how long he was committed for. His and PJ's roles were to right the ship and set the foundations. We cannot pass accountability away from the current administration and coaching team. What Roos has said is a fundamental criticism of Goodwin's coaching. What we are seeing this year is on par with the trash we saw in 2014 when Roos took over: we battle it out for three quarters and then lay down in the last with deplorable skills. But you know what? Roos quickly stamped that out and set us up. Goodwin was gifted a finals-caliber list that he has slowly gutted with losses of Hogan, Kent, Dunn, Watts and others. Yes it was probably right to move them on but instead of filling those roles he has stacked our backline, effectively putting a barrier at the end of the rail tracks but letting the steam train just chog along at high speed until it crashes on the last line of defense. It's been a shockingly one dimensional approach to list management and has set us back 2-3 years. Unless we recruit line breakers, a KPF, pace, and grow some balls and dump the perennial losers on the list we will just jog along in neutral. It's been a [censored] pathetic season. Goodwin and his crew get a firm F. Maybe a D- because of the injuries. But that's a big maybe. Our engine room has stayed intact but our transitional defense is deplorable and absolutely nothing has been done in his three years at the helm to stem the flow of goals after a turnover. Forget about training and educating the players. Goodwin needs a [censored] crash course in defensive accountability, because it's been lacking from the team's structure since he arrived. Remember back to 2017, it was the same issue. We were scoring so it was diluted but the same issue was there. as it was this year. I hope he turns it around. If he does then we're contending again. If he doesn't then we're down the bottom. Unfortunately there is no in between. He needs to quickly rebuild our core right through the middle otherwise his coaching career is finished.
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