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Everything posted by praha

  1. Yes we already have May to tick those boxes.
  2. Who cares. If someone said to me we'd end up with pick 3 in the draft I wouldn't have believed it. For every possible reason.
  3. If KPIs haven't been met in 4 of the 5 (finals was a pillar KPI dating back to 2015), and in the 5th year you're 17th, then the data tells us you've not actually been successful. The club has done a wonderful feel-good job of celebrating linear growth in the w:l column, but reality is that "more wins" hasn't actually been a pillar KPI since 2014, when finals were merely a stretch goal. Why people keep banging on about linear improvement in w:l is beyond me, it's not 2013 anymore and finals as a bare minimum should be the one and only gauge of a team's success. St Kilda won more games this year but I hardly doubt they're celebrating "linear growth". Some here have fallen hook line and sinker for the narrative out of the club this year, which I can only assume means few here work in the corporate space. It's PR jargon, reality is that 17th with 5 wins suggests failures, and that major changes need to be made. Macca no doubt had some positive influence but it's very clear that he, like a few others (perhaps including Goodwin) were a catalyst for our poor season. Throw in 2017 and well you've got a coaching team that hasn't quite succeeded, gotten close but ultimately may be time to step aside. So yeah, the data is actually quite clear in that it didn't work.
  4. wrong. mission statements may be "wanky" but a clear one has buy-in, is easy to understand, and is inspiring.
  5. It just snowalled rj. I was one of the optimistic bridgade after round 1. Despite being highly critical of Goodwin since round 23 2017. I suspected thant our worst was still fridge top 8. How wrong I was. The Saints game ruined my birthday in April, Goodwin was badly outcoached by a bloke that has since been sacked. And is now reporting to Goodwin! Goodwin now has a Mt Everest mountain to climb, much bigger than what Bomber in 2006 or Hardwick in 2016 had to climb. He'll either come out of it as one of the best coaches in the game, or he'll be unemployed. There is no middle ground unfortunately. That's how extreme a turnaround we need.
  6. It's not a percentage drop though. They're looking at a whole number drop, which isn't an accurate reflection. Our percentage fell -40% year-on-year.
  7. Devil's advocate: we led in the last quarter in 11 games in 2014. End of the day we lost and our % was pretty average. Finals far from a guarantee and we are more likely to miss than make it. A lot of work required.
  8. Seeing as club will be parting ways with Brayshaw and Hunt, I would imagine they would be working extremely hard to keep other young stars happy.
  9. Love the guy, as I said, thanks for your service, but time to move on.
  10. Jones is respected in AFL levels for staying with a crap team, reality is no one was really ever interested or enquired about him, and he always stood to earn almost 100% more staying at Melbourne than another club at the next highest salary. From a playing perspective he is well passed it, our Ritchie Vandenverg equivalent and it is time he is moved on. I have said it for years that we won't truly be able to move on from the Bailey and Neeld years until any and all leaders from that era are moved on. Jones' leadership traits appear at odds with Gawn's, and I can't imagine seeing -- nor have I ever seen -- the likes of Oliver, Petracca, Brayshaw following Jones' leadership. I've long been of the opinion that Jones is of an old-school brigade of ol' Melbourne boys, the boys club is gone and you have a new brigade coming through. If we want to keep the likes of Oliver, Trac and Brayshaw, we need to let this new brigade take charge. Thanks for your service, here is your life membership, bye Jones. Let's stop wasting time money and list space on momentum killers and spuds. We have done more than enough to support and empower Jones to be the best player and bloke he can be. It's time to move on. We finished 17th ffs, and his leadership quality and body language this season was poor. He is a perennial loser.
  11. We also need to factor in Brayshaw and Hunt trades...so we may not delist as many as people think.
  12. There is something Hawthorn circa 2013-2015 about this Lions team.
  13. He was always like that. It wasn't exclusive to this year.
  14. Jones is a club stalwart but also a perennial loser. Like Viney, they speak in corporate jingo and PR speak, and in cliches. It's exhausting. "We take full responsibility." Obviously you do? Who else takes responsibility if you don't? The supprters? lol so condescending. If 2019 told us anything it's that our leadership is weak.
  15. Jones has been captain for 3 years too long, really.
  16. In: Hill Langdon Anderson Out: Lewis Jones Stretch JKH
  17. Barring disastrous injuries next year, Jones should end his career at Casey. Thanks for your service. Here's your life membership.
  18. Nah. Fair effort. Took it on and kicked to an empty goal square. He took it on. Can't hold that against him.
  19. Everyone here at the pub: "No way Gawn kicks this." Me: "Yeah Gawn won't kick this." Nek minnit...
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