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Everything posted by montasaurus

  1. Marcus Seacamp's right hook on that mongrel pearce for a squirral grip. Gold, nearly got my self lynched at half time in the CFC's members seats for that one! Beating them was even sweater that day!
  2. This is an interesting point you do raise. Before anybody jumps on me I am not advocating pro merger, but..... Take the emotion away from us and our club and look at it. The proposed MFC takeover of fitzroy, which the AFL prevented with an 11th hr deal at bris, the proposed hawthorne merger with the mfc and now nth have some real similarities in them. The MFC has always been the stronger of the parties when linked. therefore merger or AKA take over is still a distinct posibility in the long run. I know there will be many that will attack this but simple dollars and cents or business models will prevale. if the afl and/or mcc and/or MFC ever run into black holes like our prev administration left we are in real trouble. Things are now looking positive but only just. Nth Melbourne are in my uniformed opinion in big trouble. My hunch is that they are about to hit financil issues equal or greater then ours have been, while their media star president seems to have gone into a shell re the clubs issues and solutions/improvements eg wont even sit with his supports but our snr staff find the time at games to mix with the faithful. CS and Matt G were good enough last week to come up out of the blue at 1/2 time to say g'day to myself, my wife and another friend who are all members and not just say high and buy but spent a few minutes chatting about different things. Fantastic stuff. Unfortunately for Nth, they wont have an MCC to come to the party. On field they have an aging list and even in an era of success suffer from terrible crowd numbers. What happens if they have a downfall like we did in the 2nd half of 06? The afl could very quickly decide that enough is enough and they get placed in adminstration within 1 or 2 years. It could happen that quickly. Block a new sponser ship ala fitzroy and see you later roos. So where to then? Gold coast is off the adjenda. So it is merge, relocate or die. solution - Tasmania/western sydney as a stand alone. The counter to this is many supporters would rather see the club die then relocate so all of a sudden a merger becomes back on the adjenda. My tip will be that after they have beaten our drum enough the doggies will be the next target for the media if the MFC merger avenue goes. Then Stkilda, even richmond. It happens every time a club is in trouble. It all comes down to the AFL if the roos can't get their affers in order. if we were to merge, would a take over ala bris/fitz be all that bad in the long run? it does make me think a little that provided it is still the MFC could many of us learn to accept it? initally i would say no deifinately not, but then if it was our only option for long term survival then maybe it is something that does deserve review. Like I was saying right now no, but take my emotional connection with the club away and subjectively review maybe there is a bit left in the tank for this debate. Remembering the vote was yes last time from our end and in fact hawthorn actually saved our clubs at that point in time. It makes me wonder? Have either brayshaw or stynes made any statements yet? no news can sometime be bad news.
  3. send them both back to the SNAFL and problem solved. WHO CARES ABOUT WHAT COMES OUT OF SA
  4. There is a new club house leader for most annoying ad in the media ATM (ignoring those horrible CGU things) SEN have been giving it a work out. For furniture in toorak or something and finishes in a real posh "AND GO DEES". Goes against everything Stynes and co are don't ATM and a good example of not all publicity is good publicity. MAKES MY SKIN CRAWL.
  5. I found the first of Carlyons books gut renching at times. I haven't had a chance to read the followup but is next on the pile! Then I came across this book a few years ago. "A Bastard of a Place" http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2004/01/...l?from=storyrhs Very heavy reading at times. A real eye opener to popular history and what basic labourers who were untrained, under supplied, facing a fanatical elite force had to endure - HEROS. And not just along the track. Statements from certain football identities along the lines of -we failed the anzacs today.... or other such remarks I really find offensive and have decided to boycot next years game by not watching it. I hope the people who have made these types of statements in the past have read such books as carlyon's and others. This gets my hackles up more then anything else in football to the stage if this sort of rubbish continues the 2 involved should loose the day. (and this is looking past my person feelings towards the 2 clubs) on a somber day what ever happened to being gracious in defeat? LEST WE FORGET! Although it was good to hear the media point out that the winning goal kicker this year is a grandson/great grandson of a member of the original landings on the 25th. Quite fitting I thought
  6. Totally agree with this. no point promoting him if he doesn't play. If I had a choice and there was only 1 spot going in the snr team I would prefer to see a bit of struass/grimes off a wing/HB. Its also cheeper for the club as well! At this point he would have to be a big chance of a snr contract at the end of the season even if he doesn't play a snr game. Its great to see a few of our rookies putting pressure on for snr spots. Breads a healthy culture
  7. Well said rhino, plus the players would have all been aware that the cameras were on them as well. Nothing more then the boys just keeping warm before half time! But in saying that this was built up like a brawl, my view on it from the replay I saw was a bit of push and shove. However it would be a sad day if something like this spilled into the crowd! For a brawl have a look at a replay of the storm v dragons game last year. That was a brawl that was starting to get a little willing!
  8. the secret 15 to go plan? but don't tell anyone!
  9. bate on a wing, might be an option this week to try and find some form
  10. I hope we do, nothing better then seeing young players get their chance based on form. But if we do and it is at the expense of the big spence our rucks fall close to the non-existant in 2 weeks time assuming MJ has to gain match fitness for 2-4 weeks with casey. Then we are effectively at the 1/2 way mark. So from a risk management point we are better leaving spence on the list for messen and only elevating another at mid season (if required). With the LTI rules are we able to elevate another player for messen and then drop them in 2-3weeks if/when MJ is back thus keeping an extra ruck the whole time? or does spencer have to go back as he was the one elevated for mj?
  11. While I don't support an un-informed attack on a MFC employee, but Strawbsodwyer does have an underlying point and I hope the club is looking at this. 2 snr ruckmen both down with leg stress fractures before the 1/2way mark. I hope it is nothing more then bad luck and preseason/training programs have not increased the risk to our big men.
  12. Anyone contemplating public transport be careful! I went to the adel game a few years back and was dropped off for the start of the game. After the game there were no buses, cabs etc etc. Waited 30-40min for any type of transport then walked 1/2way back to broadbeach before finally finding a cab. he didn't even know the game was on! If you can find a lift or even hire a car for the day - it could be a cheaper and faster option!
  13. I believe no one new will be elevated for messen. MJ is about to come back from his LTI meaning the big spence would be back on the rookie list until the mid season rule. With messen out I would suggest this will just keep spencer on the snr list for now. Re Valenti I am still supprised that valenti was not elivated for PW earlier in the season. he could be a chance for the spot now or more likely mid season.
  14. WYL - You know how to brighten up peoples morning! 50% descrepancy for the Vi$y FC. Gota love it! I still can't believe more of that ex carlton board member and his dodgey vested interest dealings re AFL/Docklands/Food vendors has not had more air time. I just hope our deal is better with the MCC!
  15. Hard luck to the mess who was really looking like he was starting to live up to some of the promise. Hardly career ending though I would have thought. Wish him a speedy recovery. Disclaimer.................................................................. The information you are about to read is only rumor. Make no mistake that this is not fact at this point. The poster is purely putting potential news up for those who are interested to read. If you don't like rumors, simple don't read on! ................................................................................ ..... HOT OFF THE PRESS... Abletts groin injury is worse then 1st thought, he may have a bout of the dreaded OP and likely to miss more footy then all are letting on. - From the same source as JW so don't take this as fact, but this scotty palmer type has a very high hit rate when it comes to this type of info, so watch this space.
  16. Nth were close to going under and hence were looking at relocation to stave off disappering all together. Melbourne up until receintly were looking down the same path Melbourne have now "merged" with the MCC which should guarantee the long term survival of the Melbourne Football Club. Nth doesn't seem to have gone forward a couple of years now after the gloss as warn of the change in admin. Therefore they are likely to be looking down the barrel of a problem in the next 5-10yrs. Poor supporter base etc etc. What is most interesting is that they have not been linked to the bulldogs who are always walking the tight rope, however on the surface they seem far off being in dia trouble. If nth cannot improve their off field strength I agree with the earlier statement that the Tassie Kanga's becomes an option. It would be interesting to hear not from Stynes and co, but from the MCC on this issue. Conclusion = SLOW NEWS DAY
  17. I say Nothing........ NOTHING!
  18. Hence why in 2010 Geelong is a real option for all Vic Clubs
  19. Great Idea, but wait until we start winning a few! <EDIT> Has anybody else noticed that ever since the trumpeter has turned up we have been going badly? Maybe he is to blame after all
  20. After a LTI and restricted Pre season i think jamar should and will resume via casey. I wouldn't expect him even if playing well in the VLF to at least rd 13 or 14 going on what has happened so far this year. Hopefully PW does similar.
  21. funny, I was saying the same last night. Great players always seem to make their own luck, and more regulary then other players. He really looks like he could be something special. Me, if I kicked it from there on the left I would have been celebrating a bit more then watts' did so I'll say he was lucky! I just hope he has a lot of this type of luck!
  22. This is not quite right ATM. He is playing a totally defensive back role. I would much rather see him as a forward/mid then backman/mid. Same argument when green comes back.
  23. The most worring thing for me with bate is that he seems to take twice as many steps to balance himself before kicking. This leads him to getting under pressure far more then he should. Might be getting close to a spell in the 2's to get some confidence back.
  24. LOL, I new this was coming 10sec into the game!
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