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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. You don't have Blease in? he would be better suited to the wing than Davey
  2. Lets not forget Grimesy either. Sure he will start his career on a back flank, but he played the majority of his junior footy in the centre.
  3. Sure he hasn't got the bulk required to play yet, but look at Buddy Franklin. The #1 KPF at the moment, and he isn't the biggest fella out there in terms of muscle. He definitely ain't no Fevola, Hall, Pavlich or Brown.
  4. I never said he was bad, i said he got a lot of the easy ball in the backline. Sure he was the link up, but he ran behind to get the ball. He was the loose man, anyone can do that if no one is matching up on you. Whilst our forward line was non-existent after half time. He is needed more in the forward line IMO.
  5. A few things off my chest. #1 - Get Mahoney out of our coaching box. He is useless. Rarely has forwards inside the 50, when we get the ball we have to wait an eternity for players to get down there and by that time we have turned the ball over. When we have a target up there, there is not one crumber for when the ball spills out. I was taught these tactics in primary school. #2 - Stuff Bailey's gameplan. We obviously don't have the skill to execute it for a whole 4 quarters. When a team is as poorly skilled as ours, we need to stick to the basics. Accountable football, first option best option and kick the bloody thing long into the forward line (doesn't matter if there's no one there, hopefully Mahoney will get a clue and put people in the 50) #3 - this may seem controversial to many, but i seriously question Bruce's spot in the side. Sure he gets a lot of the ball, but almost half would be turnovers and a 1/4 would be ineffective. Just stating it as it is, and if you don't agree you are obviously blind and biased. McDonald is awfully close to getting to this level. Sure he might try, but the game passed him by 2 years ago. #4 - PJ needs a rocket sent up his arse. Lazy lazy lazy. Bring Meesen in for him, we're gonna lose anyway so some competition for him can only be good. #5 - we are not going to be any good any time soon. Play the kids and only the kids. What a statement it would make if the captain was dropped from the team. McDonald, the captain, needs to set an example, too often today the team stopped chasing, him included. On-field leadership is way more valuable than off-field. Sadly McDonald is just not up to AFL standard any more. I could say this for almost all players, but the majority are young and need to be tried. #6 - Sylvia had little effect, strike that no effect. However, he did not turn the ball over anywhere near as much as Buckley last week. #7 - Davey is not a midfielder, keep him on a HFF, it is where he played his best footy. I'd prefer to see him get 13 good touches than 20+ easy kicks in the backline. #8 - If we keep this up, showing no progress, Bailey is on borrowed time. And good riddance. If it ain't working then the coach is not getting through to the players. We were competitive for 3 quarters last week, 2 this week, and i predict we will be good for maybe 1 (hopefully at least a half of a quarter at port). We sure are making progress!!! Frustrated?????? i definitely am, but what we put out today was pathetic. a half of footy is not good enough, regardless of if we are young
  6. I agree BBP. His was one of the better performances last week. He generally took the first option and backed himself.
  7. That's easy then. Of the players that are coming out of contract, we'll sign up the guys we don't want to let go the most, then the remaining players that are uncontracted that we still want, we just add them to the list that GC can't touch.
  8. what is also a problem is that we are only going to be able to pay 92% of our total salary cap, so we are going to struggle to keep all our boys together. Talk about front and back-loading contracts. Having said that, i have full confidence in CC and CS in getting ourselves in the best position possible.
  9. i share exactly the same concern pringle. and as i understand it, it doesn't matter if the player does or does not want to go to the GC, if they are chosen they have to. As for Watts, he'll be signed up quick fast (before next season is over), no worries there. I'm hoping that our brains trust signs up all of our talent, before the GC can pillage us. Bastards. hope they fall on their sword. They have a joke of a name, a joke of a guernsey, a joke of a mascot, they'll have a joke of a theme song, and they'll be joking themselves if they think that Queenslander's will give a [censored] about them. Just don't sign up questionable players. There are a few players on our list that i wouldn't mind see going. give the poachers some dead wood. They can have one of Meesen, Newton, and to a lesser extent Bell or Dunn. They can keep their filthy hands off any other players. They are going to be so universally hated before they even enter the comp. it's not funny (almost as much as the filth)
  10. Just to clarify (and this will probably seem like a stupid question) but as GC17 are entitled to 1 uncontracted player from each club at the end of next year, does this certain individual they choose have any say in the matter? or can GC17 just say "tough luck, we're taking you"???
  11. When will Jack Viney be eligible for the draft? Coz GC17 aren't allowed to touch f/s's from what i understand. He would be a very handy pick up indeed.
  12. Long way to go this season, and this talk seems to start earlier and earlier every year. Before we know it, we're gonna be talking about the 2015 draft yet the 2014 season hasn't started. But if i were to hazard a guess, i would be calling these two names out in quick succession. Butcher a tough country boy, the classic FF, Scully is all class, has decent pace and extracts the pill and can receive, whereas Lucas is more of an outside midfielder. Scully could well be the second coming. 'Jesus' Watts obviously being the first.
  13. Bartram - good in patches Bate - not a FF Bennell - wasn't the worst Bruce - had no influence Buckley - get him out Sylvia - get him in Cheney - the next general Davey - [censored] poor attitude Frawley - average game today Garland - mistakes too costly Green - didn't dominate today Jetta - lively small forward Johnson - very little impact Jones - tried all day McDonald - too old, overrated (sorry, but he has little impact on footy games) McLean - slow, slow, slow Miller - little impact today Moloney - BOG for dees Morton - bloody muscle up Petterd - brilliant pocket goal Rivers - got through game Warnock - was rarely sighted Spencer - learn to kick delivery into our forward line was poor, as was our goal kicking. And what is our forward line structure? Why is josh mahoney our forward coach? (cause clearly he can't)
  14. No, he was useless today. How he is in the team before Sylvia is beyond me. Buckley's Achilles heel is his disposal and it was shocking today. What good is it when you can break the lines, but then give it up straight after.
  15. Sure Frosty had a bad game, but jeez, lets not forget how poor our delivery was into the forward 50. And the forward line, it's non-existent. What the hell is Josh Mahoney doing down at the club? He hasn't got a clue when it comes to forward line structure.
  16. That means we're getting an extra $600k+ a year through sponsorship, than when we were with primus. It is all starting to come together nicely. A big hurray to Jimmy and his board. Vote of full confidence and support from me. Go you good thing!!!
  17. I can think of 2 reasons why almighty Hankook would know. Maybe they are upping the ante, but more realistically, if i were a company sharing duel major sponsorship of a team, i would want to know who the other sponsor is. I eagerly await the next 24 hours. I will then be able to go to the demon shop and get the home guernsey as well as the white away strip. Ps. I too will be heading for a Hankook outlet when i get my new car in a couple of months!!!
  18. Bring back Neita!!! Although bringing 'Jesus' Watts into the side might help (even though a fair way off). Hopefully our midfield was decent today.
  19. Rex Hunt's footy panel was always a must watch on Sunday morning. 7 should bring it back. The GFC is starting to hit hard here in Australia, and channel 9 is definately not immune. The NRL footy show got rid of Chief (noooo) and Laurie and Trevor got the arse down here. Newman's pay packet is unbelievable (especially for the tripe he serves up), and Trev was reportedly on $600K a year for saying 2 or 3 things a show. I could do both their jobs for half the price , either way TFS (AFL) is farked. And i agree, the nrl version is much better (not as good as it used to be though)
  20. Hopefully not for a while, if not at all. I have him in DT
  21. We got pretty close to it last year, with our lot running around in netball skirts.
  22. Enter one John Butcher. He epitomises the true FF player. Bate better start getting his arse into gear pretty quickly too. As he will be vying for the same position as Watts and Miller.
  23. My thoughts exactly M2W, another year from hell, but ultimately we would be better for it, with such recruits next year. All we would need is a decent ruckman, and the brains trust at the MFC along with everyone hope that it's Spencer. I can go another year of pain, if it means we are a better chance to win the premiership.
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