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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. Kicking is woeful. up steps Max. 50 out and puts it through goal post height
  2. Long May they dwell in the doldrums
  3. Yep, I wouldn’t move him back, keep him where he is having the greatest influence. Lever can co-ordinate the backline, and if there is some niggle that’s needing to be sorted, I’m sure Jack will gladly make his way down to see what’s going on.
  4. I'd trade Brayshaw a million times before even thinking of letting Viney go (and i don't want to trade Brayshaw). For all his limitations, Viney does not take a backward step, gives 100% and is always happy to be the first one to rampage through the wall. His onfield leadership and physicality becomes all the more important, now that May is out for a month.
  5. Well I reckon it is a bit of a danger game for us. We would’ve been up for the Cats game (and given our 4 quarter effort we were), throw in that our general down back is out with a fractured eye socket and that ANZAC Eve might be on the minds of some players.........not as confident this week as I was against the Cats. If we mean business this year we will beat the dorks, but we need to start well to shut their deluded fans up and stifle any sniff of them getting a run on.
  6. 2 more years is great news. [censored] I’d settle for rolling single year extensions. The longer he is at the club, the better our chances of fulfilling the ultimate. Next up, Trac
  7. He’ll go for that. Head butting is a serious no-no in today’s game
  8. yeah, didn't find that out until halfway out the G. On the train now, happy with the win but hoping for as quick a recovery as possible for May. That being said, i thought Tomlinson played pretty well when he got moved on to Hawkins. Petty's chance to step-up and show us his wares.
  9. if he requires the 12 days out, then he qualifies for ANZAC eve by a day.
  10. Getting hypothermia at the G today, but that definitely warmed me up as i jumped out of my seat
  11. The saviour has arrived ? Done SFA all day, but no doubt will keep his spot after that. Goody will see to it.
  12. Don’t know what annoys me more, Clarry missing a sitter or laughing about it. If he wants serious $ then it’s time he got serious about his footy.
  13. Not captain material. Though, neither is Max IMO. May is our true leader on the field, along with Viney.
  14. Another good game from JJ last night, to backup from his debut in R1. Helps add to our midfield depth and is productive when playing in the seniors (love the 1%’s he bases his game off). Harmes will indeed need to find form to get back into the team when his wrist is ready (definitely no bad thing).
  15. Until such time that Brown returns, the need for Gawn forward (and thus LJ in the ruck is paramount). When forward (and back) Gawn has a huge presence. Get it in quick when he’s there and he will at least force the ball to ground and bring our smalls into the game. That’s our most dangerous setup to kick winning scores until Big Ben can take over. LJ is nowhere near ready imo, but the next month playing in the seniors will do wonders for his development.
  16. Reckon it should be May. He is uncompromising in every aspect of his game, he is passionate, he gives his all and demands that others do as well (2019 incident with Frost).
  17. Jury is still out on quite a few young guys, even if they do or don’t show promise yet.
  18. Nearing Scum entitlement levels BDA
  19. Ordering mine online was easy, had to go to a ticketek window at the ground as I didn’t receive the sms with my electronic ticket (which subsequently came through at approximately 6pm). Still, got it sorted and saw not the best of games with a pi$$weak crowd. A lot of our members really are fair weather supporters. How many on here could’ve gone to the game but chose not to? And how many of them have a go at the club. It seems like those who are the first to criticise are also the first to jump off. No doubt there are quite a few player’s that need to grow some more backbone, I suggest there are many ‘supporters’ that need to as well.
  20. Here’s hoping Jackson has an appetite, as with that fwd line he’ll need to kick 5+ if we are even to have a chance.
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