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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. 2 - 7 free kicks. Any chance of calling it evenly?
  2. Reckon they’re hoping for a WCE effort from us in the wet tonight. Surely we’re not gonna put up an effort like that
  3. No late changes, so Dogs height will win it or lose it for them methinks (hoping the latter)
  4. It’s all mindset. Has been all year. Last weeks game shows we need to be engaged in the contest for its entirety. It’s all in the head Dees.
  5. Well that depends on if our backs don’t all go up for the same ball. Makes it a hell of a lot easier if we have a few players ready for the ground ball, as opposed to going to ground in a big pack, leaving an easy pick up and goal for the oppositions forwards.
  6. Our Achilles heel in the back 50 is when the ball hits the deck. With so many talls up forward, they’d be happy getting the ball to ground then trying to mop it up from there.
  7. If we were to get Maynard, he’d need to seriously smarten up. Sure there’s unsociable, but god he gives away too many unnecessary free kicks.
  8. Boo [censored] hoo Dermott. It’s a contact sport (though it’s getting softer every week), what Fritsch did was fine. I was actually quite surprised he was so physical in that particular contest, as I reckon Bayley is a bit on the soft side.
  9. This team talks a lot of cr@p. Making the MCG our fortress = fail. Instead of being the hunted, we’ll do some hunting ourselves = massive fail. This looks like a team that is more afraid of losing than they are of hunting for a win. At the moment they are displaying such a defeatist attitude. One needs only to look at our captain, who has been poor for close to 2 months now. It’s starts with leadership, and currently, his and the rest of the leadership groups has been nothing short of pathetic. We need to get back to doing the basics and 1%ers. None of this complaining and whining to the umpires (I’m looking at you Clarrie and Max). Just shut up and play football for 4 quarters (you know, doing your jobs).
  10. Viney needs to go down to VFL and earn his spot. Only has a left foot and it ain’t much good. Needs to know his limits and play within them.
  11. Will no doubt light it up against us
  12. Knowing how the AFL like to operate, just about a certainty we get fixtured to play the Friday night as opposed to Saturday.
  13. Yep, you’d think (not getting ahead of ourselves) that gets us in the top 4. Gotta turn up the next 2 weeks. No easy games, especially with how we turn up against sides lower on the ladder.
  14. Second banana with Frisch as the 3rd. With Weid they automatically become #1 & #2
  15. Knowing this team, we’re just as likely to come out next week and role the pear. Frustrating as [censored].
  16. Trade out Brayshaw, Weideman, next years first rounder, etc etc for another decent KPF. Then not play him. Just coz
  17. Pathetic brains trust, pathetic skills, pathetic effort. Pathetic leadership
  18. Only to be outdone by our horrible performance today
  19. Pickett’s done nothing all day, so will probably bob up
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